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Afa Stand Up And Be Heard

Perry understands, that morale is down. Perry understands that there has been past mistakes. Perry is intelligent enough to call a spae a spade. What has happened her this past weekend, didnt do anything but make it crystal clear, that the bad needs to be weeded out. What a few did, has had overwhelming consequences..... Now they must pay for that. These few people, think first that management is always always the bad guy. Find a me one union yet since wolf, that a union has liked.... This isnt managements fault. Oh there may be some middle managers along the way, that need taking out of their positions, but regardless, this isnt the way to do it.
usfliboi said:
Afa leaders should release a statement and put MS Teddy on air, rebuke the slackers that caused this mess ..... AFA has a responsiblity to scold the abusers. If AFA and IAM doesnt do this, it further tarnishes the already bad image that unions have today! To sit back and watch the blatent abuse is just as bad as saying we support it. If these people want more money, and holidays off, then quit and find a job that does just that! Im outraged that we all do the same job, and all are in the same boat, yet a few have managed to slam us right into the ground. MS XIDAS open your mouth and speak something positive for a change.. I m not interested in excuses. Im not interested in morale or the lack of it. Thousands of us are all in the same boat, yet we chose not to abuse the sick time. These people should be FIRED, and every good employee who follows the rules, should make themselves heard. Write AFA AND IAM and tell them you want JUSTICE!!!!!!!! I want this company to survive, we have some control over that, AND THIS IS SOME OF IT!
as a formor F/A I could not agree more...afa can't get my job back but took my dues...and I have a good record...with wacko comments from freaks like XIDAS did she go on the AIL for the month of DEC...I bet she got paid for 105.
There is no point assessing blame at this point. There is plenty of that to go around. What you need now is a plan of action to fix the problem and move forward such as:

Compensate customers who were mistreated last weekend
Try to stem the tide of people booking away

Let's stop all the rhetoric already--does ANYONE have any CONSTRUCTIVE ideas on how to deal with this situation and its aftermath????

It makes my blood boil that this company has the best employees in the business and a combination of bad planning and a FEW bad employees could possibly bring down the whole thing...folks what we saw was worse than anyone's worst nightmare--in operational terms it was the perfect storm.

So...where do we go from here?? NO RHETORIC--let's try and be constructive........

FWIW I am flying on U next week....and the week after that....and the week after.......unless of course someone pulls the plug.....

My BEST to you all..........
usfliboi said:
Perry understands, that morale is down. Perry understands that there has been past mistakes. Perry is intelligent enough to call a spae a spade.

Are you hoping for a hookup fliboil?
Art, thanks for that intelligent and thoughtful post. It means a lot to the employees who give a 110% at work.
usfliboi said:
Afa leaders should release a statement and put MS Teddy on air, rebuke the slackers that caused this mess ..... AFA has a responsiblity to scold the abusers. If AFA and IAM doesnt do this, it further tarnishes the already bad image that unions have today! To sit back and watch the blatent abuse is just as bad as saying we support it. If these people want more money, and holidays off, then quit and find a job that does just that! Im outraged that we all do the same job, and all are in the same boat, yet a few have managed to slam us right into the ground. MS XIDAS open your mouth and speak something positive for a change.. I m not interested in excuses. Im not interested in morale or the lack of it. Thousands of us are all in the same boat, yet we chose not to abuse the sick time. These people should be FIRED, and every good employee who follows the rules, should make themselves heard. Write AFA AND IAM and tell them you want JUSTICE!!!!!!!! I want this company to survive, we have some control over that, AND THIS IS SOME OF IT!

You sure sound like a good union person attacking your fellow union brothers and sisters.

usfliboi was proven not to be what he claims. So no one know what he does, except for being a management kiss up.
700. thats entertainment..... you have proven nothing other than you have no clue ! ROFL
usfliboi said:
you have proven nothing other than you have no clue ! ROFL
Guess you are looking in the mirror!

Don't make me get all the posts and show everyone you are not what you claim.

Delldude is wondering if you can go to the store and pick him up some medicine, he is not feeling well.

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