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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I am a "West Pilot" and the Army of Leonidas speaks for me!! I support the quickest way to remove usapa from existence.
....the east pilots stand to gain more than the West Pilots out of this merger....

Cliff Notes summary = "Whine, Sniffle, Waah!" That whole letter sounds like a purely personal problem for the author to work out, and would be tough to fit on any T-shirts anyway. 😉
Keep clicking those heels, Dorothy. Kansas is just around the corner. Why are you so concerned about how or with whom we spend our well earned dollars? It seems kind of odd.


"well earned dollars"..? So worked performed DOES have value?....Unless whenever discussing seniority, of course? 😉
[font=Arial']Yeah, read it. If anything, it underscores just what a boneheaded move it was for you guys to all vote in favor of the MOU. If you did not want to move down this path, why did you approve it? And then you turn around and bring legal action. By the way, telling all involved they better archive documents is an actionable event, not a bluff, not saber rattling. [/font]

[font=Arial']I hope the BK court takes a pass and lets you guys proceed, and I hope you draw this out for years and years. Happy with my base, equipment, and (finally) my paycheck.[/font]

Well, if you read the letter/update....do you believe any of it?

Take my word, don't take my word, I really do not care, but the entire premise of the Hummer's fiction is that AOL does not speak for the West majority.

Well here is a clue Greeter. Contrary to Luvtobeascab9's contention, Polsinelli has been paid for all of it's services by the twice certified West class.

Further, the West, by a 98% vote, has overwhelmingly supported the merger. why? because it guarantees the end of the scab union, and implementation of the Nic.

You are correct about the litigation hold. Not a bluff. Tell the BPR to bring the minutes of the meeting that led to Hummel update to court.

Another lie from Hummel in his update is that the West has sued multiple times in the last 5 years. A complete fallacy. The West has sued exactly once. Now the scab union has filed numerous suits, most dismissed, and even more motions that caused all the delay and expense.

So, bottom line. It is all water under e bridge now, and usapa is drowning in it!
You are correct about the litigation hold. Not a bluff.

Go get 'em little "spartan"! Tell all involved with a multi-billion dollar transaction just what's what here!...and who's really calling all the shots! Mighty AOL! Hoo-Rah!...Umm...Good luck with all that. 😉 I am curious about one part though: How is it "logical" that "Further, the West, by a 98% vote, has overwhelmingly supported the merger.", yet immediately seeks to feebly threaten that same merger? Perhaps some mulitple personalities disorder en masse? 🙂

I can not help imagining all the good will and warm affection that your little bunch is generating among the tens of thousands of other employees involved....if any are even paying attention to you at all.
It's over now, you are just doing a disservice to your membership. The majority of your airline has accepted that fact.

You are correct. The majority of LCC has accepted the fact that usapa is toast, the Nic is the list, and the merger is the best way to get a pay raise and away from the scabs who hijacked our careers for the past 5 years!

Bye bye usapa!
Marty Harper is USAPA's secret weapon. This guy is the best way to defeat Leonidas. He files unripe suits that deplete Leonidas funding, and launches legal forays that make him rich, and Leonidas bankrupt.
That's right, we're completely out of money and it's all over. So how come the court filings and letters keep coming? Let us know when you figure it out.
He and Mitch Vaselino, Koontz, and Horner keep pushing Harper into battle after battle, and they lose.
Um, you do know the Mr. Horner took his recall to AA several years ago. Don't you?
I deferred a year and a half ago. Purely for QOL reasons: easier commute and more time at home. Don't expect that to change anytime soon.
I deferred a year and a half ago. Purely for QOL reasons: easier commute and more time at home. Don't expect that to change anytime soon.

Big mistake! The yeast and APA have already agreed on the gold standard on the upcoming SLI integration. You're giving up a better DOH! Lol
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