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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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What! No STFU? Come on Move, you can do better!

Well..."Where's PI?/Where's hair pi?" and variations of angry, moronic droolings and "STFU"/"Shut up" were signatory behaviors, as was wholesale lying, flavored with some misplaced fantasy of being "clever", while actually being sufficently stupid as to make feeble attempts at the defense of such, so you've a possible case here sir.
The westerners are known for premature adjudication throughout the industry. Marty is known to bill them for it also. Pretty sad.
What would you can a law suit filed on the mear intention of doing something?

Talk about the kettle calling the pot black. Filing a law suit in BK court that usapa does not even understand. The usapa lawyers are running up the bills before usapa goes away.

You remember the status quo law suit in EDNY don't you? What was the outcome? Who was the lawyer?

I expect the same result. Dismissed. Just like the last time usapa tried to get in front of judge Lane.
Shut up you idiot.
There's the JJ aka Move2 we all love, almost a Fodase, maybe next time. it's over boys and girls, sit back and let the reality sink in. How the heck are you ever going to pay Marty? Hey how bout I buy aI bucket of KFC for you all, least we can do!!!!
Yet another attempt of premature adjudication in the desert today. Time for a change of venue.

Hopefully that train wreck will soon be moved to the BK court, and we can be done with this nonsense. At least for a while.

Was that IT? This was the lawsuit that was going to shut down USAPA and impose the NIC? What a letdown. I can’t believe anything I read here!


That law suit in BK court is dead. Complete waste of money.

We don't have to shut down usapa. The MOU will do that. Yes impose the Nicolau. That is the only thing Leonidas was designed to do. A law suit does not have to be complex just get the point across. This filing does that. But if you are not impressed so be it. We only have to convince the judge.

The Arizona federal court will finish this. Hopefully very soon.
The Arizona federal court will finish this.

Indeed. 😉 Much like Wake served as the final authority on, well...anything....? I'm pleased to see that you've a proper and well developed sense of humor. Such will serve you well in your life to come.
That law suit in BK court is dead. Complete waste of money.

We don't have to shut down usapa. The MOU will do that. Yes impose the Nicolau. That is the only thing Leonidas was designed to do. A law suit does not have to be complex just get the point across. This filing does that. But if you are not impressed so be it. We only have to convince the judge.

The Arizona federal court will finish this. Hopefully very soon.

What happened the last time Wake tried to fix your trial? Bzzzzzzzzt! On to San Francisco!
That law suit in BK court is dead. Complete waste of money.

We don't have to shut down usapa. The MOU will do that. Yes impose the Nicolau. That is the only thing Leonidas was designed to do. A law suit does not have to be complex just get the point across. This filing does that. But if you are not impressed so be it. We only have to convince the judge.

The Arizona federal court will finish this. Hopefully very soon.

Your last stand was your idiotic vote for the MOU. The Nicolau died that day.
Your last stand was your idiotic vote for the MOU. The Nicolau died that day.

Sigh! You misunderstand the inherent "brilliance" within their surgically perfect, tactical strike there Bro. Take a moment to consider the west's "logic" here = We almost unanimously voted in favor of the MOU, which notably contained nothing even hinting that the nic is it, or even noting the nic's supposed existence, and was forwarded for ratification by the union that contains DOH within it's very CBL's, which we're now pretending complete ignorance of, but, we support the merger, even though we're vainly threatening to sue against accepting what we almost all just voted for...and....well...Waah!...Just gimme my nic!!...Waah! 😉

"We only have to convince the judge." Good luck with that kids. 🙂 Let's see here...tens of thousands of employees, billions of dollars involved, repeat; billions of dollars involved...against any part of this...we have this little handfull of west "spartans"...? Ummm....ok then. Should be a slam-dunk, complete piece of cake for the mighty "army". 😉
Your last stand was your idiotic vote for the MOU. The Nicolau died that day.

[font=Arial'][font=Arial']The Nic actually died on the first trip to the Ninth. It’s just taking a while to convince all involved. Especially those with money to burn.[/font][/font]

[font=Arial'][font=Arial']This latest is really a sad conglomeration of all the same, tired arguments heard and dismissed over the last 5 years, wrapped up in a swan song. The fact the West class ratified the MOU, despite the clear message it was not a JCBA, speaks to desperation.[/font][/font]

[font=Arial'][font=Arial']I guess if you say something enough, like on this forum, it becomes true. Not really, I was just making that up.[/font][/font]

Sigh! You misunderstand the inherent "brilliance" within their surgically perfect, tactical strike there Bro. Take a moment to consider the west's "logic" here = We almost unanimously voted in favor of the MOU, which notably contained nothing even hinting that the nic is it, or even noting the nic's supposed existence, and was forwarded for ratification by the union that contains DOH within it's very CBL's, which we're now pretending complete ignorance of, but, we support the merger, even though we're vainly threatening to sue against accepting what we almost all just voted for...and....well...Waah!...Just gimme my nic!!...Waah! 😉

"We only have to convince the judge." Good luck with that kids. 🙂

It makes absolutely no sense. The legal ineptitude is stunning.
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