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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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GUESS AGAIN ! I'LL SPELL IT OUT, aint that guy, BASED IN CLT DS , D for DIP! S for, well you guessed it, and who would pretend to have your intelligence?

Oh good. I thought you were John. I like and respect John so my apologies to him. In which case your original assumption, whoever you are, regarding JA is accurate and appropriate.
I don't understand. Is that something he does often?

Unless MM is in fact "Bill G. The Blogger", that is not his work.

And he does do it often. His posts would have more weight (or not) if the author was known.
Postings from other forums indicate that the APA has stripped their membership of voting rights on a proposed TA. If that's true...this just gets "curiouser and curiouser". Does anyone have more/any info on that?
Postings from other forums indicate that the APA has stripped their membership of voting rights on a proposed TA. If that's true...this just gets "curiouser and curiouser". Does anyone have more/any info on that?
That does not make sense. How or why would the APA do that? After all APA is not the east.
That does not make sense. How or why would the APA do that? After all APA is not the east.

It doesn't to me either, hence the question. If you know nothing of this, and all you've got to "offer" is yet another, typically infantile jab...well...why waste the keystrokes?

Does anyone have any actual information as to this being true or false?
It doesn't to me either, hence the question. If you know nothing of this, and all you've got to "offer" is yet another, typically infantile jab...well...why waste the keystrokes?

Does anyone have any actual information as to this being true or false?

What forum did you see that in?
Well chalk up another court case loser for usapa. I have to give them credit though. They are figuring out that when they file a loser case the quicker they fold, the cheaper it is.

After all of the chest thumping, tuff talk and accusations. Cleary dropped the case against Seham. What is McKee and the fab 5 got to say now that their hero Cleary lead them down the path again?

Why has the more open and transparent union not informed the membership of this event? It happened 10 days ago plenty of time for the real usapa scab (yes his name is on the master list) to get that info to the pilots. Must be the distraction Cleary needed before he slithered out of office is not needed anymore.
Can you please clarify? How did Cleary drop anything on his own?
It doesn't to me either, hence the question. If you know nothing of this, and all you've got to "offer" is yet another, typically infantile jab...well...why waste the keystrokes?

Does anyone have any actual information as to this being true or false?

No doubt there are lots of people who can benefit from rumors that incite division and distrust among union members. But no fear, Parker and pals would never accept anything other than full, forthright, above board, and complete transparency.... with immediate parity for all, no furloughs.. oh, and a chocolate truffle with every crew meal (yeah, crew meals... you buy them for $15--incremental revenue to help with the $1.2B synergies).
Hummel, the quasi adult, dropped it for him...I'm sure he sees it as an obvious waste of time and money. One of a multitude of obvious facts utterly lost upon Kim Jong Dipschitt.

Umm...OK: "...the quasi adult,.." quicly followed by: "...Kim Jong Dipschitt."...? Sigh!...Another demonstrative lesson in "maturity" 😉 Some "characters", one could not believably create for use in children's comic books..
Just a thought ..... The APA has to live under it too.

Yeah...seems ridiculous that the APA would disenfranchise their membership of any vote. Why bother dumping alpa just to eventually go back to that same kind of rancid BS? As it's just something seen on a chat board; I'd hope it isn't true.
Why bother dumping alpa just to eventually go back to that same kind of rancid BS?

You're only now asking that question? One would think that the realization would have hit you much sooner...but I guess some are a little slower than others...

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