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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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The company can drop it's appeal,,,that is fine,,AOLhas no problem with judge Silver's ruling that places uscaba on "dangerous ground".

In reference to Claxhole's post, and Hummer's contention that AOL is coming between LCC and the merger, not even close.

Remember, it is the West that voted 98% in favor of the MOU. Meanwhile, it is uscaba that runs a second time to the the bankruptcy judge Lane(who already told them once to get lost) trying to make itself relevant.

Face the facts Luv.

Uscaba is a lame duck, soon to be gone mistake that cost the majority of LCC pilots very
large sums of money.

AOL is completely in favor of the merger, and is still representative of the majority of West pilots.

The Nic is still the only accepted system seniority list at LCC.

Marty Harper is USAPA's secret weapon. This guy is the best way to defeat Leonidas. He files unripe suits that deplete Leonidas funding, and launches legal forays that make him rich, and Leonidas bankrupt. ClearFergie must be getting a piece of the action. He and Mitch Vaselino, Koontz, and Horner keep pushing Harper into battle after battle, and they lose. Leonidas is a swamp. The time has come for the final draining.
The sand and fur sure are flying in the west, as the desert rats scurry about in their never ending quest to steal some else's cheese.

How about that...

Boeing Driver

Harper pushed them into the end game with his poorly advised MOU endorsement. This backfired on them immediately. Leonidas is pretty much out of legal funds. The end is near.
[font=Arial']You will have the same "access" you had in 2005, with the addition of any growth and/or previously arbitrated aircraft. [/font]

[font=Arial']But I have no real say in the matter. I will leave that to the Merger Committee ( and those that have responded in action when asked to participate in the process at hand.) And no "crewroom" wailing wall lists, please![/font]

[font=Arial']Greeter [/font]

The wailing wall is rarely visited in the Phoenix crew room. USAPA does post propaganda every once in a while which is ignored for the most part.

There is a sticker which reads "for amusement only"
The facts are these: Leonidas is far, far past due paying its' legal obligations. The westerners are tapped out.
You will have the same "access" you had in 2005, with the addition of any growth and/or previously arbitrated aircraft.


You'd like the seniority snapshot for east and west to be 2013, but would like the widebody snapshot to be in 2005? Please pick a year and stay consistent. I'm starting to think you guys cherry pick your years, just like you cherry pick your words from court rulings :huh:

The facts are these: Leonidas is far, far past due paying its' legal obligations. The westerners are tapped out.

Keep clicking those heels, Dorothy. Kansas is just around the corner. Why are you so concerned about how or with whom we spend our well earned dollars? It seems kind of odd.

Keep clicking those heels, Dorothy. Kansas is just around the corner. Why are you so concerned about how or with whom we spend our well earned dollars? It seems kind of odd.

It's over now, you are just doing a disservice to your membership. The majority of your airline has accepted that fact.

You'd like the seniority snapshot for east and west to be 2013, but would like the widebody snapshot to be in 2005? Please pick a year and stay consistent. I'm starting to think you guys cherry pick your years, just like you cherry pick your words from court rulings :huh:

[font=Arial']I said nothing of a snapshot. That is a tool for merging two lists.[/font]

[font=Arial']Your list and our list, other than those leaving (leaving and hired on our side) have not changed since 2005. You are under the mistaken impression there is somehow a fallback position that our two lists would be merged BEFORE we merge with APA, if your NIC quest continues to fail. Thus your snapshot logic.[/font]

[font=Arial']All you have is what you had then, and what little came after 2005. Nothing more, nothing less. Perhaps you were foolish to not try and establish a ratified combined position before this merger came along. You had plenty of time, Here we be.[/font]

Keep clicking those heels, Dorothy. Kansas is just around the corner. Why are you so concerned about how or with whom we spend our well earned dollars? It seems kind of odd.


I've read numerous letters to Hummel similar to the one below. He's really fired up our pilots and has done a marvelous job funding our defense. The goal of filing a weak lawsuit may have been to drain the Leonidas funds. This has been another shot in the foot for USAPA. Brilliant!

Letter of the day:

"To whom it may concern:

I am a “West Pilot” and the Army of Leonidas speaks for me!! I support the quickest way to remove usapa from existence.

Even though all West pilots stand to lose many contractual benefits, at least initially, in a merger with AA, the former AAA pilot will gain on just about every aspect from LOA 93 implemented during your second bankruptcy. I am all for the removal of your defunct association. Even with the only pilots, east pilots, that you represent gaining the most out of a combined contract going forward, I will continue to support AOL until the NIC is implemented. Just look at the reasoning for Nicolau’s decision, the east pilots stand to gain more than the West Pilots out of this merger, not to mention the terrible existence of perpetual furlough that plagued your nearly liquidated company, with zero career expectations!

It is shameful that it was possible to have strong standing in this merger or any merger had we a joint contract 6 years ago, with pay rates that we may be receiving once this merger with AA becomes effective. Much like you pinned the next 6 years at about $1.6 billion in gains for all US Airways pilots, a majority of those gains go to former east pilots. Those benefits have easily been lost in the past 6 years, maybe more. Working on our second contract with much higher rates of pay and benefits would have given us a more solid foundation going into any SLI or JCBA with any airline.

You and your corrupt organization has hurt every pilot that works at our airline, US Airways.

I will continue to support AOL until the NIC is implemented and you no longer insist on holding back all US Airways pilots!"
[font=Arial']Yeah, read it. If anything, it underscores just what a boneheaded move it was for you guys to all vote in favor of the MOU. If you did not want to move down this path, why did you approve it? And then you turn around and bring legal action. By the way, telling all involved they better archive documents is an actionable event, not a bluff, not saber rattling. [/font]

[font=Arial']I hope the BK court takes a pass and lets you guys proceed, and I hope you draw this out for years and years. Happy with my base, equipment, and (finally) my paycheck.[/font]


The MOU vote is irrelevant to the SLI. The MC was clear about this so shy do you keep bringing it up?
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