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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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You are correct. The majority of LCC has accepted the fact that usapa is toast, the Nic is the list, and the merger is the best way to get a pay raise and away from the scabs who hijacked our careers for the past 5 years!

Bye bye usapa!
We have no problem going to the APA as for your NIC, that finished, sorry. I understand the west is joining the recall of Hummel since your NIC is no longer an option.
Posting from CLT today? Aren't you at the pretend union meeting pretending to be important while trying to be CRIMInal?

Face it as a '99 hire you're at the bottom right where you belong.

Also between the company, Doug is getting very fed up with this little group and will most likely drop their appeal soon. AOL is toast.
Go get 'em little "spartan"! Tell all involved with a multi-billion dollar transaction just what's what here!...and who's really calling all the shots! Mighty AOL! Hoo-Rah!...Umm...Good luck with all that. 😉 I am curious about one part though: How is it "logical" that "Further, the West, by a 98% vote, has overwhelmingly supported the merger.", yet immediately seeks to feebly threaten that same merger? Perhaps some mulitple personalities disorder en masse? 🙂

I can not help imagining all the good will and warm affection that your little bunch is generating among the tens of thousands of other employees involved....if any are even paying attention to you at all.

Speaking of multiple personality disorders....I had to wait for you to edit this post ,,,,what was it?,,,,,5 times before you finished.

To answere the question that you eventually asked,,,,the West is not threatening the merger. AOL is only concerned about the pilot seniority integration, and their only issue there is that the Nic be used.

Now certain usapa idiots keep running to the bankruptcy judge trying to gum up the works with their tired demands of reneging on a final and binding arbitration, but that will be dismissed as with all things usapa.

Funny how you are now concerned with the attitudes of your future fellow employees, when for the last 5 years you have been kicking them in the crotch.
You mean the USAPA whose imminent demise you are so loudly cheering? You can't get blood from a stone, or a judgement from a corpse.

Yep, that is exactly the usapa I am talking about.

You also can't rearrange a system seniority list post mortem.

RIP....er...make that GTH usapa!
Yet another attempt of premature adjudication in the desert today. Time for a change of venue.

Hopefully that train wreck will soon be moved to the BK court, and we can be done with this nonsense. At least for a while.

Was that IT? This was the lawsuit that was going to shut down USAPA and impose the NIC? What a letdown. I can’t believe anything I read here!

nic4us: You are correct about the litigation hold. Not a bluff.

To answere the question that you eventually asked,,,,the West is not threatening the merger.

Funny how you are now concerned with the attitudes of your future fellow employees, when for the last 5 years you have been kicking them in the crotch.

1) Some obvious difficulty with even the very idea of consistency? Not to worry. None imagine you've any ability to successfully threaten anything. 😉

2) Previously addressed in another post: Cliff Notes summary = "Whine, Sniffle, Waah!"
Yet another attempt of premature adjudication in the desert today. Time for a change of venue.

Hopefully that train wreck will soon be moved to the BK court, and we can be done with this nonsense. At least for a while.

Was that IT? This was the lawsuit that was going to shut down USAPA and impose the NIC? What a letdown. I can’t believe anything I read here!


The westerners are known for premature adjudication throughout the industry. Marty is known to bill them for it also. Pretty sad.
Get ready to explain that fictitious LUP for the last time USCABA!!!
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