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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Not so fast Mr. Kumbaya.

There is only one incident of a west pilot being denied a jump seat by an East pilot. There are hundreds of incidents of the west pilots denying East.

The west pilots had their assistant chief pilot steal East pilots personal information from company computers.

The west pilots have been standing up in front of company officials in crew meetings for years accusing East pilots of slowing down the operation.

Your west pilot self serving disrespect for the pilots involved in the Miracle On The Hudson, because they were East pilots, is unforgivable.

The west pilots have been trying everything in their limp arsenal to undermine everything USAPA has tried to do to improve pilot lifestyles, in the name of righteousness, with the goal of the nicolau being a wormhole to improve their seniority. A rose held by a pig with lipstick on, is still a pig holding a rose that smells the same.


Cheers Claxon, TGIF. You are tonight's winner. Congrats!

Looks like Harper pretty much put Sully in his place.
Intelligent people will read the transcripts and there are others who will let you surmise their opinion. There are some like yourself who will not read it and still pontificate.
alpa pilot "nuetrals" in the AWA USAirways seniority debacle, Gillen and Brucia will be hypocrites. Back then CAL Brucia said longevity and UAL Gillen said slotting. These pilots now will proclaim the opposite is fair when they are personally involved.

UAL CAL merger of lists getting ugly early.

UAL MEC update, March 28, 2013

SLI Arbitration Hearings to Begin
Arbitration hearings on the SLI have been scheduled to begin in April. All hearings will be open to pilots and their families.

All hearings will take place at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel,1330 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC. This hotel is located just a short walk from L'Enfant Plaza (which is also a hub for the Metro trains). Hearings are scheduled to extend for nine hours each day and will likely begin each day at 9 a.m. and end by 6 p.m. with up to a 90-minute break for lunch. Signage will be posted in the hotel entry and/or lobby to direct members to the hearing room for that day. A schedule of arbitration hearings follows:
375]April 15-20
May 11-15
June 11-13
June 18-20
June 27-28

Each side will present opening statements on April 15. The Continental Representatives will present their direct case April 15-20. The United Representatives will present their direct case May 11-15. June hearings are scheduled for rebuttal and sur-rebuttal presentations by both parties. One or more of the listed dates may not be used.

In addition, pre-hearing statements will be submitted April 11, 2013 and post-hearing briefs will be submitted July 25, 2013. All statements and briefs will be posted on the Merger Committee’s section of the MEC website once they are available. Links to the content will be provided in regular updates and on the MEC website homepage.
Great debater and ability to discuss facts, I give up you win.
You are truly a masterdbater in the evening.

No, you win.

Your masterdebating skills are far superior. You'll have to go it alone.

I'll bid you and your Red Solo Cup a goodnight.
700 got it right. Sully left the court room after that fast.

BTW after his embarrassment in court I was told that was the last time Sully took a call from usapa.

Thank you for interjecting more facts in tonight discussion. I personally heard that a west pilot tried to steal Sully's kidney while he was sleeping in a PHX hotel room that night. The west pilot was then going to sell the kidney on ebay.
Dont need a quote, Sully wasnt a union rep, didnt negotiate nor represent a west pilot nor an east pilot under the CBA.

But he did cash in on his fame, now didnt he?

He let usapa use him.

Next you will tell us he hosted airplane cleaning parties on his days off during the strike. He even brought his own vacuum from home.
Next you will tell us he hosted airplane cleaning parties on his days off during the strike. He even brought his own vacuum from home.
Theres the truth of it! Lets bring that crap up from twenty years ago.
Looks like Harper pretty much put Sully in his place.
That's not what I took from the exchange. Sully made his point, it's just that he is a pilot and pilots do things. Harper is a lawyer and lawyers are....well, lawyers.

It's a good thing they didn't call me.

When they do, I'm looking forward to it.
Dont need a quote, Sully wasnt a union rep, didnt negotiate nor represent a west pilot nor an east pilot under the CBA.

But he did cash in on his fame, now didnt he?

He let usapa use him.
Cashed in in the same light as a Superbowl QB or Lenny Skutnick in the Air Florida disaster.
Excellent performance should be recognized you pompous jackass.
That guy could do your job in a minute. You could never achieve what level he did ever, so you try to belittle him like the other cretins here. Typical under achiever mentality.
Bravo 700. I'm one who can separate the Hudson from the courtroom.
No, you can't unbundle the courtroom from Sully and Skiles. Sully saw your scheme to take Skiles down and backed his six. Something he did for his fellow pilots his entire career.
700 UW has a hard on for pilots because some pilot beat him out of a NY Post when he tried to pick one up before he spent the rest of the afternoon in the bathroom stall.
The new people from Africa and the islands could clean five jets before 700 got to the 5th row on one.
I love how you cant debate or refute the facts, so you have to resort to lame personal attacks.

One's job does not equate to their knowledge, education or skills.

And like I said Sully was used as a pawn by usapa and he cashed in on his fame, didnt see Skiles nor the three flight attendants cash in on their fame.

So if it makes you feel better to try and attack go for it, I have thick skin.
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