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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Now, now......don't go changing the subject on me. You said: "Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't want you to get your hopes up too high for DOH and a 7 year fence (facing inward) around PHX. I remember the anger and disbelief after the last time that didn't happen."

And I said: "I guess we must remember "differently", last time I checked, that's exactly what happened!" I thought this was a conversation about how the last SLI has worked out so far and instead of responding to my comment, you sashay right on in to the lack of an East-West JCBA and LOA93

Ok, what about it, let's see, the choices were the NIC and Kirby or DOH and separate ops. I chose separate ops, and to this day don't regret it one bit. As far as LOA93 goes, yea it sucks (sucked) but things seemed to have finally worked out pretty well as far as the pay thing goes and I have always been paid more on the 75 than any Westie has (until the MOU that is) and now we're all one big "pay parity" family. I'd say things have worked out just fine so far.

Enjoy PHX for a couple more years and don't forget to bid the 75 next chance you get, assuming you have the DOH seniority to hold it.


You guys crack me up. Even when you guys lose an argument you refuse to accept it. Guess you guys just never lose, since you refuse to accept it.

You guys crack me up. Even when you guys lose an argument you refuse to accept it. Guess you guys just never lose, since you refuse to accept it. What's that old saying? Something about ignorance is bliss.

Something about AOL?

On that thought process, should the sli look back at the 2005 AMR snapshot and go forward with that ?



The snapshot is taken from sometime between the announcement and the date of the POR. The merger between AWA and US already happened and that snapshoot was taken long ago. The timeline for the AA/US merger is still ongoing.

The point made is the MOU/MTA/JCBA(AMR greenbook) in in fact just what he published. I don't know if its a BK contract like LOA 93, but it is substantially less thn United and Delta.

Just food for thought.
And it was always supposed to be. The agreement was that we give the company 36 months to capture the synergies of the merger and bring us to parity with United/Delta with yearly raises until that point. This is not new and I don't know why this is being framed the way it is except to try to make people mad.
Your so called "bridge" is going to be a very very long one, do not expect any pay increase at all, you signed it you live with it. We blew our chance big time on this MOU, gave up C of C and scope for nothing in return. still the lowest paid and guys are happy about that, I don't get it.
Liar...36 months...THAT'S how long it takes to get to parity with regular raises. More BS to stir up trouble so you and your idiot friends can take a crack at a recall of Hummel.
And it was always supposed to be. The agreement was that we give the company 36 months to capture the synergies of the merger and bring us to parity with United/Delta with yearly raises until that point. This is not new and I don't know why this is being framed the way it is except to try to make people mad.

That was my understanding as well. I think they're just trying to stir stuff up. I can't imagine anyone thinking that after combining US and a bankrupt AA, wham bam, we'd instantly be paid top of the industry wages. Well, maybe some of the people on here that still believe in Santa and the Easter bunny. We came into this parked and with an injunction, thanks to our previous brilliant leaders.

Liar...36 months...THAT'S how long it takes to get to parity with regular raises. More BS to stir up trouble so you and your idiot friends can take a crack at a recall of Hummel.
I was referring to the JCBA you seem to indicate that we would get much more from the JCBA I guess you misunderstood me., Kinda of like you and your idiot friends tried to get rid of the CLT reps, the ones that got you retrospective pay, I guess the CLT pilots shut you boys down 3 to 1 quite impressive. Hummel has got to go.
In case you haven't heard, American is bankrupt,
And it does not bother you each pilot gets over 100,000 grand and a much better deal that we got, geez I wish we were bankrupt again. This pilot group is pathetic and weak..( In case you haven't heard) thanks to indivuals like you.
I was referring to the JCBA you seem to indicate that we would get much more from the JCBA I guess you misunderstood me., Kinda of like you and your idiot friends tried to get rid of the CLT reps, the ones that got you retrospective pay, I guess the CLT pilots shut you boys down 3 to 1 quite impressive. Hummel has got to go.
I don't misunderstand you at all. Everything you write here has one purpose. To drum up support for a recall of Hummel. The CLT recall had the desired effect. As far as the retrospective pay goes, only the weak mined would believe the CLT reps were responsible for that. The APA saw MOU 1 and wanted in. THEY are the reason it was updated through negotiations. NOT the CLT reps. YOU GO.
This pilot group is pathetic and weak..( In case you haven't heard) thanks to indivuals like you.

The American pilots got 100 K because they're unsecured creditors.

What a dimwit, thankfully you'll be gone soon.

indivuals- no dictionary results

Hey Guys:

If anyone thinks we did not negotiate a BK pay scale, they need to think again!

NO PROFIT SHARING $????????????

You don't even want to look at the Delta disparity. As the #1 Airline in size and revenue generating capability, it begs (2) questions, why are we being paid like #4 (Southwest makes more) and is Doug and the rest of Tempe (I mean DFW) compensation package going to reflect being paid like the #4 or #1?

Hey Luv, not picking on you, I was just thinking about your profit sharing reference:

I saw your post and kept thinking about what you fear, that being in a few years the New AMR has a yearly profit of, say 2B, and how you won't get a "piece." Let me say first that our best chances for improving our lot lie in working for a successful company. Unlike you, I see no downside to the Company being wildly successful.

Delta got a new contract early. In doing so they gave DL some more Scope relief (and by relief they actually brought almost 20% of their regional flying in house) and gave up profit sharing for hourly raises. The APA did the same thing, I believe we got some percentage raises earlier in that "trade."

As to a "2B" yearly profit figure, little ol' US Airways just had a yearly profit of $637M (.64B!) Under our current contract, I got $4907, and took home about 3K. And that profit was only divided for 5000 or so pilots, not over 11 or 12K at the New AMR.

Last year included our biggest quarterly profit ever, and I took home 3K. I would get the same moneys from an hourly raise of $5 flying 85 hours. And I would get it each and every year, even the ones where a profit is not shown. Based on the history of this industry I personally prefer the bird in hand. Is that not win/win? I guess if you glass is half empty it never will be.

Not even counting the JNC process, I think there will be opportunities to reopen our contract. Not sure when, but new hire pay is going to have to go up eventually, and when they need it to go up, they will have to come to us. Same for some of the new programs on the horizon, such as bringing guys on the property who cannot even fly. And I also think Parker is coming back for changes in Scope. Our guys actually did pretty well considering what they were up against (being left out of most of the process.) Parker did NOT get what HE wanted. Look, I may be off on all my predictions, but I just don't see this airline, and industry being static. As we finally see a profitable industry, management is going be willing to share if it can get them even bigger profits. That will require no more leverage than simply good negotiations. Again, look at Delta. They plan on making tons of more moneys, and were willing to talk early to move on.

So bring it on, big profits. In less than 3 years my compensation will hopefully exceed .25M. They are going to need them to keep paying me (and stop with the testicle evaluations, we are in a much better place now than February 7th.)


The snapshot is taken from sometime between the announcement and the date of the POR. The merger between AWA and US already happened and that snapshoot was taken long ago. The timeline for the AA/US merger is still ongoing.

Do you think American will use their 2005 list?
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