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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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As one east pilot already pointed out, people guard what they say on the jumpseat. I know some American pilots, well enough that they were at my wedding, and that's not the complete story. I think you're back at cherry picking again. Do they like the Nicolau? No, but they know it's the list, or at least going to be the blueprint for the east/west seniotity list. Do they want arbitration? Some yes, some no. The ones that say no however feel it is the best way to avoid litigation and hassle down the road. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't want you to get your hopes up too high for DOH and a 7 year fence (facing inward) around PHX. I remember the anger and disbelief after the last time that didn't happen. I'm hoping to move on no matter what happens. Hopefully we all can.


"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't want you to get your hopes up too high for DOH and a 7 year fence (facing inward) around PHX. I remember the anger and disbelief after the last time that didn't happen."

I guess we must remember "differently", last time I checked, that's exactly what happened!

Your so called "bridge" is going to be a very very long one, do not expect any pay increase at all, you signed it you live with it. We blew our chance big time on this MOU, gave up C of C and scope for nothing in return. still the lowest paid and guys are happy about that, I don't get it.

You were destined to make the same mistake your group has always made, "shoot for the moon"...closely related to "full pay to the very last day". On this matter I agree with Greeter and thankfully we had enough adults take part in the decision.
You were destined to make the same mistake your group has always made, "shoot for the moon"...closely related to "full pay to the very last day". On this matter I agree with Greeter and thankfully we had enough adults take part in the decision.

I don't agree with Greeter for the most part at least he keeps the debate civil.
Yea your right, we don't even deserve the very little we got now, the other pilots groups are much better than we are so they deserve more, you really need to grow a pair.
If it were only that simple. Grow a pair and the company will just cave to whatever you want.

Your so called "bridge" is going to be a very very long one, do not expect any pay increase at all, you signed it you live with it. We blew our chance big time on this MOU, gave up C of C and scope for nothing in return. still the lowest paid and guys are happy about that, I don't get it.

Sorry but we aren't going to burn the house down because you think you can get a few more dollars in your bank account before you retire.

We are going to have parity in a few years.
The point made is the MOU/MTA/JCBA(AMR greenbook) in in fact just what he published. I don't know if its a BK contract like LOA 93, but it is substantially less thn United and Delta.

Just food for thought.

And it was negotiated by the APA.
USAPA couldn't even get to a TA during a period of record profits for US Airways. Yep, this only proves the east has been nothing but profession coat tail riders- letting the other major airline pilot groups do the heavy lifting/ bargaining and strikes while you guys did nothing but play pocket pinball with each other. And now you criticize something the APA brought to you. Says much about your character.
You don't even want to look at the Delta disparity. As the #1 Airline in size and revenue generating capability, it begs (2) questions, why are we being paid like #4 (Southwest makes more) and is Doug and the rest of Tempe (I mean DFW) compensation package going to reflect being paid like the #4 or #1?

In case you haven't heard, American is bankrupt, Delta made a billion dollars last year.
In case you haven't heard, American is bankrupt, Delta made a billion dollars last year.
Wait until the new AA takes flight with the BK payscales. Dougie will be taking the credit for a 2 Billion annual profit and none of it has to go to profit sharing.
"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't want you to get your hopes up too high for DOH and a 7 year fence (facing inward) around PHX. I remember the anger and disbelief after the last time that didn't happen."

I guess we must remember "differently", last time I checked, that's exactly what happened!


That's funny, I don't remember you guys getting a new contract and a raise. You only achieved that by willingly sitting on LOA93! I think I'd be embarrassed, not proud of that. I know you masochists would prefer to sit on LOA93 until end days, luckily for all it will be different this time.

And it was negotiated by the APA.
USAPA couldn't even get to a TA during a period of record profits for US Airways. Yep, this only proves the east has been nothing but profession coat tail riders- letting the other major airline pilot groups do the heavy lifting/ bargaining and strikes while you guys did nothing but play pocket pinball with each other. And now you criticize something the APA brought to you. Says much about your character.
How about those non bankruptcy AWA pay rates. Impressive!
"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't want you to get your hopes up too high for DOH and a 7 year fence (facing inward) around PHX. I remember the anger and disbelief after the last time that didn't happen."

I guess we must remember "differently", last time I checked, that's exactly what happened!

I wonder if relative position in PHX and doh elsewhere would work. (The 777 fence is electric and covered with razor wire!)
That's funny, I don't remember you guys getting a new contract and a raise. You only achieved that by willingly sitting on LOA93! I think I'd be embarrassed, not proud of that. I know you masochists would prefer to sit on LOA93 until end days, luckily for all it will be different this time.


Now, now......don't go changing the subject on me. You said: "Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't want you to get your hopes up too high for DOH and a 7 year fence (facing inward) around PHX. I remember the anger and disbelief after the last time that didn't happen."

And I said: "I guess we must remember "differently", last time I checked, that's exactly what happened!" I thought this was a conversation about how the last SLI has worked out so far and instead of responding to my comment, you sashay right on in to the lack of an East-West JCBA and LOA93

Ok, what about it, let's see, the choices were the NIC and Kirby or DOH and separate ops. I chose separate ops, and to this day don't regret it one bit. As far as LOA93 goes, yea it sucks (sucked) but things seemed to have finally worked out pretty well as far as the pay thing goes and I have always been paid more on the 75 than any Westie has (until the MOU that is) and now we're all one big "pay parity" family. I'd say things have worked out just fine so far.

Enjoy PHX for a couple more years and don't forget to bid the 75 next chance you get, assuming you have the DOH seniority to hold it.

You guys really think you can drag the snap shot from the AWA/US merger to the current merger? Ohhhhhhhh boy. Okay, we'll good luck with that.



On that thought process, should the sli look back at the 2005 AMR snapshot and go forward with that ?

And it was negotiated by the APA.
USAPA couldn't even get to a TA during a period of record profits for US Airways. Yep, this only proves the east has been nothing but profession coat tail riders- letting the other major airline pilot groups do the heavy lifting/ bargaining and strikes while you guys did nothing but play pocket pinball with each other. And now you criticize something the APA brought to you. Says much about your character.
I wasn't "criticizing". I was simply seeing the point that, while we do get more money it isn't industry standard. Riding coat-tails? Hardly. I agree with you on the obtuse point that this group has NEVER marched in lock step. To be quite frank, even with this merger I don't think it ever will.

However, the chip on your shoulder just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Chip away, Chipper.
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