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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I had to go back and watch Kirby again. I heard every perspective will be heard, nothing about all parties having a say.

He actually says, after talking about possible conditions and restrictions (go figure) "possible for you, when USAPA and APA......." That is at least the second time he mentions the "unions" doing the presenting. And he indeed makes it clear he thinks it will go to arbitration.

If AOL gets a seat, it would really be a doozy of a decision. Legal history shows it is rare for a party already represented by a union to get separate status. If that happened, TWA, Empire, Trump, and even PSA might have a seat. I doubt it, and listening to Kirby he understands it will be the unions doing the talking.

Will an arbitrator be aware of the NIC? Unless he was living in cave in Pacific since WW2 I doubt he or she will be uninformed. But with reasonable fences and restrictions proposed, and any growth flying over the last 8 years shared with PHX, I see little problem in presenting a DOH list. But the good thing for you all is I will have zero input or participation in the process.

Thus my participation here.


Reasonable post
LOL, no Bean, I don't believe that at all, but that is basically what the NIC does. It's a SLI that was out of date by the time it was issued, never integrated, and has nothing in common with the current paradigm. It really is a quagmire. I stated in another post that my belief is that in a 3 way, I would lose. That's OK. If I do, I do, but there are more important issues associated with the NIC that once resolved might make us whole again. Sure, some will be unhappy, but aren't they always?

Yes, I've heard it said that the best integrations are the ones where no one is happy 🙂

. Perhaps the arbitration panel looking back on the antics of usapa decides to place most of the west pilots senior to east pilots in order to correct the last 5 years of avoiding the last arbitration.

The courts will not look at perceived damages of anyone until after the process is complete. Perhaps an arbitrator would wade into such unripe issues and excede their responsabilities, or perhaps it won't even be allowed to get to an arbitrator because of that exact risk.

Who knows but one thing is for sure, you have become more and more desperate and irrational as time passes. There was a time that you made some decent arguments but you no longer temper yourself with objectivity. A shame really.
Kirby also said, all parties will have their say, and almost guaranteed the West would be there as a separate entity from the east and usapa. Well, if the West is there as a party to the arbitration, that alone makes the case that any award result is contestable for now 3 of the 4 reasons, and any award is next to pointless because it would not survive judicial revue.

Just to be clear, you're saying...

1) The west will have separate class status.

2) Will be self-represented and have a voice before three appointed judges.

3) Will anticipate a resolution of an SLI based on the strength of their arguments.

4) And if the resolution is unfavorable, an appeal will be easily rendered by some justice who will challenge and therefore overturn a decision derived by a process with federal backing enacted into law by Congress.

And your attorney told you this...
AND, They've argued against themselves claiming from the get go they did NOT have points 1, 2 and 3 which became the basis for both the intial DFR and damages claims.
It is simple, at least for me. And reason enough to be involved from day 1. You cannot and will not put a pilot with seventeen years of unbroken service behind a new hire.

Because of USAPA that did not happen. If that is taking the ball home, then good on us.


You're not the first person of compromised moral character that will go to any lengths in attempting to justify their actions.
More BS. We were told the same thing 7 years ago. In 5 years you will inherit the airline. Now you want another 5 years. So much for your prediction.

News flash we did work it out it is called final and bonding arbitration. Maybe you have heard of it.

Nicolau did not screw you. East pilot did and continue to do so.

Btw your careers were finished 8 years ago. You just got an extension.

Careers were over 8 yrs ago? Shall I post the timeline of AWA wages compared to others again for you? It is pretty embarrassing.
You're not the first person of compromised moral character that will go to any lengths in attempting to justify their actions.

Bingo. Greeter is among the best in attempting to cleanse himself of his own filth. It's laughable how this guy desperately attempts to justify ignoring an arbitration while proclaiming arbitration is the answer with MB. Truly an idiot if there ever was one, and that goes for Theuer and the rest of the lunatics around here as well. They need another slap down from the courts, and it's coming, only this time they won't get away because of a technicality. That loophole is about closed come September.

Move out to the East of the mighty MS river. We'ld love to have y'all. If you don't feel comfortable with us as your neighbor, then may we recommend Covington, KY.

They need another slap down from the courts, and it's coming, only this time they won't get away because of a technicality. That loophole is about closed come September.
Excuse me? When was the first one? Estrogen levels running a little high?
Careers were over 8 yrs ago? Shall I post the timeline of AWA wages compared to others again for you? It is pretty embarrassing.
Not to mention Project Zanzibar there never seem to remember that one, go ahead and post it I think they need to be reminded.
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