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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I wonder if anyone could find an example of an internal union dispute that was resolved by the members of the union voting for a new, simple process to replace an old process. Nah, it's probably illegal to do that.

I know you handle this whole messed up situation with a sense of humor, like myself but the foundation was fawed from the start with the immediate exclusion of a third of the pilot group.

Forming an association and saying it's an internal dispute is in essence, talking with yourself. It's your club, not ours.

We expect you to present the DOH list, we want you to present the DOH list. It is one of the nails we know you will hand us.

We have the hammer and intend on using it.

Then we will put USAPA in the hole and bury it.

Flowers will be sent to the cemetery on Woodlawn.

Celebration to follow at McKoy's.

Progress is being made with you here, even though your response had nothing to do with "what was our tragedy?"

You now accept we are going to do something that for years you have said we could not.

As to events and outcomes that ensue, you deal with the possibilities any way that helps, even it means using your original list of how to deal with a bad situation (nice, how I looped that right back around on you)

I note that anytime a logical reply is made to any of you, you go eventually all go into the "final and binding" "we will bury you" "you have no integrity" rhetoric.

Snap, up until now, you have avoided that. Was it my sharp wit and logic that put you over the edge, or Kirby's one word "No?"

This has been said countless times... The Nic was not a federally mandated arbitration, unlike MB arbitration... it was an internal union process, that failed miserably. Given the findings of the 9th, and Judge Silver.. you don't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting anywhere with your argument... I don't care how much money you want to throw at it!

Whether an arbitration is federally mandated or not is of no consequence s to the validity of the arbitration.

The Nic was never vacated by any court, and as a matter of fact has been validated time and again as a valid result.

There are exactly 4 reasons a court will vacate an arbitration. An arbitrated SLI between APA and usapa not using the Nic violates 2 of those reasons. So, it is highly doubtful that a future arbitration panel will render a judgement that makes that judgement contestable and likely to be overturned.

Bottom line....the Nic is the only accepted system seniority list for all LCC pilots. Any future arbitration will either straight up use the Nic, or at least not rearrange the order in which LCC pilots fall in the combined list, giving nor reason for the West pilots to seek injunction of it's use or it's invalidation.

A320 Driver is closest with his prognostication that the future award will be very close to the Nic for LCC pilots.
Flowers will be sent to the cemetery on Woodlawn.

Celebration to follow at McKoy's.

I will buy at least the first beer for you following the eventual demise of USAPA. We will both enjoy the beverage for different reasons, but will have moved on from all this none the less.

But I will be at El Azteca, if you want to join me. If you choose to show up, I will fill you in then as to the reason.

I would love to hear the argument for an injunction in light of the fact that 98% of the pilots affected voted in favor of the very process your lawyer is trying to enjoin.

Interesting logic.

Really no need for an injunction.

The arbitrators will postpone any SLI hearings until such time as they can continue with a legitimate framework that does not prejudice the rights of any party.

Really no need for an injunction.

The arbitrators will postpone any SLI hearings until such time as they can continue with a legitimate framework that does not prejudice the rights of any party.

Throw me in that briar patch. Can we go for another 8 years of separation and delay? (please)

I will buy at least the first beer for you following the eventual demise of USAPA. We will both enjoy the beverage for different reasons, but will have moved on from all this none the less.

But I will be at El Azteca, if you want to join me. If you choose to show up, I will fill you in then as to the reason.


Yes yes, we all already know, you founded usapa for the purpose of forcing permanent seperate ops.

Did any of the lawyers you interviewed tell you that a union has an obligation to actually bargain for those it has a duty of fair representation?
I will buy at least the first beer for you following the eventual demise of USAPA. We will both enjoy the beverage for different reasons, but will have moved on from all this none the less.

But I will be at El Azteca, if you want to join me. If you choose to show up, I will fill you in then as to the reason.


Sure, I'll join you. I guess we have a bet going. Win or lose, we'll have to take the masks off at some point when the charade is over.

Azteca is not a bad place and won't break the bank.

Gotta run and grab some Baja fish tacos.

Who cares how long it drags out...

For once; you're actually right about something. Unless a person's desperately waiting for the opportunity to bid into glorious PHX: Who cares indeed? 😉

Throw all the lawyers you want at it and have fun. 🙂
-- Scott Kirby, on video

/ /
/ /
"N / The Nic is it! / o."
/ /
/ / Scott Kirby,
as heard by Metro and pals,
"reading between the lines."
Keep telling yourself that, Dorothy...."There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home."

Mikey & Randy said (in 2000) that no arbitrated list had EVER been vacated by the courts. Hmmmm, I wonder which way this will legally, logically, ethically & morally go.......??

You crack me up! THOSE are the guys you use to bolster your argument?? And your moral and ethical points are opinion. That leaves legal and what LCC says...no NIC. No magic shoes either but hey, in 3 or 4 years this will all be bar talk.
Keep telling yourself that, Dorothy...."There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home."

Mikey & Randy said (in 2000) that no arbitrated list had EVER been vacated by the courts. Hmmmm, I wonder which way this will legally, logically, ethically & morally go.......??

[font="Arial""]The Nic was never ratified in a CBA... so it was never legitimized, nor is of any effect, thus separate operations....[/font]
Mikey & Randy said (in 2000) that no arbitrated list had EVER been vacated by the courts. Hmmmm, I wonder which way this will legally, logically, ethically & morally go.......??

This is right in line with Nic4us when he continues to chant, "The NIC is the only SLI accepted by Parker."

Maybe so, but we all know that it is not the whole story. All the legal BS kicked in and Parker was smart enough to call a timeout instead of digging a deeper hole.

These type of statements are similar to playing a basketball game for the title. One team is 2 points ahead with a couple of minutes left in the game and they declare a victory when the game isn't over yet.

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