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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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It is kind of politically incorrect to make fun of someone's disability, but,,,

Anyone who's pretending himself to be a "pilot" has no excuses for any supposed "disability", and should be able to communicate clearly under most any conditions.

I assume your typically smarmy bs here results from the following: One question stands out as worthy of note, that being if the MOU at the time of POR enacts the nic. Answer = No.
Don't forget, they have secret audio tapes of the NAC base briefings. They claim PHX was lied to. So they are going to tell a judge they "knew" something was wrong but they voted for it anyway, so they could use the tapes and sue. Really?

DFR II is already DOA, not ripe. Never has been. Its all about the MOU process going forward now, the one the West class endorsed.


I saw Scherf with a smile on his face taping the CLT meeting

Look at the CLT pilot crew news... Specifically the segment titled "Crew Training"...

Parker was asked about a few things perceived as possibly slowing the merger down. One was the NIC and the threat by the West to throw a wrench into the mix...

Parker said "we're not concerned about any of them". And specifically addressing the NIC, said: "And the Nicolau case will have absolutely no impact on closing the merger".

Hmm... As was said before, I'm sure anything said during any of these crew news sessions by Doug or Scott was vetted thoroughly through their legal team....

I do wonder why that segment was titled "Pilot Training" though... 🙂
Look at the CLT pilot crew news... Specifically the segment titled "Crew Training"...

Parker was asked about a few things perceived as possibly slowing the merger down. One was the NIC and the threat by the West to throw a wrench into the mix...

Parker said "we're not concerned about any of them". And specifically addressing the NIC, said: "And the Nicolau case will have absolutely no impact on closing the merger".

Hmm... As was said before, I'm sure anything said during any of these crew news sessions by Doug or Scott was vetted thoroughly through their legal team....

I do wonder why that segment was titled "Pilot Training" though... 🙂

The same question could have been asked in Phoenix about DOH and put in the pilot training arena. We would have gotten the same answer.

There is nothing to hang your hat on in Crew News sessions.
Look at the CLT pilot crew news... Specifically the segment titled "Crew Training"...

Parker was asked about a few things perceived as possibly slowing the merger down. One was the NIC and the threat by the West to throw a wrench into the mix...

Parker said "we're not concerned about any of them". And specifically addressing the NIC, said: "And the Nicolau case will have absolutely no impact on closing the merger".

Hmm... As was said before, I'm sure anything said during any of these crew news sessions by Doug or Scott was vetted thoroughly through their legal team....

I do wonder why that segment was titled "Pilot Training" though... 🙂

Wow! There is a shocking revaluation. No the Nicolau is not going to stop or have an impact on the merger. What the Nicoalu will have an impact on is the seniority integration (merger). Unless usapa pulls their collective heads out and uses the Nicolau the SLI will be stopped with an injunction. Nothing to do with the airlines merging. Just the pilots.

Unlike usapa the company knows how to read. They understand what Marty's letters said. Not what usapa tries to make them say. So if the Nicolau has not impact what do you think that does to the wasted filing in NY against the wrong defendant? If they company tells the judge that usapa filing is a waste of time, the west pilots tell the judge this filing is a waste of time how foolish does usapa look once again?

I've also heard that there is going to be a three way merger between the AAA, AWA and AMR pilots. Supposedly, all three pilot groups, which are currently on essentially separate DOH based contracts, have agreed to both a merger and a SLI process, one that the President of US Airways recently characterized as on "automatic" and that management is neutral on, seems it's a matter for the unions involved to deal with and something called the M/B process. I also understand that all involved parties will have an opportunity to "participate" in the process, whatever that means. These merger things can sure get complicated, yes?


Three pilot groups? That's funny, I could have sworn only two pilot groups voted for the process. I didn't realize that the AWA pilots had a separate vote for the MOU. Since there never was a prior merger, that must mean the west pilots are going to be represented by ALPA. Wow, I sure was confused, thanks for helping to clear that up.

Wow! There is a shocking revaluation. No the Nicolau is not going to stop or have an impact on the merger. What the Nicoalu will have an impact on is the seniority integration (merger). Unless usapa pulls their collective heads out and uses the Nicolau the SLI will be stopped with an injunction. Nothing to do with the airlines merging. Just the pilots.

Unlike usapa the company knows how to read. They understand what Marty's letters said. Not what usapa tries to make them say. So if the Nicolau has not impact what do you think that does to the wasted filing in NY against the wrong defendant? If they company tells the judge that usapa filing is a waste of time, the west pilots tell the judge this filing is a waste of time how foolish does usapa look once again?
Was Wake your savior? NO. Was the 9th? NO Was judge Silver? NO. Will the NIC be used after the POR? NO Have you been offered a seat at the table to voice your concerns? YES. Is there a process that has been backed by the company, APA and USAPA to finally end all of this BS and move us forward permanently? YES. Now, go find yourself a judge that will wade into this current dilemma to stop what has already been put in process to fix, once and for all, with federal oversight. If you are so supremely confidant that an injunction is a slam dunk, then why hasn't it been filed?
Three pilot groups? That's funny, I could have sworn only two pilot groups voted for the process. I didn't realize that the AWA pilots had a separate vote for the MOU. Since there never was a prior merger, that must mean the west pilots are going to be represented by ALPA. Wow, I sure was confused, thanks for helping to clear that up.

Bean, that is exactly what we have. Three pilot groups under three different contracts. You cannot escape that. Even after the POR, you STILL have three contracts. They will share certain facets such as compensation, but you still have three groups. You can't get around it. The MOU is a bridge to a single contract, nothing more, nothing less. That is an opinion that I think will hold up. I am not afraid of the process. I am senior enough that it is unlikely to reward me. Quite the contrary, I am likely to lose ground in a three way to West Captains with less LOS. So be it. Put the cards on the table and let the arbitrators decide and lets get on with this. The NIC is an abortion. Let it die.
I saw Scherf with a smile on his face taping the CLT meeting

Uhhhhh, what? The CLT meeting was video taped by USAPA and placed on YOUTUBE (http://m.youtube.com/?reload=3&rdm=maoq1t486#/user/usairlinepilotsvideo/featured?&desktop_uri=%2Fuser%2Fusairlinepilotsvideo%2Ffeatured)!!

Amazing. You supremely confident dudes have got it all figured out.

.... the SLI will be stopped with an injunction. Nothing to do with the airlines merging. Just the pilots.

Yeah. Sure thing..umm...good luck with that. How would that harm the east or the APA people in any case? Have fun in PHX. "You'se" guys must all just love it out there.

You've been directly told that the nic ain't being used here, so; when is the scheduled, awe-inspiring display of mighty AOL's uber-secret legal super-weapons set for these days? I, for one, am fully prepared to be truly impressed...or not...?
However, the M/B process turns out, you can bet there will be very wide and tall equipment fences associated with it FOR EVERYBODY!

Well, I would not be so confident of tall fences if it goes to arbitration. That's why I think APA might get this done in negotiations. The tall fences which would strongly benefit the APA premium flying will likely be acceptable to USAPA if the list respects their C&BLs. If USAPA finds the wherewithal to be a little bit flexible, the SLI will never go to arbitration.

If it does goes to arbitration, there is no guarantee that ANY fences will be put in place. Arbitrators have historically put in place only relatively short-term fences that often end up ineffective in practice (because they absolutely do not totally understand how pilot seniority really works.) And, if it does go to arbitration here is my prophecy: The list will look much closer to the Nicolau than it does to date-of-hire.
It is kind of politically incorrect to make fun of someone's disability, but,,,

Speaking of sad scenes.....the CLT crew news...future of OCC question....

How many times is that "loosey goosey" moron going to fondle himself playing pocket pool while addressing the CEO? I was tempted to count, but could not quit laughing trying to figure what was going through Parker's mind.

Just because that guy is so overweight he has not seen his member in years, does not mean the rest of us can't see what he is doing.
Wow! You sure are focused on that kind of thing. I wonder why?

You must like "fat guys fondling their junk", or in reality fantasize about it.
I would love to hear the argument for an injunction in light of the fact that 98% of the pilots affected voted in favor of the very process your lawyer is trying to enjoin.

Interesting logic.
It's really quite simple. Everybody also agreed to the process to integrate the east and west. Funny how you hypocrites are so fking blind to the obvious. The Courts are simply required to force compliance with that process FIRST then we move on to the process you're alluding to. After that, the company and the union are going to be sued for a horrific amount of money because the average idiot can understand how "neutral" the company has been. Interesting fact. NOWHERE in the TA was the company contractually required to be neutral on anything. in fact, the TA spells out specifically what the roles and responsibilities of each party was to be.

They'll get to attempt to convince a jury of their benevolent neutrality. That should be fun. Who cares how long it drags out...the average west pilot is what? 29 years old? HA!!
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