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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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You east pilots have leaned on ripeness pretty hard.

I think the law suit as filed is ripe.

But even if you are correct and it is not ripe. You even admit that a JCBA makes the case ripe. The JCBA will happen prior to an SLI.

What will the excuse be when we have a JCBA and a ripe case and the APA as the bargaining agent?

The end game is the Nicolau is going to be used. Now or sometime in the future. But it will be used.

You think it is ripe now? Gone is the bravado .MetroJudicata has gone on quite a tear with his surefire absolute that it is ripe. Lets see if he will submit to a polygraph.
Mrs Harper is guaranteed another Benz either way. Again
prechilill December 2007: "Ho ho ho! St. Nic is coming to town!"

nic4us: "billions in damages"

metroyet: "Once the nic is resolved, AOL is going after the company for collusion. Either way, it will cost them millions to explain their bullshit "neutrality"

The end game is the Nicolau is going to be used. Now or sometime in the future. But it will be used.

No doubt jungen kinder. 😉

The company very well may agree to settle. You won't like the terms of the settlement...and when your fake union goes poof into the night, you're on your own. Better start that LLC and organize a fund drive.
No, no. You are missing my point. No settlement with anyone, especially after this last round of foolishness. See you in M/B. I am sure USAPA will represent you well. And if they don't, you can sue USAPA, Doug Parker, and the APA until the cows come home. Enough.

So when is the bid coming out for 757 and 190 flying owed to the West? They won that in an arbitraiton, and can only collect at a ratified JCBA (read "ripe.")

Give me a sign, any sign of ripeness. The arbitrated flying coming West, the judge dropping our injunction, a system bid, a joint list published by the Company. Something please, other than bravado. To quote Jim (God rest his soul) "Proof!"

But what happens prior to JCBA?

[font=Arial'][font=Arial']I will answer to you PI, since I don't respond to Clear anymore: what happens before that is the POR, and thus a new "ratified by the West Class by 98%" methodology for SLI. After the JCBA any and all pilots can sue for a DFR, but their basis for that lawsuit will have to reference the MOU, not LOA 96. The NIC is dead by logic and timelines. Dead. over, done. It is really just hitting me tonight. The West Class gave up the NIC by ratifying the MOU. Simple as that. Poof! Gone.[/font][/font]

If a judge must/will rule on a LUP before their is a completed JCBA, then you need to have Silver spanked. Good luck with that.

[font=Arial']USAPA to Judge: "We were told by a Federal Judge that the NIC did NOT have to be our bargaining position. We broke the seniority stalemate and BK wage freeze by agreeing to a new methodology, one the West Class ratified by 98%. And by the way, we got everyone pay raises and retirement plan contributions in the interim."[/font]


You think it is ripe now? Gone is the bravado .MetroJudicata has gone on quite a tear with his surefire absolute that it is ripe. Lets see if he will submit to a polygraph.
Mrs Harper is guaranteed another Benz either way. Again
How about you show a little class and maturity? You know it is MR. Harper. Does it make you feel better to insult people?

If you think it is not ripe a federal judge will decide that and the case will end at that point. Not a lot of money certainly not a Benz.
[font=Arial'][font=Arial']I will answer to you PI, since I don't respond to Clear anymore: what happens before that is the POR, and thus a new "ratified by the West Class by 98%" methodology for SLI. After the JCBA any and all pilots can sue for a DFR, but their basis for that lawsuit will have to reference the MOU, not LOA 96. The NIC is dead by logic and timelines. Dead. over, done. It is really just hitting me tonight. The West Class gave up the NIC by ratifying the MOU. Simple as that. Poof! Gone.[/font][/font]

If your theory was true why would the MOU not just say the Nicolau is dead? The east has the majority if the Nicolau were dead you could have passed without west votes.

Why did the usapa merger lawyer tell the west that the MOU was neutral on seniority? Did he lie? If so his ass is in court, on the stand and his license is in peril. did the president lie to the pilots group when he said the MOU was seniority neutral? Is usapa just full of crap and lies to everyone?
[font=Arial']USAPA to Judge: "We were told by a Federal Judge that the NIC did NOT have to be our bargaining position. We broke the seniority stalemate and BK wage freeze by agreeing to a new methodology, one the West Class ratified by 98%. And by the way, we got everyone pay raises and retirement plan contributions in the interim."[/font]



That excuse was already tried and dismissed.

If the seniority stalemate is broken could you post the legal and accepted seniority list? Please post the court ruling that states usapa is not in violation of a DFR and that list is legal.
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