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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Yes , let me see do I want the money or do I want to keep trying for that NIC thing., it's so over .

BPR Regular March Meeting Recap - Day 1

Motions, Resolutions, and Votes in this Recap are not official until Meeting Minutes are approved.

In accordance with the USAPA Constitution & Bylaws Article V Section 3 and the USAPA UOM Section 3 Paragraph I.a.1, the March Regular Meeting of the Board of Pilot Representatives commenced at approximately 0900, Wednesday, March 6, 2013, at the USAPA Offices in Charlotte. It will conclude at 1700 on Thursday, March 7, 2013 or at the conclusion of business.

Courtney Borman was the Duly Designated Representative (DDR) for CLT Vice Chairman Steve Crimi....​

Is that you luvthe9?​
BPR Regular March Meeting Recap - Day 1

Motions, Resolutions, and Votes in this Recap are not official until Meeting Minutes are approved.

In accordance with the USAPA Constitution & Bylaws Article V Section 3 and the USAPA UOM Section 3 Paragraph I.a.1, the March Regular Meeting of the Board of Pilot Representatives commenced at approximately 0900, Wednesday, March 6, 2013, at the USAPA Offices in Charlotte. It will conclude at 1700 on Thursday, March 7, 2013 or at the conclusion of business.

Courtney Borman was the Duly Designated Representative (DDR) for CLT Vice Chairman Steve Crimi....​

Is that you luvthe9?​

[font=Arial']Courtney is actually a very nice guy with some misguided politics. He has done a great job over the years of taking care of our furloughed and returning pilots. But unless he has a ghost writer, luvthe9 is not Courtney. [/font]

[font=Arial']The 9's had already been gone for years when he was hired, so even the moniker makes little sense.[/font]

[font=Arial']Dan, is it finally time yet for us to concede, and accept the Nic? Looks like they have us by the short hairs this time.[/font]

[font=Arial']Greeter (I am actually Courtney!).[/font]
It makes absolutely no sense. The legal ineptitude is stunning.

The aggregate intellectual deficit even more so....but some, perhaps many/most of these people can actually fantasize themselves to be "spartans" and "knights" who've "fought with valor in many battles" in supposed "war", so I suppose it more appropriate to employ psychological guidelines for perhaps 8th to 9th grade level children, tops.

Just after the nic came out; I'd honestly thought many west posters of that time were actually the disgruntled teenaged children of AWA pilots...no "jab" as I'm not kidding there. Who knew, or could possibly even imagine supposed professionals lowering themselves so far as to "become"..."spartans", "knights" and even "dire wolves"?..Much less pretending "heroic" "war" enlistment in some Fantasyland "army", led by a self-styled "Supreme Commander"!? This has been one heck of an interesting experience here. The personally selfish gain is that it spurred me on to considerably more study, in that I, by force of circumstance, had to admit to myself that I knew far, far less about supposedly "professional adults" than I'd previously believed.
Hey guys, go easy on them.

I don't want them sending the Death Eaters to my house! :huh:
Hey guys, go easy on them.

I don't want them sending the Death Eaters to my house! :huh:

Point taken Breeze. 🙂 Come on over with you and yours though. The home may be short on spells, but we're otherwise good-to-go with defending against even "dire wolves". 😉
I love it when AOL kicks you guys in the nads and you get all uppity. The level of concern/desperation is is evident. Your scab union is going down. WE ALL KNOW IT. Nothing you can do to stop it. The 5+ year scab experiment is a complete and total failure...unless the goal has always been to see how much of an embarrassment grown men can make of themselves amongst their industry peers. In that regard, USCABA has been an unrestrained mega-success. This is what happens when Pittsburgh white trash is allowed to fly airplanes instead of working in a factory...where they belong.

The MOU was SPECIFICALLY designated as a JCBA for all US Airways pilots. The company set the trap and you idiots dove head first into it. You need an LUP. There is absolutely, positively NO QUESTION your scab union needs to articulate an LUP. The MOU vote has exactly zero influence on that basic requirement...I know you all want to torture reality into believing that the MOU affected the nic, but please recall one simple fact: collectively, the East scabs, ( all of you certainly included) are without question, the dumbest, most arrogant Mother F@&ckers in "organized" labor. You guys really can't ascertain your asses from a hole in the ground. So it's no wonder you continue full steam ahead ignoring the fact that YOU HAVE NO LUP. Again, a fact that WE ALL KNOW.

If you all flew airplanes using the same kind of intentional blindness you would crash a lot of airplanes...say 5 in 5....wait. Hmmmm. Oops. Never mind. The twin Boa Constrictors of justice and reality have just begun to squeeze the life out of your fake, idiotic, scab union. The USAPA Death bash is already being planned, you're all invited...to park the cars and clean up. SYMFAHIC!!!!
Point taken Breeze. 🙂 Come on over with you and yours though. The home may be short on spells, but we're otherwise good-to-go with defending against even "dire wolves". 😉

Both you idiots realize they've kept us in check these past few years, don't you? Untouch each other's junk and focus here.
Courtney is actually a very nice guy with some misguided politics. He has done a great job over the years of taking care of our furloughed and returning pilots. But unless he has a ghost writer, luvthe9 is not Courtney.

Thanks, for a minute I thought we were in serious trouble.
I love it when AOL kicks you guys in the nads and you get all uppity. The twin Boa Constrictors of justice and reality have just begun to squeeze the life out of your fake, idiotic, scab union. The USAPA Death bash is already being planned, you're all invited...to park the cars and clean up. SYMFAHIC!!!!

Just after the nic came out; I'd honestly thought many west posters of that time were actually the disgruntled teenaged children of AWA pilots.

Can anyone honestly wonder at that now? 😉
Both you idiots....."us"......

Hello Move2clt. Up for the wager yet?...Or still tethered to your xbox? 🙂

On a serious, real-world note: Get some professional help from someone far more experienced in dealing with issues like yours than myself.
I love it when AOL kicks you guys in the nads and you get all uppity. The level of concern/desperation is is evident.

To my knowledge, I am the only East pilot who has posted here that has even actually seen the complaint.

It has not been presented to the membership yet. So, although your plural on "nads" is indeed correct for me, your judgment of our collective concern/desperation is unfounded.

But I can guarantee even the most uninformed East pilot who sees the complaint will quietly laugh while mouthing “WTF.” A real boner, this one. The worst yet.

Hello Move2clt. Up for the wager yet?...Or still tethered to your xbox? 🙂

Shut up you fool. You sound like an ass blowing off everything coming down the pike. I can tell you this - the BPR doesn't share your same level of misplaced confidence. If you've read our filing, it's almost comical the angle they're trying to use to derail the west.
Shut up you fool. You sound like an ass blowing off everything coming down the pike. I can tell you this - the BPR doesn't share your same level of misplaced confidence. If you've read our filing, it's almost comical the angle they're trying to use to derail the west.

So move2clt, I'll take that as a "no" on accepting the wager? 🙂 Sigh!..yet another AWA "Ace"/"internet tough guy" disappoints.

No need for such hysteria whenever caught in a typically, enormous lie. Try telling the truth, and you won't ever suffer such distress. A kind suggestion for you would be to acknowledge your deficits and issues, rather than purely fantasize yourself as somehow "clever", as you live your life.

Care for at least a poker game sometime? 😉
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