- Dec 29, 2002
- 7,784
- 456
Life is not fair Teddy but now since you are no longer involved you still want the spotlight to be on you. Think of the damage you are doing as you spin every event into drama. I could understand if you wanted to build a bridge between the two sides but you only draw people further apart. I do not pretend to regret some of my past actions but you act as if everything you had a part in was perfect. Grow up and take your place in history .......In other words your gone poof.
This is not my fight anymore. My point in posting is to elicit the members to make the MEC accountable for their actions or lack thereof. I speak out.
Life is not perfect and it isn't fair...but one must try to balance the equation whenever and wherever possible. These issues are in human reach, and therefore can't not be slid under a carpet like some would want.
The main point I bring out (because it is so blatant!) is the furloughees should NEVER EVER have been considered "new hirees"...NOT BY MANAGEMENT; NOT BY MEC WEST; AND SURELY NOT BY OUR OWN MEC ON THE EAST.
Yea, I am upset. I expose, tell the truth, no matter who it offends.
That's who I am no matter where I am stationed in life.
Tuff if you don't like it!
Go convince others; you and your cronies have no credibility with me.
So the reserves are working 40hrs but getting paid for something around 70?
That's still not a bad deal. What other group can claim that?
Plus after the merger is complete you'll see less of that. I know the company is looking for new crew software for the combined company. This will allow the reserves to be utilized better cutting down on the number of reserves needed. Provided that tagging is not done away with in the combined contract. If so these issues may persist.
And I'm assuming you're saying the east reserves get per diem but aren't getting called out for the trips to earn the per diem?
What side of the planet are you from????
The reserves who receive low wages have medical to pay for. On these low wages, plus having to pay for training expenses,(hotel, food, transportation, uniforms) they can not, I repeat can not pay off their debt from he 7 weeks of training and find permenant housing, security deposit, moving etc, medical coverage, union dues from a $1,280 pay check..AND THAT IS ONLY IF, IF, IF THEY BREAK THEIR GUARANTEE TO 80. The furloughees should never have had to pick up these expenses while in training for such a substandard wage paying job. Doug Parker should have some sense about him since he is touted as the GOD of CEOs.
The pay is more closer to 71 hours...do the math at approx $18.08 per hour x 71 hours.
It's not that simple. FA's also receive per diem... that's (for US West) $1.75 for every hour you gone on overnight trips. And that's straight money non-taxable which adds a big chunk of change to the FA paycheck. Plus FAs get way more days off than a normal worker. And no other position has the amount of flexibility with your schedule as the FA group.
So yes the base pay for new hires may look horrible.. but after you add the per diem they make about what you'd expect an entry level job to make. Plus they work less days and have great flexibility in their schedules.
What good is days off if you can't work a second job to make up the difference????? In the old system, you pretty much knew as a middle or senior reserve when you would be flying...now there is no way of knowing for sure being you could be called to work in another base IF THEY ARE SHORT.
Nope. Don't know who you are, but you have absolutely no clue of what this all entails. You can't drag your refrigerator with you on overnights, therefore, you are relegated to buying all your meals OUT. To purchase a cheesburger is aproximately 5 hours perdium. You have to tip the porters who picks you up from the airport (unless you choose to stiff the poor guy), buying mouth freshners and bottled water is another 3 hours perdium. Buying dinner and breakfast is approximately 15 hours perdium.
Where have you been? Sitting behind a desk???? You say allows for more flexibilty??? Your full of crap! The East contract is coming your way. But perhaps not for you since I can guess by your posts you are sitting at a desk.
Anyway, this post is about the tranisition agreement and about furloughees; not reserves.