F/A transition agreement reached

Life is not fair Teddy but now since you are no longer involved you still want the spotlight to be on you. Think of the damage you are doing as you spin every event into drama. I could understand if you wanted to build a bridge between the two sides but you only draw people further apart. I do not pretend to regret some of my past actions but you act as if everything you had a part in was perfect. Grow up and take your place in history .......In other words your gone poof.


This is not my fight anymore. My point in posting is to elicit the members to make the MEC accountable for their actions or lack thereof. I speak out.

Life is not perfect and it isn't fair...but one must try to balance the equation whenever and wherever possible. These issues are in human reach, and therefore can't not be slid under a carpet like some would want.

The main point I bring out (because it is so blatant!) is the furloughees should NEVER EVER have been considered "new hirees"...NOT BY MANAGEMENT; NOT BY MEC WEST; AND SURELY NOT BY OUR OWN MEC ON THE EAST.

Yea, I am upset. I expose, tell the truth, no matter who it offends.

That's who I am no matter where I am stationed in life.

Tuff if you don't like it!

Go convince others; you and your cronies have no credibility with me.

So the reserves are working 40hrs but getting paid for something around 70?

That's still not a bad deal. What other group can claim that?

Plus after the merger is complete you'll see less of that. I know the company is looking for new crew software for the combined company. This will allow the reserves to be utilized better cutting down on the number of reserves needed. Provided that tagging is not done away with in the combined contract. If so these issues may persist.

And I'm assuming you're saying the east reserves get per diem but aren't getting called out for the trips to earn the per diem?


What side of the planet are you from????

The reserves who receive low wages have medical to pay for. On these low wages, plus having to pay for training expenses,(hotel, food, transportation, uniforms) they can not, I repeat can not pay off their debt from he 7 weeks of training and find permenant housing, security deposit, moving etc, medical coverage, union dues from a $1,280 pay check..AND THAT IS ONLY IF, IF, IF THEY BREAK THEIR GUARANTEE TO 80. The furloughees should never have had to pick up these expenses while in training for such a substandard wage paying job. Doug Parker should have some sense about him since he is touted as the GOD of CEOs.

The pay is more closer to 71 hours...do the math at approx $18.08 per hour x 71 hours.

It's not that simple. FA's also receive per diem... that's (for US West) $1.75 for every hour you gone on overnight trips. And that's straight money non-taxable which adds a big chunk of change to the FA paycheck. Plus FAs get way more days off than a normal worker. And no other position has the amount of flexibility with your schedule as the FA group.

So yes the base pay for new hires may look horrible.. but after you add the per diem they make about what you'd expect an entry level job to make. Plus they work less days and have great flexibility in their schedules.

What good is days off if you can't work a second job to make up the difference????? In the old system, you pretty much knew as a middle or senior reserve when you would be flying...now there is no way of knowing for sure being you could be called to work in another base IF THEY ARE SHORT.

Nope. Don't know who you are, but you have absolutely no clue of what this all entails. You can't drag your refrigerator with you on overnights, therefore, you are relegated to buying all your meals OUT. To purchase a cheesburger is aproximately 5 hours perdium. You have to tip the porters who picks you up from the airport (unless you choose to stiff the poor guy), buying mouth freshners and bottled water is another 3 hours perdium. Buying dinner and breakfast is approximately 15 hours perdium.

Where have you been? Sitting behind a desk???? You say allows for more flexibilty??? Your full of crap! The East contract is coming your way. But perhaps not for you since I can guess by your posts you are sitting at a desk.

Anyway, this post is about the tranisition agreement and about furloughees; not reserves.
What expenses do you have on the road? Food? You still eat when you're not on the road.

Does US East get any discounts for food and such at their hotels? We might want to ask the union to push for good discounts while away on trips. That would ease the lean on per diem.
Well ya know what? in addition to paying for food on the road many reserves have commuting expenses. True it is the nature of the job that you could be displaced at any point in your career but it was never said that we would take a roughly $10,000.00 a year or more paycut to go along with it. That is the reality. So with that being said, we are having trouble as it is yet the union and company want to send these poor f/a's that were treated like crap to PHX to make nothing and not even pay for their lodging. You have to be kidding me. You cannot possibly be a flight attendant and if so you certainly are in for a rude awakening when the US-east contract comes your way. What expenses besides food. ugggggg. :rolleyes:
F/A's: Listen to this woman! This "Transition Agreement" is has the mark of the "Gang of Three" all over it.

You really need to renew your prescriptions and please, get back on them.

Please name the GoT, all three, and please show how each one could have any influence on the TA?

Why all the fuss over getting Teddy out of the way a few months earlier than planned?

Who wanted to get Teddy "out of the way"? Did Teddy not sign up herself for an early out? Did she not resign (with no pressure other than her guilty conscience) all by herself?

BJ, you really need to sit back, calm down and "trust, but verify" even your mother. You have apparently understood wrong about the circumstances of Teddy's last six months.

With representation like this I'd take my chances alone!

Um, you _are_ alone. You don't even work at U. anymore, I guess spying on FAs turned out to be a bust.

PS: To the person who sent me the PM, Now you know why!

How would anyone but a fellow ego-maniac even understand what you are saying. With lies and gross exaggerations you embellish a fantasy world in some alternate universe.
The point is that you are not there Teddy the self acclaimed champion of all causes. You never ever gave anyone else a chance to perform. You are still poking into other people's business. Just go away no one needs your direction. Timing is everything.
Why don't you just go away, some of us believe in her and have alot of respect for her, not everyone will agree with everything that she does but that's life!!!
So the reserves are working 40hrs but getting paid for something around 70?

That's still not a bad deal. What other group can claim that?

Plus after the merger is complete you'll see less of that. I know the company is looking for new crew software for the combined company. This will allow the reserves to be utilized better cutting down on the number of reserves needed. Provided that tagging is not done away with in the combined contract. If so these issues may persist.

And I'm assuming you're saying the east reserves get per diem but aren't getting called out for the trips to earn the per diem?
Sorry but when you go from flying 90hrs per month down to 40 and also making less per diem and living in an East Coast city...YES...it's kind of a bad deal, if you never made it you really do not know what you are missing, unfortunately we did make it and we DO know what we are missing.
You really need to renew your prescriptions and please, get back on them.

Please name the GoT, all three, and please show how each one could have any influence on the TA?
Who wanted to get Teddy "out of the way"? Did Teddy not sign up herself for an early out? Did she not resign (with no pressure other than her guilty conscience) all by herself?

BJ, you really need to sit back, calm down and "trust, but verify" even your mother. You have apparently understood wrong about the circumstances of Teddy's last six months.
Um, you _are_ alone. You don't even work at U. anymore, I guess spying on FAs turned out to be a bust.
How would anyone but a fellow ego-maniac even understand what you are saying. With lies and gross exaggerations you embellish a fantasy world in some alternate universe.

Please enlighten me on Teddy's last six months, pray tell..and keep your hubby out of this, he's clueless.

Guilt? whose guilt? Guilt about what? Defending and prtecting the f/as until the last hours in office?
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? Seems to me if I were furloughed, working another job, I'd forgo the offer and wait until the recall by UEast. I would not have to go through 8 weeks of training or pay for a move. How long would you guess I'd be waiting for that recall?
Pitbull you say:

"The main point I bring out (because it is so blatant!) is the furloughees should NEVER EVER have been considered "new hirees"...NOT BY MANAGEMENT; NOT BY MEC WEST; AND SURELY NOT BY OUR OWN MEC ON THE EAST."

For training purposes , and that is all I am addressing, all those listed above MUST call you new hires. That is how the FAA requires it. It isn't a personal choice, it is a regulated requirement that if one airline hires, even if the person has been a flight attendant previously, the shall be required to attend the new hire training at the new carrier.

I hope that helps.
Life is not fair Teddy but now since you are no longer involved you still want the spotlight to be on you. Think of the damage you are doing as you spin every event into drama. I could understand if you wanted to build a bridge between the two sides but you only draw people further apart.

Before Teddy left she did an incredible job to protect everything she could while the company was demanding to take it away from us! She stood her ground and we were able to walk away from ALL of these concessionary talks with some pride left....not much but she fought a hard battle for the F/A's! Given the state of the company at the time she was in office, she should be applauded for a job well done!
Mike Flores, Laura Albert & Terry Graf have set the stage to protect the senior most F/A's at the expense of MDA and the junior F/A's.

Bob, could you back up your words, please? Protection? Protection from what?
Pitbull you say:

"The main point I bring out (because it is so blatant!) is the furloughees should NEVER EVER have been considered "new hirees"...NOT BY MANAGEMENT; NOT BY MEC WEST; AND SURELY NOT BY OUR OWN MEC ON THE EAST."

For training purposes , and that is all I am addressing, all those listed above MUST call you new hires. That is how the FAA requires it. It isn't a personal choice, it is a regulated requirement that if one airline hires, even if the person has been a flight attendant previously, the shall be required to attend the new hire training at the new carrier.

I hope that helps.

THis is NOT how it was with the furloughees who took the jobs at MAA. This is USAirways group, Inc. You get what you negotiate. FAA has nothing to do with calling furloughees from the same company "new hires".

Thats BS and someone snowed you big. We are discussing employees of the exact same company; not going from one airline, furloughed, and then going to another completely different carrier. The furloughees are just working under a different agreement until there is one. THis does not make them "new hires". Sorry Charlie, you misunderstood the FAA. I make it my business to know these things since one is my next door neighbor.

Are the investors buying into the LCC or can they chose between AWA and USAirways?

Bob, could you back up your words, please? Protection? Protection from what?

Let me answer that...if slots cannot be filled by furloughees due to it being too expensive for them to accept a job that opens for PHX, then the openings would have to be filled by transfers first. How else to fill slots than to open up for transfers allowing the East f/as to bid into PHX. If no furloughee can afford to take the jobs in PHX, this will leave slots open for transfers....allow your head to think! How else can you get west coast living East f/as to PHX???? Buy transfering senior east f/as into PHX slots, will leave openings on the EAST and the furloughees will be recalled into those slots. So, the stategy was put into place, IMO, to make it difficult for furloughees to take those jobs leaving the base open up for transfers. If this doesn't occur, then you can consider me wrong. But I bet this is how it plays out.

Sounds like a pretty simple strategy to me using the furloughees to circumvent having to negotiate transfers for open slots. Heck,just make it unattractive for the furloughees, and WHAM, you get the most senior group who live on the west coast to transfer into PHX. No wonder the West f/as are so upset.

Time will tell all; won't it?
I agree with you. This was a way for the senior f/a's to get into PHX faster. I guess we will see after all..hope those slots open up when they transfer to PHX..because I sure will come back. I can only name 3 or 4 people that are ganna take the AWA "new hire" call back. Time will tell.

Do you even know the structure of AFA MEC vs. LEC? It doesn't sound like you even have a clue! Gosh....you seem to know everything about NOTHING. Terry Graf is not even a MEC member or on the neg team! What are you talking about? Always sticking your nose in everything without the facts.
Just an FYI so you can sound educated on the matter next time, here are the voting members of the MEC:

Lynne Caramello
Laura Albert
Ann Crowley
Rob Wessinger
Mark Gentile
Alin Boswell

These are the only people that have a vote within the AFA MEC. I hope that helps you.
So Pitbull, what you are kinda saying is that if enough f/a's on furlough at us-east don't take the positions in PHX then the company may have to offer it to active f/a's on the east before hiring outside the co? I know quite a few would jump on that. It just seems that if the company is offering positons to the invols who are employed by US but not active they would have to offer it to ALL f/a's employeed currently before going to the streets for new ones. If that happened and the active f/a's bid into the PHX base to fill the vacancies would they be required to do the whole training as well or a condensed course on differences(commands/emerg equip placement/service) etc.? Would the company really be obligated?

The only thing on here that makes me go "HUUUUUM" is YOU and after that I need a Dramamine pill. I don't care about your silly diatribe you keep going on here. It's just you keep referring to people that you know second hand info about. I am not even going to go tit for tat with you. You find this silly back and forth amusing and I am not going to entertain you by participating. Neither should anyone else since NONE of this concerns you.
Personally attack you?....that would require me giving two flying flips about you and I don't. Have fun bashing others and talking about things that you only have the partial facts on.

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