F/A transition agreement reached

Well PITbull kinda said it all really. But my read as a customer was a little different. And if I as a customer can do the math then the "Gang of Three" must really think their membership is stupid.

Step 1. Create an impossible situation for the MAA folks. Less competition for slots in PHX.

Step 2. No fences negotiated! Allows Sr Mama's from the east to transfer to any crew base they choose. Again at the expense of junior F/A's regardless of which company they worked for prior to the merger.

Looks like your new union rep should have the name Ben Dover! :p

IMO Management agreed to this as "Payback" to the "Gang of Three" for getting Teddy out even earlier than she planned. You don't need to worry about Jerry Glass! Not when you have foxes running loose in the hen house.

Stand by for incoming :p Baja and sharky larky won't let me slide on this one.



Do you even know the structure of AFA MEC vs. LEC? It doesn't sound like you even have a clue! Gosh....you seem to know everything about NOTHING. Terry Graf is not even a MEC member or on the neg team! What are you talking about? Always sticking your nose in everything without the facts.
Just an FYI so you can sound educated on the matter next time, here are the voting members of the MEC:

Lynne Caramello
Laura Albert
Ann Crowley
Rob Wessinger
Mark Gentile
Alin Boswell

These are the only people that have a vote within the AFA MEC. I hope that helps you.

They are NOT the negotiating committee. And from my understanding many were not kept abreast of the transition agreement. Perhaps Laura and Alin were but not the entire MEC.

The only thing about Terry Graf and this post is she is on here posting. That's the only relevance or importanceI can see she has on anything.
Does the cat fight ever end? No wonder nothing gets done inside AFA. You have done some great work but since I have been on this property, AFA is just too busy pulling each others hair and talking behind people's back to do squat. You have fought some great fights but you know...a few of my friends have emails from you back a few years ago stating they were not important in the big picture. These furloughed F/A's saved those emails and still have very bitter feeling toward AFA because of them. No one can make everyone happy all the time.....take MAA for example. Who was in charge during the inception of the mess? Just makes my stomach turn and that's all I am going to say. Gosh just enough already or we will be rolled over again by management in negotiations!
Piney states:
"Laura Albert - PHL LEC - Prior Airline = PSA
Terry Graff- Former LEC Officer - Prior Airline = PSA
Carol Austin - Negotiating Committee - Prior Airline = PSA"

Once again Terry is a CURRENT LEC OFFICER....THE PHL VP. She is not a former officer. Oh why bother....I am going to watch tv....you know it all already.
PS....Graf only has one F. Have a good night.
The 1999-2001 generation of US Airways flight attendants is very unique. They've been furloughed, displaced, and generally dicked around more times in 5-7 years than most have in thier entire career. If MidAtlantic did anything, it created a group of absolute professionals who went from starry eyed 20 something- year old new hires to the savviest group out there. Airways is terrified to have these people back after what they've done to them...

Wonderful, wonderful post FlyOnWall!! Beautifully said, and I am so proud to be in this generation of FA's. Trust me, US and AFA will not be laughing when they get served with the lawsuit...which will be forthcoming SOON. We are strong, organized, and united, and we WILL prevail. Stay tuned!
You're right it only has one F and you are also correct that she is still an officer. My mistake.

So out off all of the other information you pick out a minor mistake such as spelling rather than address all of the other questions posed in this thread?

Why is that?

Are you ex-PSA and not so happy at the exposure?

Like I said before. If a customer can figure it out then your Negotiating Commitee and other elected officials must think their rank & file pretty stupid.

BTW, lest anyone think I'm "Bashing" PSA, one of my very favorite F/A's is ex PSA and everyone of the folks that I've chatted with who were ex PSA were wonderful. The folks at the top however are a different story and I want that crystal clear.
I'm pretty sure I know who USAirBoy is Bob and if I am correct on this then no he is not PSA. Actually hired in edited by moderator. If I am wrong well then I just am.
Maybe off topic, but I heard the MDA F/As and pilots are planning a ceremony for the last US Airways 170 flight in May... they are all going to non-rev to the location and applaud the crew when they walk off the plane... here's the best part- they are inviting Doug Parker and representatives of the AFA. Interesting to see how that will be handled. What, the bigwigs won't show up for the "retirement" of a fleet type? Betcha the local press will be curious about the hundreds of people waiting for "the last" 170 in DC or PHL or PIT while 20 other outsourced ones are parked nearby.

I wonder if the cockroaches will go too? It sounds like thier type of thing..

Does the cat fight ever end? No wonder nothing gets done inside AFA. You have done some great work but since I have been on this property, AFA is just too busy pulling each others hair and talking behind people's back to do squat. You have fought some great fights but you know...a few of my friends have emails from you back a few years ago stating they were not important in the big picture. These furloughed F/A's saved those emails and still have very bitter feeling toward AFA because of them. No one can make everyone happy all the time.....take MAA for example. Who was in charge during the inception of the mess? Just makes my stomach turn and that's all I am going to say. Gosh just enough already or we will be rolled over again by management in negotiations!

The MEC must be taken to task. The MECP should not be touting what managment wants or what they were willing to do or not...WHAT'S THE UNION WANT AND WHAT IS THE UNION DOING TOWARDS THAT GOAL???

Things don't change because the same players are at the table. The majority of the MEC once were VPs of their bases and still THINK like VPs waiting for someone to give them direction, instead of them giving direction and acting like MEC. The two most vocal is Rob W. and Lynne C. who were never VPs and know how to take control, however, they are in the miniority. And that's a shame.

THis is no longer about me or what I would do or not; its about holding the MEC accountable and representing all fa/s. The COMPANY IS NO LONGER IN BANKRUPTCY. When Doug says they never paid for this or never paid for that...tuff shitttt. Step up to the plate with the big leagues. Take care of the people and give them the tools to succeed.

THat is not happening!

If you were not working under Laura, I know (because you were one of the most vocal that demanded answers) you would be able to step outside and see this in a different perspective.

The 1,700 INVOLS make up over 25% of the entire East f/as group.

They need protected.

With regard to some f/as writing to me:
A) You are referring to PHL f/as, I was not their LECP
c) When I was the MECP for that short while MOST of the grievance I settled were mostly from PHL. Terminations for medical brought back to work.

Today, BK no longer exists. Why? Because of the sacrificing made by all employees of USAirways mostly including the 22,000 that got tossed under the damn bus for the company's survival. This MEC needs to start handling matters in a different arena...no more BK.

Never Forget!
Maybe off topic, but I heard the MDA F/As and pilots are planning a ceremony for the last US Airways 170 flight in May... they are all going to non-rev to the location and applaud the crew when they walk off the plane... here's the best part- they are inviting Doug Parker and representatives of the AFA. Interesting to see how that will be handled. What, the bigwigs won't show up for the "retirement" of a fleet type? Betcha the local press will be curious about the hundreds of people waiting for "the last" 170 in DC or PHL or PIT while 20 other outsourced ones are parked nearby.

I wonder if the cockroaches will go too? It sounds like thier type of thing..

I'm wondering how many MAA people will be left! Are any planning on going to PHX? Well if this is true that they (AFA) worked this "recall" thing to discourage the invols from going to PHX so that the senior people could get in then I hope every last one of the invols and MAA folks takes the offer. Honestly though I am pretty sure that if they do not get enough invols to take it then they are going to hire off the street. I am thinking that I read that somewhere along with the fact that there will be "NO" transfers from East to West during the period of separate operation. Anyway maybe we can come up with a new name for the invols who take the AWA offer. Since the company does not want to call them "recalls" and the fact that they really aren't "new-hires" (well at least not to the majority) maybe there is a more appropriate name? Also maybe the union can take money from the Pegasus project to pay for hotel rooms for the "recalled newhires", after all it is going to be tough for them.
I'm wondering how many MAA people will be left! Are any planning on going to PHX? Well if this is true that they (AFA) worked this "recall" thing to discourage the invols from going to PHX so that the senior people could get in then I hope every last one of the invols and MAA folks takes the offer. Honestly though I am pretty sure that if they do not get enough invols to take it then they are going to hire off the street. I am thinking that I read that somewhere along with the fact that there will be "NO" transfers from East to West during the period of separate operation. Anyway maybe we can come up with a new name for the invols who take the AWA offer. Since the company does not want to call them "recalls" and the fact that they really aren't "new-hires" (well at least not to the majority) maybe there is a more appropriate name? Also maybe the union can take money from the Pegasus project to pay for hotel rooms for the "recalled newhires", after all it is going to be tough for them.

That's the best idea yet.
The MAA people that have been tossed out or are going to be maintain thier travel benefits just as they did on thier first or first and second furlough depending... they are planning on non-revving to wherever the last mainline 170 flight is. It's not like the company will make a big deal out of it like they do with a bad new paint job, so they will make thier own ceremony. Why let the company quietly do this? Celebrating the employees makes a bigger statement than anything else.

Don't know if many will go. Most are fed up... a few will. Most will pass and consider the next offer.

Another email from AFA about the America West recall but third time new hire offer, this one from the Riggle:

Dear Flight Attendants:

I have written to Doug Parker to express my extreme discontent over the "Job Opportunity" stipulations in order to take a position at America West.

I find it to be absurd to treat the flight attendant group as new hires off the street and I certainly do not think we were represented fairly by the MEC East.

I share in the disappointment and frustration as I read through the letter. The decision to take a position at HP should not cause financial distress and hardship.

I saddens me to see what this company continues to do to the rank and file. The very people that takes care of our passengers day in and day out.

In solidarity,

The MAA people that have been tossed out or are going to be maintain thier travel benefits just as they did on thier first or first and second furlough depending... they are planning on non-revving to wherever the last mainline 170 flight is. It's not like the company will make a big deal out of it like they do with a bad new paint job, so they will make thier own ceremony. Why let the company quietly do this? Celebrating the employees makes a bigger statement than anything else.

Don't know if many will go. Most are fed up... a few will. Most will pass and consider the next offer.

Another email from AFA about the America West recall but third time new hire offer, this one from the Riggle:

Dear Flight Attendants:

I have written to Doug Parker to express my extreme discontent over the "Job Opportunity" stipulations in order to take a position at America West.

I find it to be absurd to treat the flight attendant group as new hires off the street and I certainly do not think we were represented fairly by the MEC East.

I share in the disappointment and frustration as I read through the letter. The decision to take a position at HP should not cause financial distress and hardship.

I saddens me to see what this company continues to do to the rank and file. The very people that takes care of our passengers day in and day out.

In solidarity,


The letter she sent to Senior management was excellent, professional and she hit every point.

She is going in after it; protecting the INVOLS! Which the entire MEC East should have done initially...at the very least get the hotel rooms paid for during the 7 week training.
That would be funny.. start up a fund for recalled F/As to pay for hotel rooms in PHX for the seven week training. There should be a bulk discount rate. I bet many East and West employees and even customers would be willing to throw in a few dollars that the company or union is too cheap to provide. The best way to fight meanness is with compassion.

Both that and the EMB170 retiremnent party are great ideas. This company needs to be embarrassed by the goodwill of it's own customers and employees.
That would be funny.. start up a fund for recalled F/As to pay for hotel rooms in PHX for the seven week training. There should be a bulk discount rate. I bet many East and West employees and even customers would be willing to throw in a few dollars that the company or union is too cheap to provide. The best way to fight meanness is with compassion.

Both that and the EMB170 retiremnent party are great ideas. This company needs to be embarrassed by the goodwill of it's own customers and employees.
I wonder if the company will actually budge and pay for the hotels? I wish they would at least do it just to show some compassion.

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