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US Airways, International Association of Machinists Reach Tentative Agreement for Unified Mechanics-

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hey lets get back on topic , this is MX ....

hey maybe one of you MX guys should do an aviation poll to see what the membership is feeling .
I do believe the hubs in clt and phl would sell out on all the class II stations and west fleet if they were offered $25 an hour.
I think that the west would sell THEMSELVES out for $25.00/hr. Under the
leadership of Ron Roth and others they tried to sell themselves out for
a lot less that that.
Look at and tally up the numbers - this is Doug Parker's "0" cost contract - The reduction in benefits is covering the cost of the pay raises as is the loss of the profit sharing. Not to mention the lack of security for the outstations. I am a no vote at this time.
Let's send this TA back for an edit. Vote NO. I would like to see the IAM pension plan red lined. Several years ago the IAM pension plan was almost part of one of those concessionary contracts we voted on but was pulled, I suspect, because they realized it would trigger an outpour of NO votes. They are persistent. Vote NO on this TA let's see revision A.
Some of us are fleet on this board. But, since we're hearing this TA for mechanics still looks "Cost Neutral" how would the columns add up in plus' vs minu' in benefits/wages/jobs/senority/East/lWest.

(Are we to assume both 142 Higginbothum NOR 141 Canalee haven't gotten it right yet.)

I ask because Fleet would have to go thru it all over again also.
4. Article 3 (Status of Agreement). Will apply to West employees on the Transition Date.
Effective Transition Date amend CBA as follows:
• CIC language lines 14 through 31, paragraph E, Article 3 deleted.
Seems like we are giving up language and getting nothing in return.

7. Article 6 (Overtime and Holidays). Overtime provisions will apply to all employees no later than OEI. Holiday provisions will apply to West employees on January 1, 2009.
Effective no later than OEI amend CBA as follows:
Employees should be paid an hourly rate of double time for:
• Work performed on the seventh (7th) consecutive day worked if the employee is regularly
scheduled to work five (5) days a week; and
• Work performed on the sixth (6th) and seventh (7th) consecutive day(s) worked if the
employee is regularly scheduled to work four (4) days a week.

Does employee have to work (6th) day to get 2x on (7th), and (5th) to get 2x on (6th & 7th)??? Seems to good to be true.

Effective Transition Date amend CBA as follows:
• Effective Transition Date, add Memorial Day and day after Thanksgiving Day, for East employees. Effective January 1, 2009, add Martin Luther King Day for all employees.
Effective January 1, 2010, add Presidents Day for all employees. Effective January 1, 2011, add Columbus Day for all employees, for a total of ten (10) holidays.

The company was real quick to take away holidays, and pretty slow to give them back.
Put us up to 10 now or NO vote again

12. Article 11 (Vacation with Pay). Beginning January 1, 2008, East employees will begin
accruing vacation as outlined in the scale below. Both East and West employees will bid
vacation for 2009 based on accruals outlined in this scale, including the 1 to 40 ratio. (Westemployees will be grandfathered and will not suffer any loss of vacation accrual as a result fromconverting from the West method to the East accrual.)
Article 11 paragraph B will be amended as follows:
Completed Years of Service Vacation Allowance in Work Hours
1 80
5 120
12 160
25* 200 Effective 1/1/2011
*Effective 1/1/2011, employees will accrue vacation based on the above scale for use in calendaryear 2012.

Give everyone the vacation week Effective January 1, 2008 if not a big fat NO.

13. Article 12 (Sick Leave, Premiums and Bonuses).
• Shift premiums will become effective the first day of the first pay period following the
ratification date as follows: .61 cents for rotating shift, .58 cents for midnight shift, .51 centsfor afternoon shift. Afternoon shift will be recognized as starting between 0900 and 1959 hours. Midnight shifts 2000 through 0559 hours. Employees working afternoon, midnight
or rotating shift will receive shift premium for all hours worked.

This hasn't changed in 20 yrs, other than losing it. Why not a precentage of base wages???? Where did this money come from, are you going to tell me i have buy and clean my uniforms now?
Getting back something that was taken won't buy a yes vote.

In the event that the Company is unable to complete the necessary programming to implement shift premiums by the first day of the first pay period following ratification, then such premiums will be retroactive to that date.

With the IT dept. past track record, its a good idea.
deal or no deal?

You stay off fleet and I stay off the mechanic thread? If no deal, I will personally 'parse' this mechanic contract in a way in which I do not think is in your favored opinion. I'll come back on this thread tomorrow and if there is no deal between us then I'll commence my parsing. Remember, there is enough gray in this mechanic contract to paint a battleship with. Don't get me started I do not have the time, neither do I want to see the mechanics reject it.

FWIW: PHL is bigtime against this, as in BIGTIME. heard PHX was also.
Heard TG told the CLT guys at the local meeting this was 'final offer' but Tony G needs to understand that nothing is final until his membership sez it is. And TR did his 'reagonomics' spin but verballed a cheap shot to fleet but was put back in his place by fleet because that's how fleet operates. They don't play TR's B### S### games.

Separately, we are changin the leadership of 141 just like 143 did, and things are maneuvering behind the scenes against the officers of 142 also. Once 141, 142, 143 all get out the deadweight, then the transportation arm of the IAM will be more of a voice within. Nuff said.

Deal or no deal?

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago

Talk to Howie Mandell. 🙄 NO DEAL

I could care less what lies you spread on the M&R board. I will not waste valuable free time of my life debating you. Read and interpret any way you do. I know my contract better than you will ever know it.

There is probably less than 5% of the m&r members east and west that even read any of this junk.

It will give me pleasure to know that I have increased your daily workload. So PARSE away brother!

Whether this passes or not, your groups needs are very different than our groups needs.

The way I took what Tony G said was that he felt w would be waiting until the contract expires to get anything. I am not willing to throw away $9,000.00 bucks worth of wages next year,or the year after.
4. Article 3 (Status of Agreement). Will apply to West employees on the Transition Date.
Effective Transition Date amend CBA as follows:
• CIC language lines 14 through 31, paragraph E, Article 3 deleted.
Seems like we are giving up language and getting nothing in return.

7. Article 6 (Overtime and Holidays). Overtime provisions will apply to all employees no later than OEI. Holiday provisions will apply to West employees on January 1, 2009.
Effective no later than OEI amend CBA as follows:
Employees should be paid an hourly rate of double time for:
• Work performed on the seventh (7th) consecutive day worked if the employee is regularly
scheduled to work five (5) days a week; and
• Work performed on the sixth (6th) and seventh (7th) consecutive day(s) worked if the
employee is regularly scheduled to work four (4) days a week.

Does employee have to work (6th) day to get 2x on (7th), and (5th) to get 2x on (6th & 7th)??? Seems to good to be true.

Effective Transition Date amend CBA as follows:
• Effective Transition Date, add Memorial Day and day after Thanksgiving Day, for East employees. Effective January 1, 2009, add Martin Luther King Day for all employees.
Effective January 1, 2010, add Presidents Day for all employees. Effective January 1, 2011, add Columbus Day for all employees, for a total of ten (10) holidays.

The company was real quick to take away holidays, and pretty slow to give them back.
Put us up to 10 now or NO vote again

12. Article 11 (Vacation with Pay). Beginning January 1, 2008, East employees will begin
accruing vacation as outlined in the scale below. Both East and West employees will bid
vacation for 2009 based on accruals outlined in this scale, including the 1 to 40 ratio. (Westemployees will be grandfathered and will not suffer any loss of vacation accrual as a result fromconverting from the West method to the East accrual.)
Article 11 paragraph B will be amended as follows:
Completed Years of Service Vacation Allowance in Work Hours
1 80
5 120
12 160
25* 200 Effective 1/1/2011
*Effective 1/1/2011, employees will accrue vacation based on the above scale for use in calendaryear 2012.

Give everyone the vacation week Effective January 1, 2008 if not a big fat NO.

13. Article 12 (Sick Leave, Premiums and Bonuses).
• Shift premiums will become effective the first day of the first pay period following the
ratification date as follows: .61 cents for rotating shift, .58 cents for midnight shift, .51 centsfor afternoon shift. Afternoon shift will be recognized as starting between 0900 and 1959 hours. Midnight shifts 2000 through 0559 hours. Employees working afternoon, midnight
or rotating shift will receive shift premium for all hours worked.

This hasn't changed in 20 yrs, other than losing it. Why not a precentage of base wages???? Where did this money come from, are you going to tell me i have buy and clean my uniforms now?
Getting back something that was taken won't buy a yes vote.

In the event that the Company is unable to complete the necessary programming to implement shift premiums by the first day of the first pay period following ratification, then such premiums will be retroactive to that date.

With the IT dept. past track record, its a good idea.
To begin with, I hope the mechanics are content and ratify. It helps Fleet service. But you raise interesting issues. The context of these negotiations center around the upcoming merger activity in this industry and your company needs a deal. Your CIC is worth 'exactly' whatever your last wage was prior to bankruptcy since your contract sez, 'any future pay parity adjustments can not go down'. So if your top out wage was $30 then so be it, that's what was given up. I bet TR didn't tell you what your CIC wage would be did he?
The thing that I find awkward isn't that the COC was given up but rather everything the company wanted in the contract was thrown to the company at date of signing by TR, TG, BF, and others who will soon be voted out of office, but in return they didn't get the true handoff of 'this for that'. Hemenway got his upfront but you guys have to wait till like 2012 to get most of yours. That's fundamentally unfair. The profit sharing, COC, extension, scope issues, should have been handed off at the same time that the mechanics got their snapbacks. This didn't happen and only someone with a political agenda would negotiate in this way.

Like I said, I hope the mechanic tentative gets ratified, it will help other work groups and there is nothing wrong with benefiting the company as long as the work group ratifies it as a fair agreement.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
Sorry Tim but the mechanics should not ratify this agreement to help the Ramp - they had enough sense to vote NO on thier TA and we should do the same. Give me one valid reason I should accept this Parker "0" Cost Contract to help the ramp. Both groups need to stand united and strong against Parker and his "0" Cost. BOTH work groups deserve better. I would expect more out of you than that. This TA needs to go down in flames just like the ramp TA. We need to press forward with Section 6 in 09, there lies our best hope for a FAIR Contract, instead of begging for handouts in transition agreements.
Sorry Tim but the mechanics should not ratify this agreement to help the Ramp - they had enough sense to vote NO on thier TA and we should do the same. Give me one valid reason I should accept this Parker "0" Cost Contract to help the ramp. Both groups need to stand united and strong against Parker and his "0" Cost. BOTH work groups deserve better. I would expect more out of you than that. This TA needs to go down in flames just like the ramp TA. We need to press forward with Section 6 in 09, there lies our best hope for a FAIR Contract, instead of begging for handouts in transition agreements.
I have the best DFR attorney in the nation that is currently reviewing the lack of section 6's by the IAM. I would love for the mechanics to support a DFR against the IAM for its unwillingness to section 6. At this time, however, it does not appear to me that the mechanics have a network that is organized that can join the ramp in this endeavor.

I'd be willing to tie the mechanics into this potential DFR lawsuit if it's doable. The DFR attorney is going to be getting back to me later this week. He's the best and his retainer is $25,000 which I believe is doable with ramp only. At any rate, TR, TG, BF and the boys did it to you guys again and I wouldn't expect them to do any better unless you had 'heat' on their rumps through voting them out and/or legal maneuvering to force them to do what ALPA is finally doing for the west.....section 6.

Notice the Pittsburgh tribune today how the company rejected section 6 talks late yesterday, the ALPA spokesperson said,

US Airways is obligated by an earlier agreement to begin talks following the union's request, Tania Bziukiewicz, a union spokeswoman, said in an interview.

"I understand they want to negotiate a single agreement, but they are required to negotiate with us," she said. "The company doesn't have a choice."

The truth of the matter is that even ALPA was obligated. So is the IAM obligated with enforcing the west agreement since the section 6 was already triggered and made a part of your duration clause.

Again, I welcome solidarity between the groups but it will require a network of leaders from all the mechanic stations to join in with the ramp on a DFR lawsuit in federal court....provided the attorney gives us the go ahead this week. I'm not even sure if the mechanics are solid among themselves or if they have taken the time over these years to network eachother for solidarity purposes. The ramp has and is not only as tight as two coats of paint but has also tied in with United Airlines to vote out our deadbeat Union Bosses who are 'horrendous company pricks.'

Tim Nelson, email here
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
I have the best DFR attorney in the nation that is currently reviewing the lack of section 6's by the IAM. I would love for the mechanics to support a DFR against the IAM for its unwillingness to section 6. At this time, however, it does not appear to me that the mechanics have a network that is organized that can join the ramp in this endeavor.

I'd be willing to tie the mechanics into this potential DFR lawsuit if it's doable. The DFR attorney is going to be getting back to me later this week. He's the best and his retainer is $25,000 which I believe is doable with ramp only. At any rate, TR, TG, BF and the boys did it to you guys again and I wouldn't expect them to do any better unless you had 'heat' on their rumps through voting them out and/or legal maneuvering to force them to do what ALPA is finally doing for the west.....section 6.

Notice the Pittsburgh tribune today how the company rejected section 6 talks late yesterday, the ALPA spokesperson said,

US Airways is obligated by an earlier agreement to begin talks following the union's request, Tania Bziukiewicz, a union spokeswoman, said in an interview.

"I understand they want to negotiate a single agreement, but they are required to negotiate with us," she said. "The company doesn't have a choice."

The truth of the matter is that even ALPA was obligated. So is the IAM obligated with enforcing the west agreement since the section 6 was already triggered and made a part of your duration clause.

Again, I welcome solidarity between the groups but it will require a network of leaders from all the mechanic stations to join in with the ramp on a DFR lawsuit in federal court....provided the attorney gives us the go ahead this week. I'm not even sure if the mechanics are solid among themselves or if they have taken the time over these years to network eachother for solidarity purposes. The ramp has and is not only as tight as two coats of paint but has also tied in with United Airlines to vote out our deadbeat Union Bosses who are 'horrendous company pricks.'

Tim Nelson, email here
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago

Tim, the east M&R are under contract until 12/31/09. There can't be any section 6 for the east guys. The west may have a claim for filing, but the 800 of them don't seem to have much interest.
The proposed T/A would affect approx. 325 mechanics/related negatively. This vote will make or break them. Do what is right, don't delay new contract negotiations. This is a Union and there are many that will be harmed with the wrong "vote"!
The proposed T/A would affect approx. 325 mechanics/related negatively. This vote will make or break them. Do what is right, don't delay new contract negotiations. This is a Union and there are many that will be harmed with the wrong "vote"!


Pit line is already decimated, and the company would rather bring the planes to the the CLT hangar instead of ferrying them into PIT. But PIT still is part of the protected headcount for base in the TA. Right now, PIT base has no headcount protection.

I don't think you know what your talkin about. The union can't pick where the company decides that they do the maintenance thats covered in the contract, unles the contract spells it out. As long as we do it.

And the clause for PIT to have base maint. is still in there. The company will decide the numbers between PIT and CLT. CLT is the more modern hangar and the company is happy with the turn around time and quality, so what can you say?
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