What I don't understand is if US west is understaffed and US east is overstaffed why dont they park less east aircraft and more west aircraft instead of doing all this training and shuffling of people. I guess I don't have the big picture. :huh:
Because of Chapter 11 reorganization, mgmnt is able to 'get out of' aircraft leases at old USAirways. That is why more East a/c are being parked.
West is still obligated to its leases.
Also, West mgmnt and employees have worked hard over the past several years to turn our operation and attitude around, and we have been successful. Demand for our product out west (and east) has continued to grow. It took a few years of tinkering with yields and loads and costs, etc., but Doug and his team pretty much got it figgered out. We are on a growth cycle. Small, slow growth, but still...(not counting the 'merger', of course, which tripled our size)
I've seen so many posts I'd like to respond to on this thread. Jeez, I go away for one 4day trip...
However, I will just second whoever said there are prob many PHX FAs who would be willing to rent a room, etc.
Interested parties should go upstairs above B4 to the mail room and breakroom to find numerous postings for rooms, as well as uniforms for sale.
I, myself, have female uniform pieces in sizes 12,14,16 I can offer complimentary to any Eastie accepting a position at HP.
I stopped at the training center this morning, (my first time there since its been renamed and resigned to say US Airways, and that was strange)
Our LEC has set up a room there with gently used and new donated uniform pieces. They are sold off the rack at greatly reduced prices, and the proceeds go to fund the Pegasus Project.
I have been losing weight, and need smaller sizes, and was able to get a new skirt with the tag still on for $15.
There was a pretty good selection and range of sizes for both men and women, both new and used.
I would think that the aviator shirts we both use are universal.
Now, as far as somone else being able to 'negotiate a better deal' than Mike Flores?
Keep dreaming. There weren't no 'negotiating'. We got what Doogie was willing to give us and not a penny more.
Others have already zeroed in on the fact that he dosen't need to negotiate jack. If we don't like it, he'll hire off the street.
I'm begging you guys and gals, keep your eye on the single contract. Thats whats gonna count in the long run. Don't let yourself be distracted and played by mgmnt.