Boy all you two do is sit on this board and make up lies. Why did Teddy leave? Listen Piney as far as I know no one forced her hand. What's all this senior agenda going on . I sure would like to have a crystal ball or is it a witch's cauldron. Jump in!
Surely didn't want to be a part of an MEC where PHL controled the Board. She only represents the PSA mafia. And my disappointment in her is that she is controlled by the MECP, no matter what excuse is given, proof is in the outcome. When Mollie was president she had the ability to take out Perry for two years, and even though she thought his representation sucked, she respected the seat and others in the Council.
PHL and CLT (Mike) gunned for Teddy before she (PHL) even took her seat back this past June, and I personally believe it was at the direction of Mike and Carol(PSA). Why would Teddy want to continue to fight the politics in the MEC for control when there were more important issues before the MEC. Mike F. wanted the seat; he got the hot seat, and all the criticism for his lack of abilities that goes along with it.
Enough about the union. The members need to step up and take control as they have in the past when there is time for a "change in control" and elections for the base locals. In the meantime, pressure needs to be placed on this manamgnet to pay for the hotel rooms for the furloughees. 7 WEEKS is a long time to pay for a hotel room even if it was as low as $40 plus taxes. Furloughees will need at the very least $3,500 for thier rooms and then food and transprotation daily to and from the training site plus their uniforms.
Its at least a $7,000 deal for a substandard wage and job.
I could never afford that even at my current pay rate.
The mistake made is that the MEC East allowed the company and the AWA West to refer to the furloughees as "new hires". We never did that even when we were negotiating for MAA transition. Never.
These are USAirways flight attendants on furlough NOT new hires.
Many furloughees can't take the job just because of the cash outlay. This was was to be an opportunity; not a financial catastrophy for these folks.
Shame on the MEC. Would not have happened under my watch.
YES. I attack Mike's F. decision on these boards, and he write out an E-line to attempt to justify his lack of ability and strategy by mentioning these chat baords. (Just like managment).
Most folks have his number. He neds to focus on his job; not these boards.
Stay off Mike, it not healthy for you.