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F/A transition agreement reached

hmm.... the Flores letter sounds sincere, reasonable and convincing to me.

Convincing of WHAT exactly?

The point is that you are not there Teddy the self acclaimed champion of all causes. You never ever gave anyone else a chance to perform. You are still poking into other people's business. Just go away no one needs your direction. Timing is everything.

As evidenced by the lack of performance by the MEC-East President and his negotiations...obviously no direction was taken.

More like a coin toss. B)

Timing is everything; and you missed it.
Boy all you two do is sit on this board and make up lies. Why did Teddy leave? Listen Piney as far as I know no one forced her hand. What's all this senior agenda going on . I sure would like to have a crystal ball or is it a witch's cauldron. Jump in!
That letter put out by Mr. Flores is absolutely a snowball. I'm sure his intentions were good but the negotiations went badly. I agree that the responsibility of what happened to our invols on the east side lies strictly in the laps of the east MEC. Two different certificates, blah, blah, blah.... a better deal could have been worked out for these f/a's that want to come back. How in the HELL can they afford to do this and under such short notice. It totally stinks and as I said a few days ago, it will all come out in the wash as to who this REALLY benefits. I think some of us already do.
Boy all you two do is sit on this board and make up lies. Why did Teddy leave? Listen Piney as far as I know no one forced her hand. What's all this senior agenda going on . I sure would like to have a crystal ball or is it a witch's cauldron. Jump in!

Surely didn't want to be a part of an MEC where PHL controled the Board. She only represents the PSA mafia. And my disappointment in her is that she is controlled by the MECP, no matter what excuse is given, proof is in the outcome. When Mollie was president she had the ability to take out Perry for two years, and even though she thought his representation sucked, she respected the seat and others in the Council.

PHL and CLT (Mike) gunned for Teddy before she (PHL) even took her seat back this past June, and I personally believe it was at the direction of Mike and Carol(PSA). Why would Teddy want to continue to fight the politics in the MEC for control when there were more important issues before the MEC. Mike F. wanted the seat; he got the hot seat, and all the criticism for his lack of abilities that goes along with it.

Enough about the union. The members need to step up and take control as they have in the past when there is time for a "change in control" and elections for the base locals. In the meantime, pressure needs to be placed on this manamgnet to pay for the hotel rooms for the furloughees. 7 WEEKS is a long time to pay for a hotel room even if it was as low as $40 plus taxes. Furloughees will need at the very least $3,500 for thier rooms and then food and transprotation daily to and from the training site plus their uniforms.

Its at least a $7,000 deal for a substandard wage and job.

I could never afford that even at my current pay rate.

The mistake made is that the MEC East allowed the company and the AWA West to refer to the furloughees as "new hires". We never did that even when we were negotiating for MAA transition. Never.

These are USAirways flight attendants on furlough NOT new hires.

Many furloughees can't take the job just because of the cash outlay. This was was to be an opportunity; not a financial catastrophy for these folks.

Shame on the MEC. Would not have happened under my watch.

YES. I attack Mike's F. decision on these boards, and he write out an E-line to attempt to justify his lack of ability and strategy by mentioning these chat baords. (Just like managment).
Most folks have his number. He neds to focus on his job; not these boards.

Stay off Mike, it not healthy for you.
Surely didn't want to be a part of an MEC where PHL controled the Board. She only represents the PSA mafia. And my disappointment in her is that she is controlled by the MECP, no matter what excuse is given, proof is in the outcome. When Mollie was president she had the ability to take out Perry for two years, and even though she thought his representation sucked, she respected the seat and others in the Council.


Sorry about the other post was trying to reply but it did not work. PITbull thank you so much for your post it is right on the money. The breakdown for the cost to go out and work for US West is unattenable for anyone without a connection in PHX (for US East furloughs). To call furloughed employees new hires is a nice of saying take it or we are going to outsource your job. Mike truly didn't care or just dropped the ball on this one. It is nice to see that he took the time to give us managements view on the agreement. What about the union side of the matter? It has been very quite from their side. If all you need to do is agree with what the company uts out and then restated what they want I would like to throw ny hat into the ring for MEC President 😀 . This is the first of many offers to come down the pike from the company. Since the union dropped the ball on this they have set the standard for many more offers. Time for the work group to pull together and say we are one voice with one goal. Even though this doesn't affect alot of F/A's in the long run it is going to drive a wedge between us. I know that the HP folks went through the same training and same offer. I want again to express we are not NEW HIRES we are FURLOUGHED. Mid Atlantic was not a recall but they recieved hotels during training. We are the US Airways group and we should function as a group not as two companies trying to tell the other that we are better or worse.

**Edited to Merge Posts**

**Moderator Note: Please refrain from quoting a lengthy post. It just makes it easier for everyone to read follow-on posts. Thank you.**
Life is not fair Teddy but now since you are no longer involved you still want the spotlight to be on you. Think of the damage you are doing as you spin every event into drama. I could understand if you wanted to build a bridge between the two sides but you only draw people further apart. I do not pretend to regret some of my past actions but you act as if everything you had a part in was perfect. Grow up and take your place in history .......In other words your gone poof.
If a RSV keeps their off days and breaks guarantee, the average flying for a new hire is approx. 80 hours on average. That is if all the RSVs get utilized first. You can't break gaurantee unless all the RSVs have reached the guarantee amount in the month.

Pretty Sucky. So according to Eric's estimation of "pay" equals to $1,280 gross pay per month NOT counting any deductions for taxes and medical coverage, union dues etc.

Can't make it anywhere unless you live with about 5 people, and then you will still stuggle. The f/as miss qualifying for Medicade and welfare by about $1,000 bucks.

It's not that simple. FA's also receive per diem... that's (for US West) $1.75 for every hour you gone on overnight trips. And that's straight money non-taxable which adds a big chunk of change to the FA paycheck. Plus FAs get way more days off than a normal worker. And no other position has the amount of flexibility with your schedule as the FA group.

So yes the base pay for new hires may look horrible.. but after you add the per diem they make about what you'd expect an entry level job to make. Plus they work less days and have great flexibility in their schedules.
It's not that simple. FA's also receive per diem... that's (for US West) $1.75 for every hour you gone on overnight trips. And that's straight money non-taxable which adds a big chunk of change to the FA paycheck. Plus FAs get way more days off than a normal worker. And no other position has the amount of flexibility with your schedule as the FA group.

So yes the base pay for new hires may look horrible.. but after you add the per diem they make about what you'd expect an entry level job to make. Plus they work less days and have great flexibility in their schedules.

Teel that to the east reserves that never break guarantee nor get any per diem. Most clock 40hrs. Not enough money to do squat.
Teel that to the east reserves that never break guarantee nor get any per diem. Most clock 40hrs. Not enough money to do squat.

So the reserves are working 40hrs but getting paid for something around 70?

That's still not a bad deal. What other group can claim that?

Plus after the merger is complete you'll see less of that. I know the company is looking for new crew software for the combined company. This will allow the reserves to be utilized better cutting down on the number of reserves needed. Provided that tagging is not done away with in the combined contract. If so these issues may persist.

And I'm assuming you're saying the east reserves get per diem but aren't getting called out for the trips to earn the per diem?
When you sit around on reserve at US-east there is a HUGE difference in your check without the perdiem. We as stated before are averaging aroung 40 hours or so. It may not seem like bad money to others but it is low wage considering the cost out of pocket on the road. The flexibility you talk about is not always to your advantage either. I have not received the reserve like I wished for in two months. You get what your seniority can hold. It's easier said than done to have days moved or traded. It's not all that it's cracked up to be. Sure I guess it could be worse, I could be one of the poor invols who were just thrown a half chewed bone.
I really want to know what the West f/a's consensus is on East invols coming over. I am sure it's not good, and I do not want to come over and have to deal with ignorance and incruelty. I do not want to be treated as a threat, unfairly, or endure any harshness that a striking "scab" could face just because I get an opportunity to come back to work. Perhaps the seven week training will "humble" us before we get on the line as AWA f/a's. I've gone from optimistic about this opportunity to wondering what the heck am I going to do??? I am sure a great deal of West f/a's are very nice, but it's those who do not know the facts, who buy into the propaganda, and who do not know what it has been like for us on the East side who dealt with furlough and then the unimaginable crap we had to put up with at MidAtlantic (like working a four day trip, and end up getting paid 5+30 because of no pay protection for cancellations, for example.) IF I come back, this will basically be my third time "starting over"...essentially with the SAME airline. I could use a little assurance over here this time around... :unsure:
FA99-11, if I flew with you, I would give you a big hug!

THANKS desertgal! I'm in a very unique position in that I moved to PHX prior to the merger announcement, so I do not have to factor in the costs that other East invols will incur to transition to AWA. I, or any of the East invols, should not be targeted for hatred...simply because we happen to have a US Airways seniority date. You'd might as well stitch a red "U" on our uniforms (from The Scarlett Letter for all of you who didn't catch that)...that's how I feel it could be...We should not have to deal with it. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big boy, and I can stand my ground, but I should not have to come into this with that mentality. Ya know! 🙂
I really want to know what the West f/a's consensus is on East invols coming over. I am sure it's not good, and I do not want to come over and have to deal with ignorance and incruelty. I do not want to be treated as a threat, unfairly, or endure any harshness that a striking "scab" could face just because I get an opportunity to come back to work. Perhaps the seven week training will "humble" us before we get on the line as AWA f/a's. I've gone from optimistic about this opportunity to wondering what the heck am I going to do??? I am sure a great deal of West f/a's are very nice, but it's those who do not know the facts, who buy into the propaganda, and who do know what it has been like for us on the East side who dealt with furlough and then the unimaginable crap we had to put up with at MidAtlantic. IF I come back, this will basically be my third time "starting over"...essentially with the SAME airline. I could use a little assurance over here this time around... :unsure:

I can't imagine anyone treating you in such a manner here. We all have our opinions about how things should be run but I doubt any FA here is so unproffesional that they would take it out on you.

I definitely understand why you're so hesitant but if you're interested in taking the callback I wouldn't worry about being treated badly. All the FAs I know would welcome you with open arms.

Hope to see you out there and good luck!!!
When you sit around on reserve at US-east there is a HUGE difference in your check without the perdiem. We as stated before are averaging aroung 40 hours or so. It may not seem like bad money to others but it is low wage considering the cost out of pocket on the road. The flexibility you talk about is not always to your advantage either. I have not received the reserve like I wished for in two months. You get what your seniority can hold. It's easier said than done to have days moved or traded. It's not all that it's cracked up to be. Sure I guess it could be worse, I could be one of the poor invols who were just thrown a half chewed bone.

What expenses do you have on the road? Food? You still eat when you're not on the road.

Does US East get any discounts for food and such at their hotels? We might want to ask the union to push for good discounts while away on trips. That would ease the lean on per diem.

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