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F/A Secondary Lines for May-AFA Labor thread title edited

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I worked TLV twice and only because I had no choice. I figured I would give it a second shot, sometimes you have a hit or miss on a trip. Well, lets just say it wasn't the a hit or miss. It was the people in general.

The men hardly listen to women, they fight over where to sit, some can't sit next to women. They are rude, disrepectful, and it takes longer then blocked boarding time to board the flight. It will always go out late unless it is light and it never will be. I mean this with all my heart, I would rather scratch out my eyes, then ever work another flight to TLV. If you love a religious challenge, and rude and disrespectful people, go for it. The layover itself is AMAZING, to get there is not worth it.... Good Luck on the inaugural....

:lol: You've just described trips to West Palm Beach, Ft. Lauderdale and Miami in a nutshell for those of us that fly domestically! :lol:
When US got the Tel Aviv flight I just rolled my eyes.

When are they ever going to learn? You cannot MESS WITH this particular population. They will remember and they will not forgive. Newark isn't that far away, and if you're going to Newark, you'll go to JFK.

An understaffed, inferior service will NOT PLAY with this population. But we know this script already, they'll do it their way, crash and burn, scratch their heads and say "we're sorry, we didn't realize. . ." and try to make the necessary changes that they should have planned for in the first place. By then it will be too late and their reputation will suck and it'll take low fares to attract customers, thereby negating the benefit of the route to begin with.


PS. Planning on working the crew to death to make up for being cheap won't work either. The F/As will push back and the service will be inferior. Staff the damn thing properly and plan on an extended stay for coordinators.
Ok so per the union there will be 9 flight attendants and a "HIRED" interpreter. Staffing is wrong, the meal service is going to be ridiculous and HOW are you to allow people to pray in the aft galley? Isn't it a TSA requirement that pilots make the announcement about not congregating in the aisles or GALLEYS? First of all the galley is for food and beverage. I'm not trying to be insensitive to their need to pray but if they were in a restaurant and the only place with room to pray was the kitchen I highly doubt OSHA would allow it. This is insane. You will have flight attendants chasing them out of the galley. Also don't think for a second that TSA/FAA won't be contacted about it by some of US's finest trolley dollies. They won't be intimidated by passengers because it's Israel. I have Jewish family members and I'll tell ya right now....AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN! ! ! 🙄
Ok so per Carol Austin there will be 9 flight attendants and a "HIRED" interpreter. Staffing is wrong, the meal service is going to be ridiculous and HOW are you to allow people to pray in the aft galley? Isn't it a TSA requirement that pilots make the announcement about not congregating in the aisles or GALLEYS? First of all the galley is for food and beverage. I'm not trying to be insensitive to their need to pray but if they were in a restaurant and the only place with room to pray was the kitchen I highly doubt OSHA would allow it. This is insane. You will have flight attendants chasing them out of the galley. Also don't think for a second that TSA/FAA won't be contacted about it by some of US's finest trolley dollies. They won't be intimidated by passengers because it's Israel. I have Jewish family members and I'll tell ya right now....AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN! ! ! 🙄
"HIRED?" Do tell please. Tempe is in way over their heads on this one. I had some catering people on a flight and the way they explained the service it will be no different than going to Gatwick. Of course we had questions about how they expected the purser to deal with all of the special meals in addition to the 20 'extra" special meals. They looked at us like we had a third eye. To say nothing of the fact they had no idea how many fight attendants will be working this flight. They seemed like nice people but that doesn't count here. We asked what kind of research had been done and I guess they checked to see how CO does it. I hope the "HIRED" interpreter is going to double up as galley police. Just think, two hot meals each way with, let's just say, 80 special meals. Now add in no opening of beverage cans, no sitting next to women, etc., etc. Can't wait for the first report.

Still no e-line from the union.
I am looking over this book. Lord love a living duck. I am suppose to surrender my passport in a plastic bag in the briefing? I don't have any time for all these absurdités as the French would say. Please, these gals can't remember the hotel sheet much less a zip lock with 14 passports. E90 here I come! Ouy Vey!
A group of kids could create a high school newsletter quicker than it takes John to produce this fabled E-line. He promised one after the last union meeting and NOTHING. Now people are up in arms about the secondary line issue and.........NOTHING. See a pattern here? Oh but request a chart to tell f/a's when they will time out on int'l can get popped out like it's no big deal. Ok here's a though, since John is willing to help the senior folk out (and I say senior because very few junior fly int'l besides quick calls/daily calls) why not put together a quick reference sheet for the junior flight attendants that find themselves CSD. Nothing worse than forgetting to do something and having a bus full of angry senior f/a's hissing and spitting at you. It happens. John needs to start communicating with the base and letting flight attendants know of issues BEFORE we hear about it on our own.
:cold: 😛h34r: Is it me or is the tide turning and the troops getting angry? AFA must be sitting there like uh what happened? Vanna turn those letters, they could not buy a clue!
Well here we sit and it's 8:05pm eastern time and no E-line. How damn hard is it? We are the union and YOU (John) in the Local 70 office were elected to do a job. I don't care if your under budget and answering more calls than Ernestine the operator......you need to keep your flight attendants in the know. God knows he feels the group needs fed, burped and changed. Probably true but your elected to do a job inform the group. YOUR NOT DOING IT! ! ! oh and YES there is talk of the company hiring an interpreter since they couldn't get f/a's through the LODO program. It's legit to do I guess but...... It just gets better.
A group of kids could create a high school newsletter quicker than it takes John to produce this fabled E-line. He promised one after the last union meeting and NOTHING. Now people are up in arms about the secondary line issue and.........NOTHING. See a pattern here? Oh but request a chart to tell f/a's when they will time out on int'l can get popped out like it's no big deal. Ok here's a though, since John is willing to help the senior folk out (and I say senior because very few junior fly int'l besides quick calls/daily calls) why not put together a quick reference sheet for the junior flight attendants that find themselves CSD. Nothing worse than forgetting to do something and having a bus full of angry senior f/a's hissing and spitting at you. It happens. John needs to start communicating with the base and letting flight attendants know of issues BEFORE we hear about it on our own.

Great thought about the CSD chart. You're right, after the gals go through each and every position figuring out which one is the easiest , and then *drum roll* the junior person gets the CSD position. First thing on the plane you can count on being advised how to do the job. Usually followed by, "I would have taken CSD, but I'm just too tired after flying 10 t/a flights in a row and carrying home all my shopping from Primark, whatever grocery store is close, and 10 cuckoo clocks. But don't worry, I'll complain about the job you're doing both ways."
Quickcall stop your making me have my soda coming out my nose! Cukoo clocks :lol: :lol: :lol:
Let's revisit the whole "praying in the galley" crap. Ummmm and if prayer time happens to be during the juice and water service are we to step between them as they pray in groups of 10? That isn't going to work. If you let them pray due to their faith what would prevent others from wanting to pray in the galley too? I have a great idea for management. Remove a row or two of seats and create a prayer area. :lol: I guess a lot of people that go to Rome aren't religious on their way to the Vatican? Why not install a confession booth too for that flight? 🙄
Let's revisit the whole "praying in the galley" crap. Ummmm and if prayer time happens to be during the juice and water service are we to step between them as they pray in groups of 10? That isn't going to work. If you let them pray due to their faith what would prevent others from wanting to pray in the galley too? I have a great idea for management. Remove a row or two of seats and create a prayer area. :lol: I guess a lot of people that go to Rome aren't religious on their way to the Vatican? Why not install a confession booth too for that flight? 🙄
I want an area for Lutherans going to Stockholm! Good idea about removing rows but can you just imagine what they would do with the rest of the airplane????

For those of you who have your book, check out the lav designation at 2L/2R.

I know I'll be assigned this trip so I'm venting now. I won't have time when they call me with a daily call at 2000.
Someone clear some things up for me:

1. Why is 9 FA's bad? Isn't the plane smaller than our current 330's? Why is the staffing poor?

2. Why all this talk about praying? Is this a huge problem on Continental, or Delta? Is the company saying to let them pray in the galley? I don't understand.

3. As I understand it, we cannot hire new FA's when we have FA's on furlough, so there is no opportunity to hire Hebrew speakers. What is wrong with the interpreter idea? After all, it does not take a bid position away from the FA's. I seem to remember UA or NW utilizing interpreters on some Asia flights; I am not sure if they still do. What are the thoughts on this?

4. What is the difference between our meal service, and say, DL or CO? I understand the Kosher drama that may ensue, but what does CO/ DL do differently that we are not doing?
Someone clear some things up for me:

1. Why is 9 FA's bad? Isn't the plane smaller than our current 330's? Why is the staffing poor?

2. Why all this talk about praying? Is this a huge problem on Continental, or Delta? Is the company saying to let them pray in the galley? I don't understand.

3. As I understand it, we cannot hire new FA's when we have FA's on furlough, so there is no opportunity to hire Hebrew speakers. What is wrong with the interpreter idea? After all, it does not take a bid position away from the FA's. I seem to remember UA or NW utilizing interpreters on some Asia flights; I am not sure if they still do. What are the thoughts on this?

4. What is the difference between our meal service, and say, DL or CO? I understand the Kosher drama that may ensue, but what does CO/ DL do differently that we are not doing?

1.Have you ever worked for a carrier that did true long haul? Why don't we just wait until you fly it and get your thoughts. The notion is insane. I have and this staffing level is absurd.
2. This is an airplane, not a place of worship and that galley is too small for 3-4 people much less 10 standing in prayer. I know CO crews don't allow that.
3. I agree with the Lodo issue. It will be interesting to see how our girls interact with this translator. PS, same situation for the Greek ATH position, did they hire for that? NO. very odd.
4. Don't know.
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