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Email from Perry Hayes AFA MEC President

Dea Certe

Aug 20, 2002
Reaction score
-- Explanations of the proposed revisions to the
Dear US Airways Flight Attendant:
Many of you have contacted your AFA Local Offices or
called the MEC office since receiving your ballot letter
from the AFA International President. I understand
that parts of that letter have caused a great deal
of distress among you and I want to try to clear up
a view points in the letter.
First of all, the only labor group that has ratified
an agreement with the Company is ALPA. The ALPA MEC
opted to conduct MEC ratification of their agreement
rather than send it our to their members for a vote.
The flight dispatchers represented by the TWU have
not ratified their agreement and their members will
be voting on their agreement. The remaining labor groups
will be conducting membership balloting regarding their
The other portion of the ballot letter you received
that has caused many negative comments is the language
attached to the FOR and AGAINST choices in the
statement of question. Although I was provided a copy
of this letter, I did a poor job in reviewing this.
I can promise you that had I carefully reviewed the
letter, I would not have approved that language. To
me, it is a simple question that every flight attendant
at this airline has the intelligence to answer without
any prodding or pushing from anyone. Either you believe
that management or Bronner from RSA will liquidate
the airline or you don''t. Is the agreement you are
voting on a good one? Absolutely not. But I can not
tell you in good conscience that if this agreement
is voted down we will have another opportunity to vote
because I don''t know that for a fact.
I would like each of you to consider that before agreeing
to meet with the Company on December 17th, management
advised us of their decision to maintain their concessions
regarding salary and take increases as outlined for
the flight attendants in our July 2002 Restructuring
Agreement. Management also advised us that they will
not receive any bonuses for 2002 and 2003. Is that
enough? You will have to decide.
AFA had also advised the Company that we would not
sit down and talk until agreements were reached with
all the other labor groups. We did meet with them prior
to that actually happening, but we were the last group
to end our discussions with the Company.
I am not happy about the situation we are in. I am
especially unhappy that discussions with the Company
occurred based on threats of liquidation. Each of you
will have to make your own decision and no one should
try to convince you to vote one way or another. I only
ask that you exercise your right to vote and let your
voice be heard.
Again, I am sorry for allowing the letter you received
to go out to you with an error and with language that
clearly could be viewed as an attempt to sway your
decision. Vote FOR or AGAINST this agreement based
on what you think is the right thing to do.
Perry L. Hayes
US Airways MEC President

This comes to us as a result of our me-too with the
pilots. What this rig change means is that a four day
trip will still have to pay no less than 20+00 hours.
However, once this rig changes the Company will not
have to pay you a minimum on any particular day of
a trip. In other words, if day 1 of a four-day trip
is scheduled for only 2+15 hours that may be all you
get paid. In this example, day 2 could pay 7+59, day
three could pay 3+00 and day 4 would have to be worth
no less than 6+46. If you were on a two-day and day
1 only pays 3+00, day 2 would have to be worth no less
than 7+00. This will allow the Company to create trips
that are very unproductive on some days and extremely
productive on other days. EFFECTIVE MARCH 2003
These changes are duty changes, and also come to us
as a result of our me-too with the pilots. The reduced
rig of 1 for 2.25 applies to the hours of 0600-2159
and the reduced rig of 1 for 2 applies to the hours
of 2200-0559. EFFECTIVE MARCH 2003
For blockholders who are sick for 1/2 or less of their
post-SAP, post-over-projection adjustments, or, when
implemented, their preferential bid award, the total
sick claim cannot be more than would bring them to
that line value less five hours. For example, if a
blockholder has a line value of 80+00 and calls in
sick for a trip, he/she could not claim an amount that
would put them over 75+00 hours. If that same blockholder
was sick in excess of 40+00 hours of their 80+00 hour
line value, he/she could claim an amount that would
bring them up to their line value. If that same flight
attendant used SAP or the pref bid system to create
a line worth 90+00 hours, that flight attendant would
be able to use the higher value and claim to 85+00
if sick for 45+00 hours or less or up to 90+00 if sick
for 45+01 or more during the month.
90/95 and 100/105 hour option flight attendants can
claim up to 90 and 100 hours.
Reserve flight attendants will not be able to claim
in excess of their monthly minimum guarantee of 71+00
hours unless on the 90/95 or 100/105 hour options.
If a reserve flight attendant on non-option (80/85)
calls in sick for a ten hour trip and flies 60+00 hours
during the month, he/she could claim 10+00 hours. If
that same reserve calls in sick for a 20+00 trip and
flies 60+00 hours during the month, the maximum he/she
could claim would be limited to 11+00 hours. Any reserve
flight attendant on the 90/95 or 100/105 hour option
would be entitled to claim up to 90 and 100 hours respectively.
NOTE: The Company has advised that there will be a
rebid of options to allow flight attendants to elect
a higher option.
Reserves will continue to bid for days off and such
bid will take place after lines of time are awarded.
Reserves will have eight (8) inviolable days off. Trips
will be awarded based on which reserve has the least
amount of time. Vacation and/or training count towards
projected hours. When contacted by scheduling, a flight
attendant will not be allowed to pass except for off
days. A reserve will be able to continue to split a
trip for off days. If required to fly a trip into non-inviolable
off days, such days will be restored to the flight
attendant. A reserve may fly into his/her off days,
at his/her option, however, such off days will not
be restored. If multiple trips are available at the
time of contact, the reserve will be allowed to select
from trips available. High option reserve flight attendants
(90/95 and 100/105) will be allowed to pick up trips
on off days, but are not required to do so. High option
reserve flight attendants do not have to give up off
days in order to attempt to reach 90/95 or 100/105.
Reserve flight attendants will be released upon trip
assignment except in cases of extreme irregular operations.
Primary lines, SAP, and secondary lines will be replaced
with a preferential bid system. The simplest way to
explain a pref bid system would be to compare it to
SAP. In SAP, you go in and make adjustments to your
line awarded in the primary line bid process. Well,
in pref bid, you will receive published pairings and
use a system similar to SAP to build your own line.
If there is a 757 trip on the 5th, a 737-300 trip on
the 17th, and A319/320 trip on the 22nd and another
757 trip on the 27th that you want to fly, you can
bid for those trips just as you now do in SAP. Based
on your seniority, you will be awarded what you can
hold. You will be able to bid specific trip pairings
or use parameters, i.e., 3-day trip on the 5th. The
complete details of the system that will be implemented
are not known at this time since a vendor has not yet
been selected. The Company and AFA must mutually agree
on a vendor. The way the system will manipulate bids
and any changes to that must also be agreed upon. This
is important. If, for example, flight attendant Jones
who is number one on the seniority list bids for any
3 day on the 5th and is awarded trip number 12345.
Then flight attendant Smith who is number 3000 on the
seniority list actually bids trip number 12345, the
system would be able to go back up and give flight
attendant Smith a different 3 day trip since Smith
did not specify that actual trip and Jones specifically
asked for that trip.
The trip pairing we will use in pref bid will be the
same pairings as the pilots. This will allow flight
attendants to bid with pilots if they so desire.
The pref bid system will continue to create lines of
time until it can no longer create a line with at least
70+00 hours. The pref bid system should be able to
create as many lines as we currently have with primary
and secondary lines. We are still tied to the pilots
in each base as far as time flown by the pilots. EFFECTIVE
The bid sheet will still be in effect with no changes.
In other words, you will still be able to go on the
bid sheet the day prior to your line awarded trip and
trip improve for more or less time. Weekends are not
treated differently than they are today. The changes
that the pilots agreed to in relation to the bid sheet
do not apply to the flight attendants. In addition,
the bid sheet will be automated so that you can go
on the bid sheet either by phone or computer.
Mid-Atlantic (MDA) will be operated as a division of
mainline. Wages, benefits, and work rules will match
Amercian Eagle flight attendant agreement in place
as of December 20, 2002. A US Airways flight attendant
who is furloughed will be able to fly for MDA and will
use their US Airways longevity for pay purposes. In
other words, if a 7-year flight attendant is furloughed
an elects to fly for MDA, he/she would be paid at the
7-year rate for an MDA flight attendant. A flight attendant
may elect to accept involuntary furlough in lieu of
flying for MDA. Such flight attendant would receive
furlough pay but would not be able to return until
recalled to mainline.
Monthly contribution will be higher than was published
in the 2002 Restructuring Agreement. In 2003, an employee
only under the 80/60 plan will pay $16.00/month, or
$2.00 more. Employee and spouse will pay $32.00/month,
or $5.00 more. Employee and child will pay $31.00/month,
or $8.00 more.
In 2003, an employee selecting the 90/70 plan will
pay $35.00/month, or $8.00 more. Employee and spouse
will pay $70.00/month, or $15.00 more. Employee and
child will pay $66.00/month, or $14.00 more. Employee
and family will pay $116.00, or $26.00 more.
In 2003, an employee selecting the 100/80 plan will
pay $52.00/month, or $16.00 more. An employee and
spouse will pay $103.00/month, or $31.00 more. An
employee and child will pay $98.00/month, or $30.00
more. And employee and family will pay $170.00, or
$52.00 more.
The monthly contribution will increase as outlined
in the summary booklet through 2008. Copays, deductibles,
and out-of-pocket maximums are fixed through 2005.

The basic life insurance may be continued by the pre-65
retiree but the Company will no longer pay the subsidy.
The dependent life insurance may also be continued
by the pre-65 retiree but the Company will no longer
pay the subsidy.
This benefit will be eliminated for all post-65 retirees.
Will continue to be paid by the Company. The benefit
percentage will be reduced to 50% from the current
60%. The monthly maximum benefit will increase from
$2,350 to $7,500, although no flight attendant will
ever get that maximum since he/she would have to earn
$15,000/month to qualify. The 90-day waiting period
will be increased to 120 days.
Only six month of salary continuance will be offered,
down from a current 15 months. An employee can use
his/her sick bank once salary continuance has ended.