Finally another company defender signs up!
Last time I checked, the third party work is not putting any bread or butter on my table, it is only lining management pockets and I did get a BBQ Sandwhich.
The reason everyone is skeptical and concerned is the past. All we have is the past to go on, and the past tells us that neither the TWU Leadership nor AA Management can be trusted.
Yes this will get exlpored, Yes the TWU can sign off on it regardless of membership concern. And by the way, "Butting Heads" has never been a TWU usual event during negotiations as you would have us believe. The TWU always postures boldly then folds up like a cheap tent.
Why extend two years? Because the TWU is leading the pack in mechanic negotiations and the other unions including AMFA will surely trump them in their soon to be held negotiations. This way the stronger unions can negotiate a standard in the industry and the TWU came take up the rear and as always set a new standard in a reverse direction but better than what we have at the time.
How many times does this cycle have to be repeated before the story is memorized?
If the TWU accepts this extension without any additional revenue, or promise of retro for all, then someone is either high or getting paid off at your union.