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Eh Eh want mechanics to accept 2 year contract extension

After reading this exchange between Little and Arpey. I am now convinced that there was NO detailed PROPOSAL from AA as the TWU has claimed.
I do believe you are correct in your assumptions. The only thing left to do is to boot the bastards once and for all. :up:
After reading this exchange between Little and Arpey. I am now convinced that there was NO detailed PROPOSAL from AA as the TWU has claimed.

That is possible considering some TWU goons were asking the mechanics in hangar 5 today what it would take to sell the 2 year extension and wanting feedback on a $10,000 one time payment as food for thought.
That is possible considering some TWU goons were asking the mechanics in hangar 5 today what it would take to sell the 2 year extension and wanting feedback on a $10,000 one time payment as food for thought.
$10,000...you're not serious are you? That would be about $115,000 shy of the current concessions debt, and would rise by another $50,000 if we extend the concessions another 2 years. I hope these mechanics were giving these guys an earful, and telling them to pack it up their arse.
That is possible considering some TWU goons were asking the mechanics in hangar 5 today what it would take to sell the 2 year extension and wanting feedback on a $10,000 one time payment as food for thought.

If the twu is asking what it would take to extend the contract 2 years can only mean that the twu WANTS to extend it and do the company's bidding. Why ask what it would take? Why not fight to get back what was taken in the first place!

I can tell you for a fact that if this question was asked in SAN there would be some raised voices.
That's what I'm afraid...Tulsa carries the vote again. :down:

Well we cant blame Tulsa if we dont make an effort to inform them. In 2003 when Local 562 took out an ad in the Tulsa World the response was impressive, in fact there was enough NO votes out of Tulsa that if Kansas City was not cunted the contract would have been rejected.
TWU-GOTTA-GO and Bob Owens. Your both correct when it comes to Tulsa and MCI, but lets not forget Title II is a huge problem also. Title II had 813 more yes voters than no voters, while Title I as a whole only had a difference of 77.
I'll take stock. As long as I get as many shares as Arpey and the gang get. Otherwise, NO "nontraditional compensation" and NO extension. How many times must it be said by the AMTs at AA that we want what was taken during concessions given back. I hope our negotiators make a paper airplane out of the company proposal and write the letters AMFA on the sides and toss it the int.'s way so they might get a clue as to the anger that is behind every wrench in the syste.

So your postition is basically this:

I'm willing to work everyday for a small fraction of Arpey's base wages but when it comes to success sharing, if I don't get as much as Arpey, I don't want any at all.

Not exactly cutting off your nose to spite your face, but pretty close. Kinda hard to feed the family with those principles, but if it works for you . . .

Every wrench in the system is angry? At whom? At Arpey or your loser union leaders? As I've said before, it's not management's job to negotiate for you and it's not always management's fault when your loser union fails miserably to negotiate sufficient rewards for your huge givebacks.

About getting it all back? That would be great, if AA were making more than $1.62 billion in annual profits. But since it's not, I wouldn't hold my breath that it's gonna go negative again just to restore your wages and benefits.

Anyway, good luck at getting back as much as you can.
Every wrench in the system is angry? At whom? At Arpey or your loser union leaders? As I've said before, it's not management's job to negotiate for you and it's not always management's fault when your loser union fails miserably to negotiate sufficient rewards for your huge givebacks.
This is actually a good point; who are we angry with. Historically it was always with the union going back many years, way before the 2003 fiasco. Then comes the screwing at the NMB by way of sworn testimony by the company which forced us to not even having an opportunity to select the representative of our choice. Their lies have left us with their union of choice, not ours. Who wins the vote doesn't matter, what matters is that the company decided for us by not allowing us to vote.

So back to the original question. The anger has now shifter to the company because if their not going to allow us to choose our representatives, well then the blame falls on them for not taking care of us contractually. They are fully aware that we are now most likely stuck with this company-union, and they are fully aware that we can't change our leadership where it counts. Add to that the theme of shAAred sacrifice, the lowball offer soon to come just to appeAAse Tulsa/KC, and that leads to the all around pissed off sentiment.
Every wrench in the system is angry? At whom? At Arpey or your loser union leaders? As I've said before, it's not management's job to negotiate for you and it's not always management's fault when your loser union fails miserably to negotiate sufficient rewards for your huge givebacks.

Anyway, good luck at getting back as much as you can.

We are not angry
We are tired of working for reduced wages and reduced benefits that only impact the front line employee not the gang of greed that runs this company or should I say has ruined this company.

You can place the blame on the union or management but when the farce of share in the pain share in the gain is paraded around it is nothing but a false slogan that has no merit.

When the "loser union fails miserably" it is the loser management that lies miserably
The time has come to share in the gain and now the company is doing the 2 step to exstend the current concession package.

Its time to pay up

The company can stick the performance plan up thier arse

We want an hourly increase and nothing less. Positive cash per hour not a pipe dream of performance incentives.

performance is at an all time low do you really think we are going to produce under the current concessions ROFLMAO :lol: :lol: :lol:
just because you promise us a leap check :lol: :lol: :lol:

You want performance pay me and keep the empty promises 😉
Supposedly the bait is up to $20,000 for a two year extension according to one of our stewards who claims to 'have been in contact with our local president'.

Also hearing rumblings of a buyout for the senior heads, if they give five and five watch the stampede.
YOU SAY 20K!! I SAY F.U.R.P.!!!

The company and Mr. Our Pay better have one thing in mind. If they slide another shitty contract thru with the help of the bought and paid for TWU and the small town boys in Tulsa and Kansas City they will have two years of hell to pay!! The line mechanics are sick and tired of getting screwed with sub standard pay that does not keep up with inflation!! It is at the line stations that low morale is now and will do even more damage in the future!! I pitty our passengers for the next two years if this happens again!! Time for a change!!
Every wrench in the system is angry? At whom? At Arpey or your loser union leaders? As I've said before, it's not management's job to negotiate for you and it's not always management's fault when your loser union fails miserably to negotiate sufficient rewards for your huge givebacks.


For once and for all,,the TWU IS AN EXTENSION OF MANAGEMENT...We have no say in the international appointees. We only have voting power at the local level..A REAL union would not even consider a 2 year extension after its members lost $120,000.

You keep saying blame the union...there is nothing we can do about them because as long as TUL is content,,to hell with everyone else...

For once and for all,,the TWU IS AN EXTENSION OF MANAGEMENT...We have no say in the international appointees. We only have voting power at the local level..A REAL union would not even consider a 2 year extension after its members lost $120,000.

You keep saying blame the union...there is nothing we can do about them because as long as TUL is content,,to hell with everyone else...

Like I mentioned before we have absolutely no say in our union.
We DO NOT own the contract. :angry:
We can NOT elect our International officers. 😱
The ATD has the power to sign off on a contract against membership approval. :blink:
The ATD has the power to amend the contract without membership approval. 😱
So what we have is nothing. 🙁
Listen, I will say it again...
NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING. Just pay your dues and shut up.
This is suppose to be a democratic union. We all know it's not. :rant:

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