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Eh Eh want mechanics to accept 2 year contract extension

A card drive now would mean nothing. After the NWA debacle, AMFA is no longer a viable threat, and the TWU knows it.

I am not knocking AMFA here, just facing reality. I was a big supporter and signature-gatherer for AMFA, and would be again if I thought it would do any good.

I not not believe that AMFA is no longer a viable threat. Democracy is always viable to hold elected officials accountable.

Look at the facts. If AA AMTs went AMFA we would infuse a HUGE number of skilled members. FOUR of the biggest airlines would in effect be "under one roof" where ALL officials are elected. People who either fear change or losing cushy jobs attempt to slam AMFA for the NWA strike. It was SCABS that hampered skilled labor from the company eliminating half their jobs. The union is the members. If AA went AMFA, along with the other AMFA represented airlines, our craft & profession would be better off.

I know you are not knocking AMFA. If a proposal comes back that is short of a full snapback with a raise to match inflation then everyone needs to step up and do what is necessary. If American Airlines believes in the product AA AMTs provide not only for our passengers but to passengers of other airlines then perhaps they should pay us for that product. Now, before some coward jumps in and complains about what sets the "market" and we are lucky, blah, blah, blah I say that the market rate is set by those willing to fight to increase the rate.

AMFA got NWA AMTs roughly a $7.00 HR raise and AA followed suit. Asking American Airlines to return our contract to what it was plus adjustments for inflation is NOT unattainable. It is the right thing to do.
I have heard the company has some contract work it wants to obtain maybe Boeing UPS or FedEx I dont know

It seems the parties involved will not commit to AA because of the upcoming contract expiration with the AA mechanics

AA feels if it can get the exstension from the twu the parties involved will commit to a maint contract with AA

It wont take long for the twu to say BOHICA
Its fact, but it’s all seven work groups represented by the TWU. This means one vote as a whole to make it happen.

Ok. This is a proposal by the company in writing or your locals posted that talks are in the works and the company stated they wanted an extension?
This is a repeat of history with the TWU! The Presidents council is a scapegoat for the International perioid! In my opinion, This whole deal has been worked out and they will use the presidents Council to buy into it and get it to the membership for a vote and then blame the Presidents and the members. I can't beleive after all these years of smoke and mirrors newly elected presidents do not see it or want to try to change it for the benefit of their members. Even if they tried and failed it would better than leading us to the slaughter again. For the Presidents who have been here before shame on the members for re-electing the sheep.

Chuck Schalk

I have a list somewhere of the presidents who voted for the sellout in 03.

Rasco is on it.
Its a done deal, boys. These corporate bastards with their sociologists and psychologists and analyst know us all too well. They know that if they offer a couple of thousand dollars before Christmas, most will jump on it.
I can see it already. A nice big 52 inch plasma TV and the NFL package. Hog heaven!Just in time for all the bowl games too! Pass the pork rinds....
I have heard the company has some contract work it wants to obtain maybe Boeing UPS or FedEx I dont know

It seems the parties involved will not commit to AA because of the upcoming contract expiration with the AA mechanics

AA feels if it can get the exstension from the twu the parties involved will commit to a maint contract with AA

It wont take long for the twu to say BOHICA
<_< ------ There is one outside contract that would be big enough to support your scenario. Early in the year there was some talk about Boeing considering AA as their prime contractor for their "Golden Wrench" program! Which would be their Warranty work, and trade in aircraft work. But nothing further has been said of late! Nothing!------- Just as a side note. This was basically the same program the TWA Unions were taking to with Boeing when AA came along!
Today is the day that our lovely exploratory committee is going to hear what the company has to offer. After the offer is made do not be surprised if the committee recommends a YES for the extension. Then if it comes to a vote it will pass anyway. These things always pass no matter who blames who. If for some reason it fails to pass the TWU will use their trump card and sign off on it anyway. Why should the TWU not accept this? Think about it for a minute. Two more years of doing nothing as far as negotiations go. Then in two years they'll come up with another deal and so on and so on and so on........... you get the picture. :shock:
While I have no particular objections to variable compensation, I do have a problem with the manner it would, without a doubt, be structured. I've not seen the twu do a thing for the benefit of its membership in many years and can't see where there's any incentive for the international to start now.

I don't see why exploring this and sitting down early is a bad thing. With AA looking at more and more third-party work, working to get an agreement in place as quickly is possible seems pretty crucial to winning more business - especially with all the business around the new Boeing planes. Why not at the very least explore what makes the best sense in the long term before descending into the same ol' butting heads that usually come up around negotiations?
I don't see why exploring this and sitting down early is a bad thing. With AA looking at more and more third-party work, working to get an agreement in place as quickly is possible seems pretty crucial to winning more business - especially with all the business around the new Boeing planes. Why not at the very least explore what makes the best sense in the long term before descending into the same ol' butting heads that usually come up around negotiations?

Finally another company defender signs up!

Last time I checked, the third party work is not putting any bread or butter on my table, it is only lining management pockets and I did get a BBQ Sandwhich.

The reason everyone is skeptical and concerned is the past. All we have is the past to go on, and the past tells us that neither the TWU Leadership nor AA Management can be trusted.

Yes this will get exlpored, Yes the TWU can sign off on it regardless of membership concern. And by the way, "Butting Heads" has never been a TWU usual event during negotiations as you would have us believe. The TWU always postures boldly then folds up like a cheap tent.

Why extend two years? Because the TWU is leading the pack in mechanic negotiations and the other unions including AMFA will surely trump them in their soon to be held negotiations. This way the stronger unions can negotiate a standard in the industry and the TWU came take up the rear and as always set a new standard in a reverse direction but better than what we have at the time.

How many times does this cycle have to be repeated before the story is memorized?
I don't see why exploring this and sitting down early is a bad thing. With AA looking at more and more third-party work, working to get an agreement in place as quickly is possible seems pretty crucial to winning more business - especially with all the business around the new Boeing planes. Why not at the very least explore what makes the best sense in the long term before descending into the same ol' butting heads that usually come up around negotiations?
In other words, the faster we get the chump change in return for more years under the concessions, the faster AA can sign up UPS and others. In return UPS can settle with their mechanics and put them at $20 an hour above us within a few years, and much better benefits---but we saved jobs. :down:

BTW...can you name me one example of the twu butting heads ever, and local 100 doesn't count? :huh:
I don't see why exploring this and sitting down early is a bad thing. With AA looking at more and more third-party work, working to get an agreement in place as quickly is possible seems pretty crucial to winning more business - especially with all the business around the new Boeing planes. Why not at the very least explore what makes the best sense in the long term before descending into the same ol' butting heads that usually come up around negotiations?

Explore? Sit down? I agree! 100%!

The company can sit down and explore returning everything that was given to "save the company from BK". No retoric here. Just reality. The company/union sang from the highest mountain top that concessions were needed to save our jobs. Okay, the twu gave them. Now AA is making money with the potential to make more selling the AMTs safe, airworthy product. But we can't be told to whom or for how much AA will earn. Why should we lock ourselves into something that we know nothing about?

I have a great idea for the union/company to explore. Return what was taken PLUS cost of inflation and a raise and THEN perhaps we can extend the life of our contract.

The twu is walking a fine line here. Yes, they can accept our contract while parading the farce of a ratification vote. But if we are given anything other than what we deserve will cost them dearly.
<_< ------ Ken, for once I tend to agree with planesight! At least we can hear what the Company has in mind. We can always get pist, and huff, and puff, afterwords! You know this is how it's coming down anyway! Little and Co. will see to it! Doesn't mean we have to except it, or like it! But let's hear them out. Realistically, that's all we can do except let our local leaders know what we expect of this new Contract at this point in time!

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