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Eh Eh want mechanics to accept 2 year contract extension

Gentlemen, Might I offer yet another reason, and perhaps the most compelling to reject ANY type of contract extension.

Right now, you're first in line.

Look at where ALL the other employee groups at other carriers are when it comes to contract amendability.

UALs unions are late 2009 early 2010, and if you look I think you'll find that the majority of the rest fall within 18 months to 2 years around those dates.

Now whether its a conspiracy or a fabulous coincidence the ATA carriers with unionized members have crafted a wonderful little log jam for negotiations.

When was the last time the NMB released more than 1 group to strike at a time?

See how ugly this gets? Sorry guys the FAs at UAL are going out, then the pilots are next then.....etc etc.

Just something to think about.
The AMTU was tried by twu's own Art Luby many years ago to oust the AMFA at ACA. <_<
You need a name that is inviting to all those within our craft and class, I actually like MCI's idea for a name. Remember, the name was half the battle with the AMFA drives.

I’m for any name that doesn’t have AIRCRAFT MECHANIC in the name or any other ways of saying it.

Once again I will say it; Title II is our biggest problem of getting enough cards to file with the NMB. If we drop the words AIRCRAFT MECHANIC from the name we will make huge gains with Title II.

With that being said let come up with some names for discussion.
Are you sure you left AA? It doesn't seem like you did!

Hey, I spent 17 years of my adult life there. You can take me out of AA, but it's hard to take AA out of me.

Don't be afraid of variable comp. It worked pretty well for me so far, and it's obviously working for the Privileged 1000. Get it tied to the right measures, and things like CapEx shouldn't matter.

I want to know how much I make, not just guess at it.

Fair enough, but when I left AA and moved into a position that had a variable comp component, I was told to look at it as knowing what's guaranteed, and knowing what's possible. So, we live based off my guaranteed salary. So far, it's worked out OK for me. Last year's variable comp came out to be more than I saw from Profit Sharing from 1989 to 2001 combined...

It's no different than making choices on your 401K -- some chose risk, some choose security.

Yes, it's a risk, but I think AMR would want to make variable compensation work, rather than use it as a bait-and-switch tactic which will come back to haunt them later.
Greedy people :down: couldn't turn down overtime while our fellow union brothers and sisters are on the street from the layoffs,and you expect people to vote no on this contract extension? Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha! Who are you kidding? 🙄 This thing will be voted in with no problem and AA will be laughing all the way to the bank as usual. As far as changing unions, It's too late for that. The Evil TWU should have kicked out years ago, but the same people who will vote in this contract extension have kept the TWU in power.




Nothing will EVER change for FSC. They're stuck with the TWU, like an incurable TUMOR.

At least you folks(AMT's) have a "shot", if you could get 60+ % of AMT's to vote AMFA(a figure large enough that even Little/HDQ could'nt fudge the numbers)



Your right about "the(TWU) guy in RDU"

IIRC..was his name "Albie"(came to RDU from upstate NY) ????????
Hey, I spent 17 years of my adult life there. You can take me out of AA, but it's hard to take AA out of me.

Don't be afraid of variable comp. It worked pretty well for me so far, and it's obviously working for the Privileged 1000. Get it tied to the right measures, and things like CapEx shouldn't matter.
Fair enough, but when I left AA and moved into a position that had a variable comp component, I was told to look at it as knowing what's guaranteed, and knowing what's possible. So, we live based off my guaranteed salary. So far, it's worked out OK for me. Last year's variable comp came out to be more than I saw from Profit Sharing from 1989 to 2001 combined...

It's no different than making choices on your 401K -- some chose risk, some choose security.

Yes, it's a risk, but I think AMR would want to make variable compensation work, rather than use it as a bait-and-switch tactic which will come back to haunt them later.

While I have no particular objections to variable compensation, I do have a problem with the manner it would, without a doubt, be structured. I've not seen the twu do a thing for the benefit of its membership in many years and can't see where there's any incentive for the international to start now.
<_< ------- Whether This type of compensation would be plausible, or not, I feel some sort of card drive by the membership could insure a better outcome to this contract. As has been stated earlier. If nothing else, it would put pressure on the TWU when we need it the most!
This is why the membership should have been allowed to view the AA proposal.

We have no idea what the formula or structure is that currently being proposed.

The TWU wants to "study" the idea for two weeks.

Well how about the TWU let me and everyone else study the propsoal or non-traditional pay for two weeks? I don't need anymore sloganism t-shirt wearing bubba's thinking or speaking on my behalf.

I just cannot understand why the proposal isn't posted for us to review. Unless of course the whole thing a ploy to get us discussing non-traditional pay to begin with just to glean our willingness to be open minded. Well that will not work unless you give us the details.

I can just see it now, your pay is now determined by how much you use against the medical insurance, if you and your family will not go to the Doctor, you will get a bigger pay check, if you agree to drop your pre-funded retirement medical, AA will give you a decent payraise.

If fuel doesn't raise then AA will pay you more, if OPEC reduces production and raises the price of oil, then you take a paycut.
<_< ------- Whether This type of compensation would be plausible, or not, I feel some sort of card drive by the membership could insure a better outcome to this contract. As has been stated earlier. If nothing else, it would put pressure on the TWU when we need it the most!


I think you under estimate the personal time and out-of-pocket financing that a real card drive takes.

I am no longer going to be party to a charade designed to "put pressure" on the piece of crap union we have representing us. We either agree to go for full change of representation or I believe most of us will bow out. I am ready to sign a card for any other union to represent us, but I refuse to consume another 5 years of time and money trying to convince TWU stooges that their union sucks and needs to be replaced.

O. V. Delle-Femine was right when he said "some folks just have to be screwed real good before they understand the problem"!

The whole idea of a card drive just hold their feet to the fire makes me sick at my stomach, and given I will lose half of a days pay for sick leave use, I need to stop reading this thread if we are going to further discuss a drive to put "pressure" on the Totally Worthless Union
I am no longer going to be party to a charade designed to "put pressure" on the piece of crap union we have representing us. We either agree to go for full change of representation or I believe most of us will bow out. I am ready to sign a card for any other union to represent us, but I refuse to consume another 5 years of time and money trying to convince TWU stooges that their union sucks and needs to be replaced.

O. V. Delle-Femine was right when he said "some folks just have to be screwed real good before they understand the problem"!

The whole idea of a card drive just hold their feet to the fire makes me sick at my stomach, and given I will lose half of a days pay for sick leave use, I need to stop reading this thread if we are going to further discuss a drive to put "pressure" on the Totally Worthless Union
Well, said, I'm not interested in putting pressure on the twu, I want them out once and for all. I actually think that at this point if it takes more than a month or two, forget it. If you have to explain to people why the twu must go, forget it--not worth the time, money, or effort.
<_< ------- Whether This type of compensation would be plausible, or not, I feel some sort of card drive by the membership could insure a better outcome to this contract. As has been stated earlier. If nothing else, it would put pressure on the TWU when we need it the most!

I’m not interested in putting pressure on the TWU. The only thing I’m interested in is kicking the TWU off the property once and for all.

I will only get involved if every organizer is 110% committed to removing the TWU. This includes days off, holidays, and vacations.
Heard it today that AA want the mechs to accept a 2 year extension! Better be with everything back from our old contract and at least 10% to make up for cost of living!!!

Is this still speculation or is it fact?
A card drive now would mean nothing. After the NWA debacle, AMFA is no longer a viable threat, and the TWU knows it.

I am not knocking AMFA here, just facing reality. I was a big supporter and signature-gatherer for AMFA, and would be again if I thought it would do any good.
This is a repeat of history with the TWU! The Presidents council is a scapegoat for the International perioid! In my opinion, This whole deal has been worked out and they will use the presidents Council to buy into it and get it to the membership for a vote and then blame the Presidents and the members. I can't beleive after all these years of smoke and mirrors newly elected presidents do not see it or want to try to change it for the benefit of their members. Even if they tried and failed it would better than leading us to the slaughter again. For the Presidents who have been here before shame on the members for re-electing the sheep.

Chuck Schalk

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