So your postition is basically this:
I'm willing to work everyday for a small fraction of Arpey's base wages but when it comes to success sharing, if I don't get as much as Arpey, I don't want any at all.
Not exactly cutting off your nose to spite your face, but pretty close. Kinda hard to feed the family with those principles, but if it works for you . . .
Every wrench in the system is angry? At whom? At Arpey or your loser union leaders? As I've said before, it's not management's job to negotiate for you and it's not always management's fault when your loser union fails miserably to negotiate sufficient rewards for your huge givebacks.
About getting it all back? That would be great, if AA were making more than $1.62 billion in annual profits. But since it's not, I wouldn't hold my breath that it's gonna go negative again just to restore your wages and benefits.
Anyway, good luck at getting back as much as you can.