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Eh Eh want mechanics to accept 2 year contract extension

<_< -------- O.K.! The "Independent Brotherhood of Airline Workers" Is born!!!----- Let's make it happen! :up:

That's fine and dandy - if the organizers will drop the elitism that amfa espoused re: mechanics, it might actually have a prayer of success.
I don't see why exploring this and sitting down early is a bad thing. With AA looking at more and more third-party work, working to get an agreement in place as quickly is possible seems pretty crucial to winning more business - especially with all the business around the new Boeing planes. Why not at the very least explore what makes the best sense in the long term before descending into the same ol' butting heads that usually come up around negotiations?

In a world where our representation did right by its membership and the company was afraid to step out of line with respect to its workers, this may well be something to explore, but Walgreen's this ain't.

Reality tells me this deal's stucture will not be to the union membership's benefit, probably the reason the actual proposal isn't being circulated by the TWU.

What's needed is language giving us bonus pay equal to (as a percentage of base pay) to whatever management gives themselves and, of course, using the same metrics used by the board/management with regard to the triggering events/conditions.

I've no clue as to what's in this POS; the fact remains, however, that Little went behind the negotiating committee's back (the membership's too) and undercut any position the committee may have held. That alone is good enough reason for me to reject anything returned for a vote, if at all.
We can vote NO till the cows come home, what ever deal has been cut will pass just like always!

The (TWU) is simply a dues collection agency in bed with the compAAny to keep the grunts in step.

Its not rocket science folks!
We can vote NO till the cows come home, what ever deal has been cut will pass just like always!

The (TWU) is simply a dues collection agency in bed with the compAAny to keep the grunts in step.

Its not rocket science folks!

What's the word from the meeting the other day? They just have a really important meeting and don't give any updates?
What's the word from the meeting the other day? They just have a really important meeting and don't give any updates?
The way this company union works they think they are extending themseles by giving us a ballott.
if this deal goes through unchallenged I say all line locals empty thier treasuries and we all bang in sick and let the locals pay for a huge bash in Amsterdam
we will deal with the repercussions when we come back

:up: :up: :up:
Tulsa Base News Letter confirms that no detailed proposal was made.
Read the scrren capture from the Tulsa Base News. There is no longer any mention of a "proposal" that must be reviewed for two weeks. TWU... the Union of Liars, Drunks, and Cowards.


Mr. Steve Goldberg is "assisting".

Here is more information of Mr. Goldberg.


Did we vote to be involved in "Interest Based Negotiations"?

MREP Services

The hallmark of all MREP services is the use of an "interest-based" approach. Using this approach, MREP personnel assist disputing parties to focus on their respective interests, seeking an outcome that satisfies the core interests of all.
The benefits of an interest-based approach are not limited to the mediation of grievances and collective bargaining agreements. This same approach can be used in all aspects of labor-management relations, leading not only to better conflict resolution, but also to more harmonious and cooperative relationships.
So your postition is basically this:

I'm willing to work everyday for a small fraction of Arpey's base wages but when it comes to success sharing, if I don't get as much as Arpey, I don't want any at all.

Not exactly cutting off your nose to spite your face, but pretty close. Kinda hard to feed the family with those principles, but if it works for you . . .

Every wrench in the system is angry? At whom? At Arpey or your loser union leaders? As I've said before, it's not management's job to negotiate for you and it's not always management's fault when your loser union fails miserably to negotiate sufficient rewards for your huge givebacks.

About getting it all back? That would be great, if AA were making more than $1.62 billion in annual profits. But since it's not, I wouldn't hold my breath that it's gonna go negative again just to restore your wages and benefits.

Anyway, good luck at getting back as much as you can.

My post was sarcasm.

You miss the point or simply do not wish to acknowledge facts as they are. AMTs are angry at the fight we are in considering we have both arms tied behind our backs. Am I angry at AA? Yes, because they have lied to me. Am I angry at the twu? Yes, because they have lied as well. You mention our union's lack of performance. We have tried to change our union representation but again we were lied to then as well.

Why can't I have what was taken from me returned? Because you say it isn't possible? I disagree. I, (meaning M&E), make money for AA. Pay me accordingly. I may have both arms tied behind my back but I have learned to kick!

Oh, thanks for the good luck.
TWU Informer is right.

The ONLY thing that AA/TWU(SAME SHET) will understand is to start an AMFA drive IMMEDIATELY.

As Bob Owens said earlier......Keep TUL informed up to the minute.
With a lil' bit of luck, you'll have enough YES(AMFA) votes to off-set a cowardly MCIE, and AA fraud.

As for the FSC's, unfortunately...they're SCREWED.
TWU Informer is right.

The ONLY thing that AA/TWU(SAME SHET) will understand is to start an AMFA drive IMMEDIATELY.

As Bob Owens said earlier......Keep TUL informed up to the minute.
With a lil' bit of luck, you'll have enough YES(AMFA) votes to off-set a cowardly MCIE, and AA fraud.

As for the FSC's, unfortunately...they're SCREWED.

That's the problem when you have too many work groups under the same voting umbrella. If you really want to do something about it you guys should separate yourselves and start your own unions for each work group.

I've been a Teamster, a member of AFA, and now an independent union. As much as I think my independent hosed me, I don't have to worry about the big conglomorate union taking care of other workers with my union dues. APFA money is APFA money. APFA money is also only AA FA money. We might have a few at APFA who think those union dues are for them and their trip removed friends, but a few votes later they and their cronies will either be back on the line or out looking for a new job.
That's the problem when you have too many work groups under the same voting umbrella. If you really want to do something about it you guys should separate yourselves and start your own unions for each work group.
We are restricted by the National Mediation Board rules when you speak of separation. Our ever growing craft and class includes all mechanics, licensed or non-licensed, facilities, automotive, etc. Then you add on the cleaners, which originally was those who cleaned the outside of the planes, but now include all cabin cleaners too. When you have a company-union like the twu, the company will do anything to keep them, such as the new position that AA added in 2004 before the NMB called dead people, retired people, and even those who never worked for AA. :shock:
When you have a company-union like the twu, the company will do anything to keep them, such as the new position that AA added in 2004 before the NMB called dead people, retired people, and even those who never worked for AA. :shock:

You're killing me over here. Chardonnay in the nasal cavity is NOT very pleasant!! 😀
It has been established a long time ago " you are either part of the solution or part of the problem"

Can we as TWU members or AA employees identify anyone who is part of our solution?

Please let me know who these people are and what it is that they are doing towards my solution or trying to help me and my family survive at my current job?
That's the problem when you have too many work groups under the same voting umbrella. If you really want to do something about it you guys should separate yourselves and start your own unions for each work group.

I've been a Teamster, a member of AFA, and now an independent union. As much as I think my independent hosed me, I don't have to worry about the big conglomorate union taking care of other workers with my union dues. APFA money is APFA money. APFA money is also only AA FA money. We might have a few at APFA who think those union dues are for them and their trip removed friends, but a few votes later they and their cronies will either be back on the line or out looking for a new job.

And how well did that AA FA money protect your pay and benifits back in 2003?

The fact is the industry acted as one, they chopped up the labor force into little bits and took more than they ever could have imagined. If we had acted as one we could have stopped this back in 2002 at USAIR by simply letting the courts know that if they treated labor worse than other creditors we would remove our labor from the economy until justice was served.

The erosion of labor rights was possible because these judges faced no opposition. For me the imposition of a contract and the removal of self help by the courts was a watershed moment, with that ruling the courts basically said the corporations have a right to our labor and we do not. The judge confiscated the labor of the NWA flight attendants, set a price for that labor solely upon the needs of the corporation without input from the flight attendants and prohibited the flihght attendants from acting collectively in resisting the court imposed confiscation. The court would never do that to another corporation but labor, and the citizens who provide that labor, were treated as inferior, without rights. It just goes to show how corporations have elevated themselves to a position that is superior to that of citizens. We no longer have the right to bargain collectively in our best interests even though those with capital retain their right to collectively use their capital in their best interests.

The problems we're facing are systemic and deeply rooted within our corrupt government and its corrupt court system and your APFA-AA only union is totally inadequate to the task to challenging or changing that. Sure they can fight for small petty items like grievances about trip removals but pay and benifits will be out of their realm of influence. When all that is needed is a trip to BK court (or in the case of AA a threat to make that trip) for the company to take whatever they want your contract and your union arent really worth a damn.

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