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Eh Eh want mechanics to accept 2 year contract extension

Jim Little writes a letter to Arpey. Little just back stabbed the Negotiating Committee by his actions. My vote will be a NO vote no matter what dollar value is placed on this deal with his name any where on this deal.

That makes two of us - Little and the friggin' management can go to hell.
Jim Little writes a letter to Arpey. Little just back stabbed the Negotiating Committee by his actions. My vote will be a NO vote no matter what dollar value is placed on this deal with his name any where on this deal.
This is amazing!
Just read the latest news letter from twu local 514 and there was an artical about the pilots new president not meeting with arpey yet because he felt it would be in bad taste since his members were in negotiations. Then I read a news release from the twu that says little wrote a letter to arpey with a contract proposal. Who the #@(( does this guy think he his and I wonder what the negotiations commitee thinks about this clown doing an end around on them? I bet he wouldn't do this to the southwest flight attendants!!!
Heard it today that AA want the mechs to accept a 2 year extension! Better be with everything back from our old contract and at least 10% to make up for cost of living!!!

The suggestion was probably made that we might go for 'non-traditional compensation' because we saw and want some of the big money the big boys got.

Little made some noise early on about our pittance of shares' value being diluted due to the new shares given the management soon to flood the market, then it all rather quietly went away after Little and company were, no doubt, bought off by AA as a 'little' understanding of how management took their bonuses from the shareholders value would be a not-so-nice thing for the workers to understand. As is typical, our darling twu has fallen down on the job again.

What small amount we might get, if anything at all, will be from company funds, not from the shareholders as management did. This 'non-traditional' compensation will, no doubt, be based on the stock price, which as before, will be severely diluted after the management gets their bonuses, leaving no payout for us.

Example - on 1/17/2007, AMR stock closed at $41.00 per share. One month later when the various institutional stockholders adjusted (sold off AMR stock) their portfolios due to what they saw coming, the stock closed at $24.06 on 2/20/2007. Many of the large shareholders eliminated their positions in AMR. Look at the 13-D forms on the SEC website for 2006 and 2007 respectively to see who owned and sold in that one years' period. FMR Corp. (Fidelity Funds) is now the major institutional holder, I believe. Between April and May 2007, there was close to a $6.00/share decline directly due to the bonus activities (management sales of granted stock).

These large stockholders are the ones who keep reelecting the board of directors we have - look up those people and their histories. Any wonder the company has gone to hell in a handbasket?

We have many enemies, and most all are within.
This is amazing!
Just read the latest news letter from twu local 514 and there was an artical about the pilots new president not meeting with arpey yet because he felt it would be in bad taste since his members were in negotiations. Then I read a news release from the twu that says little wrote a letter to arpey with a contract proposal. Who the #@(( does this guy think he his and I wonder what the negotiations commitee thinks about this clown doing an end around on them? I bet he wouldn't do this to the southwest flight attendants!!!

Little can do what he wants as he's not accountable to the membership.
The suggestion was probably made that we might go for 'non-traditional compensation' because we saw and want some of the big money the big boys got.

Little made some noise early on about our pittance of shares' value being diluted due to the new shares given the management soon to flood the market, then it all rather quietly went away after Little and company were, no doubt, bought off by AA as a 'little' understanding of how management took their bonuses from the shareholders value would be a not-so-nice thing for the workers to understand. As is typical, our darling twu has fallen down on the job again.

We have many enemies, and most all are within.

Little only made a little noise long after the other other unions and his own members started going to the press.

Our most immediate threat sits on the throne of the TWU.

As usual we hear nothing at Local 562 from John WHO?liano.
People listen up.

Does any of this really surprise you?
Did you really expect the TWU to go into negotiations and demand all of our concessions back?
Contract after contract the TWU gets creative with the help of the company.
Face it we are screwed unless we change representation.

AMFA's credibility is dead.

The IAM is not an option.

The TEAMSTERS do not want us.

The TWU and AA know this. :angry:
AMFA's credibility, dead? Oh ye of little faith. At least AMFA stood like men, not like the bunch of cowards we are.
"Non-traditional compensation" for Tulsa would be a few burgers and some BBQ bologna...and Burchette getting his rocks off playing pocket pool in Carmine Romano's pockets!
<_< -------- So, What are our options? Organize our own Union? O.K., but that takes time! Too much time to influence this contract. So, as I see it, our only option at this time is a rebellion from the bottom up! If the membership puts as much pressure on their individual Local leadership, and is vocal enough to let them know we're pisst, and that if they don't perform, they're gone! Maybe we can salvage a little of this!------- I know, this isn't much! But how bad do you really want it? There are ways to show management that the membership is united in this. Years ago we wanted to make a point here at the old TWA overhaul base, someone went out and bought a couple thousand of those little "cricket" noise makers. ------- Will you can imagine what it sounded like when they all went off at a predetermined time! Management went crazy!!!----- :lol: Then there was the lunch hour conga lines!------Oh! We made our point know! Be creative! Again! How bad do you want it???
AA Management heard the TWU was printing and taking orders for the next t-shirt with a slogan on it regarding negotiations.

This fact scared AA Management into making an offer to extend the current agreement.

Never forget, Jim Little successfully argued in Federal Court that the TWU Constiution does not require membership ratification of changes or amendments to the labor agreement.

Jim Little is nothing more than a corporate mouthpiece wearing a union position label.

If I were going to ask to see the proposal as Bill suggested, where would I go and who would I ask?

I still think the membership sould be able to view a complete version of the company's opening postition with our committee. The secret 2 week study is more of the same TWU. I will bet the AA/TWU Presidents Council has already conducted a vote regarding secrecy during negotiations.
Greedy people :down: couldn't turn down overtime while our fellow union brothers and sisters are on the street from the layoffs,and you expect people to vote no on this contract extension? Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha! Who are you kidding? 🙄 This thing will be voted in with no problem and AA will be laughing all the way to the bank as usual. As far as changing unions, It's too late for that. The Evil TWU should have kicked out years ago, but the same people who will vote in this contract extension have kept the TWU in power.
Greedy people :down: couldn't turn down overtime while our fellow union brothers and sisters are on the street from the layoffs,and you expect people to vote no on this contract extension? Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha! Who are you kidding? 🙄 This thing will be voted in with no problem and AA will be laughing all the way to the bank as usual. As far as changing unions, It's too late for that. The Evil TWU should have kicked out years ago, but the same people who will vote in this contract extension have kept the TWU in power.

The way I remember it was that there were enough authorization cards signed, and it was AA.TWU, and the NMB that kept the TWU in power by preventing a vote of the M&R craft and class membership.
<_< -------- So, What are our options? Organize our own Union? O.K., but that takes time! Too much time to influence this contract.

Not really, starting a drive for a new union puts pressure on the company/union to come up with something better. AA doesnt want to lose the TWU.

So, as I see it, our only option at this time is a rebellion from the bottom up! If the membership puts as much pressure on their individual Local leadership, and is vocal enough to let them know we're pisst, and that if they don't perform, they're gone!

The only problem with that is they wont care, because the International will make them think that there is an International spot waiting for them, by the time most of them find out there isnt its too late for them and us, the contract will be in place. Isnt that what happened to that guy from RDU? He was such a suck up to the International and now he is back slinging bags.

Maybe we can salvage a little of this!------- I know, this isn't much! But how bad do you really want it? There are ways to show management that the membership is united in this. Years ago we wanted to make a point here at the old TWA overhaul base, someone went out and bought a couple thousand of those little "cricket" noise makers. ------- Will you can imagine what it sounded like when they all went off at a predetermined time! Management went crazy!!!----- :lol: Then there was the lunch hour conga lines!------Oh! We made our point know! Be creative! Again! How bad do you want it???

A hand pay drive wouldnt hurt either.
The suggestion was probably made that we might go for 'non-traditional compensation' because we saw and want some of the big money the big boys got.

Little made some noise early on about our pittance of shares' value being diluted due to the new shares given the management soon to flood the market, then it all rather quietly went away after Little and company were, no doubt, bought off by AA as a 'little' understanding of how management took their bonuses from the shareholders value would be a not-so-nice thing for the workers to understand. As is typical, our darling twu has fallen down on the job again.

What small amount we might get, if anything at all, will be from company funds, not from the shareholders as management did. This 'non-traditional' compensation will, no doubt, be based on the stock price, which as before, will be severely diluted after the management gets their bonuses, leaving no payout for us.

Example - on 1/17/2007, AMR stock closed at $41.00 per share. One month later when the various institutional stockholders adjusted (sold off AMR stock) their portfolios due to what they saw coming, the stock closed at $24.06 on 2/20/2007. Many of the large shareholders eliminated their positions in AMR. Look at the 13-D forms on the SEC website for 2006 and 2007 respectively to see who owned and sold in that one years' period. FMR Corp. (Fidelity Funds) is now the major institutional holder, I believe. Between April and May 2007, there was close to a $6.00/share decline directly due to the bonus activities (management sales of granted stock).

These large stockholders are the ones who keep reelecting the board of directors we have - look up those people and their histories. Any wonder the company has gone to hell in a handbasket?

We have many enemies, and most all are within.

We all need to call the international at 817-282-2544 and tell them how we feel about Litttle hitlers actions. We really need to organize a march on the atd head quarters located nearby DFW airport! Anyone interested??? Moderator do not delete this number! We as dues paying member have at least the right to call our International hall even though they will be on the golf course not in their offices!! Does anyone know Big Daddy Don's phone number??
<_< -------- So, What are our options? Organize our own Union? O.K., but that takes time! Too much time to influence this contract.
If we wanted to we could have a new union up and running in a few weeks, followed by a card drive and an election. If the membership truly wants them out, they could be within a few months with a large organizing committee.

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