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Eh Eh want mechanics to accept 2 year contract extension

Considering Little came from manAAgement, I guess he can go to hell twice. :up:
This action by little is bizarre and one would think he would give us the same respect he gives the other union members outside the aa system by not highjacking negotiation process. I spoke with a southwest flight attendant just 2 weeks ago and ask her what she thought of the twu. She said they were great. I ask her what she thought about little and she didn't know who I was talking about so then i ask if she knew yingst and she had the same blank face. This bs is really getting old!!!!!!!!!
If we wanted to we could have a new union up and running in a few weeks, followed by a card drive and an election. If the membership truly wants them out, they could be within a few months with a large organizing committee.
<_< -------- O.K.! The "Independent Brotherhood of Airline Workers" Is born!!!----- Let's make it happen! :up:
It has already been established in court that Little can decide by himself on our contract. The so-called "negotiating committee" and the "subcommittee" to review the company's offer are little more than putting lipstick on a pig.

It will be another Sweetheart Contract

I could almost guarantee you that if we get stuck with another pig that the international accepts on behalf of the membership like the concession contract was the twu would not be able to rent enough coffins and hire enough kirk "To the doors and stop! To the doors and stop!" wells to prevent from being removed from representing AA AMTs. I believe the twu knows this so it should be interesting to see how much more the company wants from us.
<_< -------- O.K.! The "Independent Brotherhood of Airline Workers" Is born!!!----- Let's make it happen! :up:


By the way, if Little wrote to Arpey and Arpey responded and we know what Arpey wrote why do we not know what Little wrote in the first place?
By the way, if Little wrote to Arpey and Arpey responded and we know what Arpey wrote why do we not know what Little wrote in the first place?

You're out order brother!

We do not know what either of them wrote. This is the TWU...

the secret TWU that is.

What is really funny is that none of us know anything about what was said or the proposal, yet we all seem to have a consensus that if Little is involved we are screwed. :lol:
You're out order brother!

We do not know what either of them wrote. This is the TWU...

the secret TWU that is.

What is really funny is that none of us know anything about what was said or the proposal, yet we all seem to have a consensus that if Little is involved we are screwed. :lol:

We make judgements from past experiences. :shock:
Little's end run around the negotiating committee aside, I wouldn't blow off the idea of variable or "non-traditional" compensation. LEAP was just performance pay, and there was no real measure -- an analyst at HDQ decided if it should be paid out or not.

Tie it to profit/loss before special items, and then management will have less of an opportunity to screw you. But it's definitely worth considering.
Little's end run around the negotiating committee aside, I wouldn't blow off the idea of variable or "non-traditional" compensation. LEAP was just performance pay, and there was no real measure -- an analyst at HDQ decided if it should be paid out or not.

Tie it to profit/loss before special items, and then management will have less of an opportunity to screw you. But it's definitely worth considering.

Are you sure you left AA? It doesn't seem like you did!

All management has to do is invest in major Capital Expenditures (Aircraft) or alter Yield Management Formulas and we are screwed by the non-traditional pay schemes.

I want to know how much I make, not just guess at it.
LEAP was just performance pay, and there was no real measure -- an analyst at HDQ decided if it should be paid out or not.

Kinda like hollering to the fox inside the henhouse for a headcount.

But, I agree with you. A compensation plan that was open and verifiable could work. There is a certain justice and symmetry in sharing the company's fortunes. We have certainly shared the down cycle. Just gotta work on sharing the up cycle a little more.

By the way, if Little wrote to Arpey and Arpey responded and we know what Arpey wrote why do we not know what Little wrote in the first place?
<_< -----Ken, I know where your coming from, but do you really want a strictly AMT Union? Or do you feel we would have a better chance of getting reed of the TWU by including others? :huh:

By the way, if Little wrote to Arpey and Arpey responded and we know what Arpey wrote why do we not know what Little wrote in the first place?
The AMTU was tried by twu's own Art Luby many years ago to oust the AMFA at ACA. <_<

You need a name that is inviting to all those within our craft and class, I actually like MCI's idea for a name. Remember, the name was half the battle with the AMFA drives.
<_< -----Ken, I know where your coming from, but do you really want a strictly AMT Union? Or do you feel we would have a better chance of getting reed of the TWU by including others? :huh:

But they already told us they are not interested. So that leaves us with LITTLE 😱 option.

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