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Doh And Usair

FA Mikey said:
Its not about one being larger or smaller. Its about one being far more senior to the other. U traces its roots back about 65 years. AWA about 20.

Doesn't matter!!!!
It's about playing by the rules.
rjh said:
I'm not an FA, so whatever is decided wont' really affect me. I also agree that DOH is fair. What DOES affect me is your attitude that any type of compromise would SINK the new company. So--instead of compromising and losing some senioirty, you would rather be out of a job??? Even worse--you have absolutely no problem with putting the jobs of thousands of people at risk as well?? If you "guarantee" that "any attempt to change that will SINK the new US Airways", that's exactly what will happen.

I stand by my words. Spin it anyway you feel.
firstamendment said:
I stand by my words. Spin it anyway you feel.

Look, if we can't comprimise and stop the whining I propose to split the New US Airways into two smaller airlines. Airline #1 will be run by those who won't comprimise and airline #2 will be run be those who will comprimise. Airline #1 will be called "ChildsPlay" and their motto can be something like...."Fly with Me or I'll take my Ball and Go Home". Airline #2 can be called US Airways and their motto can be something like....."Teamwork Builds Success". And then we should set up some odds in Vegas on which airline will succeed. I'll put my money on airline #2 and become rich and won't have to work for the rest of my life, but I will because I enjoy my job. Boy if wishes could only come true. <_<
Maybe those at USairways should be thankful you will still have a JOB!

Without the HP managment team to create a so called "merger" or is it "The acquisition by America West, which that company's shareholders approved Tuesday, is expected to close within weeks."

Otherwise you would all be out of a JOB!
Jetsetter2Ord said:
Maybe those at USairways should be thankful you will still have a JOB!

Without the HP managment team to create a so called "merger" or is it "The acquisition by America West, which that company's shareholders approved Tuesday, is expected to close within weeks."

Otherwise you would all be out of a JOB!

PULEEZE....HP is not funding this merger. Neither airline would have a chance without the other--face it. You need each other.
US1YFARE said:
PULEEZE....HP is not funding this merger. Neither airline would have a chance without the other--face it. You need each other.

Again this is where most of the problem lies......Where ,when did AWA become the dominant saviour in all of this? IT WASN"T THEM!!!!! IT WAS ALL THE INVESTORS!!!!! IT WASN"T EITHER AIRLINE!!!!!! There were both just vessels used to get to this point....that's all! How did AWA become the "Better" airline in all of this! From what I hear they were pretty much the same as US as far as reputation goes! <_<
For the Mechanics group it will be date of hire.It is spelled out in our contract.I don't think the IAM will have any problem with this one at all.It is the only thing they can due for the US Mechanics at this point.
Seniority is all we have left!!!!!

Think about it, piss off 8oo HP mechanics or 2500 US Mechanics who have less pay and benefits than the HP Mechanics.

This one is a no brainer!!!!!!!
Date of Hire is in our AFA Constitution and By Laws. It is the written word. It will prevail. It is fair. Enough of the spatter back and forth. Also, as much as some of you dont like to hear it, it is a merger, merger, merger, merger. No one bought anyone, no one aquired anyone, it is a merger, merger, merger, merger.
Now, can we start talking about getting on with it?
Jetsetter2Ord said:
Maybe those at USairways should be thankful you will still have a JOB!

Without the HP managment team to create a so called "merger" or is it "The acquisition by America West, which that company's shareholders approved Tuesday, is expected to close within weeks."

Otherwise you would all be out of a JOB!

And so would you... just a few weeks folowing .. that's ok I would still be nice to you in the foodstamp line..
Jetsetter2Ord said:
Maybe those at USairways should be thankful you will still have a JOB!

Without the HP managment team to create a so called "merger" or is it "The acquisition by America West, which that company's shareholders approved Tuesday, is expected to close within weeks."

Otherwise you would all be out of a JOB!
Do you really think that AWA would not have been bankrupt by Jan 2006...you are crazy! AWA was not doing all that well. When are the AWA people gonna realize that you had no money to buy NOONE!!! The name is USAIRWAYS. AWA will dissappear now. Not everyone knew who you were..you will be missed..but lets move on and get on with our lives. Change is always good. That is what life is about. Lets keep it going. Lets all just get along and have fun doing the jobs we love to do. 😉
Whatnow? said:
Again this is where most of the problem lies......Where ,when did AWA become the dominant saviour in all of this? IT WASN"T THEM!!!!! IT WAS ALL THE INVESTORS!!!!! IT WASN"T EITHER AIRLINE!!!!!! There were both just vessels used to get to this point....that's all! How did AWA become the "Better" airline in all of this! From what I hear they were pretty much the same as US as far as reputation goes! <_<

My guess is Doug Parker's vision and communication skills is what convinced the investors to invest. Has nothing to do with "who the better airline is". The investor's didn't just throw their money in the pot and hope for the best. They had to be convinced that this deal would work and I'm sure Doug was the key communicator in this process!
Well, you got a point there.....AWA management IS far superior than US's management is/was! We are all lucky he's (Parker) going to be running the show from here on out! :up:
Deep down all of us know that DOH is the only way airlines should be merged. Senority is the only thing we have that really matters. DOH integration is so important it should be a Federal Law!!!! I think Ill write my Senator. Meanwhile thank God we have those AFA C&Bs to ensure the right thing is done. :up:
What all this banter boils down to is what works for the union and the company. Neither one really cares about the labor group. AFA has now moved on to try and get Northwest FA's under the AFA unbrella. There goes my 39.00 to help the union make more money.

Let's just get the merger over and done with and get on with our lives. The only company that cares about me it the one I own and run. The union and the New US Airway could careless about me.
EricLv2Fish said:
My guess is Doug Parker's vision and communication skills is what convinced the investors to invest. Has nothing to do with "who the better airline is". The investor's didn't just throw their money in the pot and hope for the best. They had to be convinced that this deal would work and I'm sure Doug was the key communicator in this process!

It was the money guys that put this together not Doug. The End

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