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Awa-us F/a-merger Talks Going Well


Thanks for the words. I am not always 100%, but not usually way off base. I know the US flight attendant contract VERY well and all the ins and outs. The previous posts are things that are being looked at and negotiated. My hope is that ALL f/as (HP and US) are protected. A certain few on here don't want to see the whole picture, only what they WANT and want to see. It's a screw US f/as at any cost to protect myself attitude. US flight attendants have rights too. HP DID NOT acquire US.

Too AA flight attendant Jim....Who the hell are you as well? This concerns you...how?
The information that I just found out regarding US involuntary furloughes may not be what we at US want to hear, but I said I state it good or bad.
I was just told that anyone that is involuntary furloughed when this merger is intergtated will NOT be called back UNTIL f/as retire or further attrition. Therefore, the HP junior folks on the property seem to be okay currently. The info is reliable and I assume it is what is being negotiated right now. Will the invols "slide" in where they belong when they are finally recalled? I don't know that answer.

Keep in mind that the integration will take a few years. We are still losing flight attendants at US at an alarming rate. Many of the invols may be back on the property by then.
I was told that the involuntary furloughed f/a's at U will be slotted back into seniority as we are called backed. I am at MAA, as well as about 200 of us are too, and we do not get this time over here at the Emb-division added. So, we will start where we left off at when we were furloughed at U. Unless our MAA pilots win the lawsuit, that could all change. (So I am told)
Do you know if we will be slotted back in after the seniority lists are combined? We are still on the seniorty list that is on the hub. Are they going by that list, or the active list?
xoxo said:
Do you know if we will be slotted back in after the seniority lists are combined? We are still on the seniorty list that is on the hub. Are they going by that list, or the active list?
I don't have a concrete answer on that one. It is my understanding that the negotiated and integrated list is almost completed and should be out in a bit. You are STILL on the list active or not. As I stated earlier, I don't know how it will be done when recalls begin. I would ASSUME you would be slotted in by your seniority. Is it date of hire or the amount of time you had when you were furloughed??? I don't know that answer either. When/if I find that out I will post it.
You may want to check with the MEC for a definate answer...if they have one yet.

Things are changing and coming together all at the same time.
Twicebaked said:
Keep in mind that the integration will take a few years. We are still losing flight attendants at US at an alarming rate. Many of the invols may be back on the property by then.

I sure hope your right. With US getting rid of 60 a/c ...well that would
affect roughly 1400 f/as. I know they say around 1000 will be leaving/retiring
this year but id say a bunch more would have to keep leaving before
any recalls are done.

I think it would be awesome once the merger is completed if they would get
a better retire package to get more of the senior f/as out...The ones that want out!
I know of a few that would have taken this last deal if it would have been
alittle better. Who knows......like anything else...im sure it will all work out
in the end! :up:

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