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Do You Think Flight Attendants Will Sickout Nov 28

jimntx said:
It was $25 million and then after screwing over all the other unions, they forgave the debt; so APA didn't have to pay it.


The judgment was $45 million. APA paid about $19 million of it prior to the concessions, and the last $26 million was "forgiven" only in the sense that the APA didn't pay it in cash - but the APA membership did pay it.
WestCoastGuy said:
Everyone has their own set of limits to which they will sell their "services" to the company. For some, any job is better than no job. For others, there's lots of opportunities outside this industy. They are the one's willing to move on. That includes myself. That is the reason the company should offer some type of buy out to allow those that wish to leave and persue other things, the chance the leave with something after giving many years of their lives to this company, only to see promises broken, time and again. I refuse to lower my self worth to what this company wants, and have made plans to leave, but others should be offered a choice. If the company can pay Al Crelin over a million so far this year, they can spare a few pesos for us.....

In addition, Al got his pension planed fund the past 12 months for well over $800,000. Source: U BK filing.
Source: AFA PIT E-line.

SAirways loses $232 Million this quarter...some "clarity of thought"

Dear Members,

USAirways reported loss for this quarter was a staggering $232 million. (see

I believe much of these losses are due to escalating and out-of-control
fuel prices, the bankruptcy threat and subsequent filing, as well as, and
including Dr. Bronner (RSA) informing the media in August that if they
couldn't get labor cost reduction, U could liquidate.

That surely didn't help our bookings going forward.

Labor finds itself in a quagmire. Here we sit with court imposed horrific
pay cuts, in our third concession, with many of the company proposals
demanding 'outsourcing' of labor jobs, furlough uncertainty, major anxiety,
and shattered morale.

IAM is at the table with a company proposal that allows for outsourcing and
the elimination of over 60% of the IAM and related members, CWA sits with
the most horrific proposal of all of labor including job elimination and
reduced wages that a teenager living at home could not use for spending

AFA struggles to lessen the severity of concessions to our members knowing
that our leverage to secure a ratifiable agreement is evaporating with
these losses. Though ALPA has a ratified agreement, the pilot profession
and average compensation has been reduced to the compensation of a
topped-out Grey Hound bus driver. We have a management team that has
focused nearly 3 years (too long) hammering labor on cost cuts to below the
average low cost carrier. They missed the boat on developing a sound
business plan for this environment after the first bankruptcy, and now, they
run around trying to plug the holes they created in this sinking ship. We recognize
that the stakeholder RSA (Bronner and his Board) have allowed still too
high compensation to incentivize and retain this management, while allowing
and giving "carte blanch" to this management to abuse and shatter from
existence their greatest company assets...labor.

What do we do in this fragile state?

If we fight, we lose the company, and if we concede, we lose our personal
financial security to maintain our every day lives.

Somewhere in our battered minds and shattered hearts we must think
rationally, and put aside the anger for a moment... bring this all in
perspective and have "clarity of thought".

We are approaching the holidays. Our bookings are down, and our airline can
not afford to have one bad weather week, or any flight cancellations. If we
as labor lose interest in our company, focus on the negative, and let apathy
take over, there will be nothing left to negotiate... agree to.. disagree
with... live with...leave with... non-rev on.

During these next few months, and as hard as it is in managing our personal
and work lives with such a reduced wage and work conditions, please focus on
changing the "image" of our airline by assuring the customer that labor is
as dedicated and committed to providing the superior service they have been
accustomed to. We may then have some leverage to secure a better deal, and
reverse the momentum in the opposite direction of this downward spiral.

In solidarity,

Local 40
Ya know, this was already posted. Do you really need to keep posting it in multiple threads?

These type of threads are not smart. What if there is no sickout and it's just a rumor? The damage as result of threads like this may have already started. You have passengers that just read this thread right around the time people buy tickets for the holidays as I did, and decided to go with another airline instead. I have told other family members and friends that are flying this Thanksgiving and Christmas to avoid US Airways. I was too late for one family member who just booked US Airways for Thanksgiving the other day. At least he didn't book Christmas yet. I may be just one passenger, but word spreads.

Sometimes I don't think airline employees realize people pay good hard earned money to fly, or that passengers are burning vacation time just trying to get home and back for the holidays. I don't see how a sickout will improve conditions, it won't effect management, the end result will just be further loss of once loyal passengers, and more job cuts because of lower then expected bookings.

I don't disagree with what you say, but consider an analogy....

If one corners a bobcat and keeps poking at it, one shouldn't be surprised when it tries to bite.

Yeah Jim, but in this case the bobcat is not defending itself, it's just committing suicide. If the airline was profitable, I would say bite as hard and as much as you like, but if it teetering on the edge of liquidation, and most the competition is in a similar situation there is zero room for error in this game. Many will be forced into a different profession whether they like it or not.
Ah, but if the one poking the bobcat is holding a gun, the bobcat will still attempt to bite even it it means getting shot. It reaches a point that some things are just instinctive...

I think what you see on here is a manifestation of the sentiment that "This place is going down anyway, the one's at the top (the poker's) are in it for the sport, so what's to lose by fighting back." Looking at most of the company's proposals to the various groups, the choice for many seems to be either give in and lose their job or fight and lose their job. These folks are being pushed into that corner (can't win either way) and instinct is taking over.

I pass no judgement on that sentiment or have no opinion on how widespread it is. Just an observation....

If that is the case, it seems it should be on managements hands for it's methods of Labor Relations. They are in toilet, you know. Just shows the true quality of the exec's we have trying to run the show. They want us to feel all the "pain" while they continue to enjoy the salary and perks of their position as if everything were find and dandy. I know there are no laws for corporate stupidity but there are many different ways to get to the final result of what we all want....a successful, profit making business. Not only are they driving this thing down the wrong way on a one way street, they're not even headed in the right direction.
CLT-Douglas said:
Sometimes I don't think airline employees realize people pay good hard earned money to fly, or that passengers are burning vacation time just trying to get home and back for the holidays. I don't see how a sickout will improve conditions, it won't effect management, the end result will just be further loss of once loyal passengers, and more job cuts because of lower then expected bookings.

Pay good hard earned money PLEASE If you were paying hard earned money we would not be in this mess and I bet if you got to save 5 bucks you would fly in a paper airplane don't lecture me on economics I know the risk I say the whole industry should walk out leave you all stranded on both holidays then maybe somebody would wake up. I know in my heart that customers don't care about us it is time for a stand............................all you care about is how much you paid
Doc said:
Pay good hard earned money PLEASE If you were paying hard earned money we would not be in this mess and I bet if you got to save 5 bucks you would fly in a paper airplane don't lecture me on economics I know the risk I say the whole industry should walk out leave you all stranded on both holidays then maybe somebody would wake up. I know in my heart that customers don't care about us it is time for a stand............................all you care about is how much you paid

Hey, I will spend my hard earned money any way I please, just as you do. Your in the wrong industry and country if you think people are not willing to go elsewhere to save money if someone else is offering a better deal. You go ahead and keep believing your job and company is irreplaceable, and that one day in the future all airlines will join forces to fight the evil paying customers by stranding them on the holidays on purpose. You say customers don't care, we care, but come on this is a business, a customer service business, and you think my money isn't good enough? Please... I'll go to Wallmart, and I will see you there.
PHL said:
A sick out. What a novel idea. That'll really show them.

It'll also show your customers, the ones who have stood by you and booked tickets while believing in you, that you really don't care. So, your sick out could end up being a permanent leave.

Please do us all a favor and just quit if this is your attitude. Don't ruin it for the other 20+ thousand employees who also depend on a paycheck, no matter how small, to survive.

Yes, the working conditions 5uck. That's been debated through and through. And, for your information, the government already does regulate your rights as an employee and an employers rights. What, specifically, are you asking them to do for YOU that wouldn't trickle down to the rest of America's workforce? It sounds like what you're really asking for is an overhaul of all work rules for all companies. Because - why should the government treat an airline worker any different than someone who has an office job, or another person who cleans toilets and mops floors?

That's why I, my friend, have booked my thanksgiving travel plans on a carrier that I know will be around that weekend and that will not have any labor disruptions. This will be my first year not flying on US Airways revenue for the holidays (I didn't like chancing the whole non-rev thing). But the last thing I want to be is stranded in Filthydelphia or Sh1tlotte because the F/As are walking out or, even worse, the airline folded. I ain't taking a chance on the wheel of fortune known as US Airways (I'd like to buy a vowel please F_CK _S AIRWAYS) Lol!! B) .
Whatnow? said:
hey buddy....watch the racial attacks here! they really aren't called for! :down:

I think that'll be an Alabamian making 1/3 of your pay. Puttin the down payment on the new doublewide of course. [Insert dueling banjos theme here]. :angry:
CLT-Douglas said:
Yeah Jim, but in this case the bobcat is not defending itself, it's just committing suicide. If the airline was profitable, I would say bite as hard and as much as you like, but if it teetering on the edge of liquidation, and most the competition is in a similar situation there is zero room for error in this game. Many will be forced into a different profession whether they like it or not.

Why are you not complaining to Lakefield about his doom and gloom of going out of business perhaps by Feb? You think that hasn't hurt bookings? Oh the hypocricy!! :angry: :down:

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