A sick out. What a novel idea. That'll really show them.
It'll also show your customers, the ones who have stood by you and booked tickets while believing in you, that you really don't care. So, your sick out could end up being a permanent leave.
Please do us all a favor and just quit if this is your attitude. Don't ruin it for the other 20+ thousand employees who also depend on a paycheck, no matter how small, to survive.
Yes, the working conditions 5uck. That's been debated through and through. And, for your information, the government already does regulate your rights as an employee and an employers rights. What, specifically, are you asking them to do for YOU that wouldn't trickle down to the rest of America's workforce? It sounds like what you're really asking for is an overhaul of all work rules for all companies. Because - why should the government treat an airline worker any different than someone who has an office job, or another person who cleans toilets and mops floors?