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Do You Think Flight Attendants Will Sickout Nov 28

With a lack of flu vaccine around now....Both holidays could see alot of illness....Especially with all the added stress, now...

It would not.... be fair to spread germs around in a small , sealed aircraft enviroment, and pass the flu to passengers...It would just not be fair to them...
Grow up. You want to call in sick go ahead. Cut the BS and pot stirring on this subject, it is old.
stoopidute442 said:
I dont have to quit....the company's proposal dosent include me....i'll just wait for them to tell me not to come in anymore, that they gave my job to a mexican for a third of my pay. But if i can take the rest of the company down with me....so be it.
your name should be stupid dude. for a comment like that.
Couldn't have said it better myself! We know what we are facing and most are willing to stay. :up:

I agree just the mentioning of it will drive customers for the next holiday X-MAS ! The booking are already a little soft with the exception of X-MAS day ! That will really show management ! It might just show em to pull the plug !
I don't think we will show management anything because they can not comprehend anything from employees. What it will do is caue the Stablization Board to call the Gov. Loan which will automatically become Chapter 7. We are operating off the Gov. Loan moeny while in BK and they will not allow US to piss it away because it is taxpayer backed. If your intent is to put your self and others on the street then go ahead and knock yourself out and go out with a bang!!!!!!!!!!!
Management monitors this board and all of the discussion of a "sick out", which could be construed to be premeditated, would likely be used in the S.1113© hearing to strengthen the company's case. This action could move Judge Mitchell to agree to the company's motion to prevent "self help" because a union or unions conducted illegal activity.

A "sick out", which is illegal, could take away all of the unions "self help" ammunition.


PITbull said:
There is no "sick out" initiative.

Our employees are professional.

Our war is NOT with the customer; U employees care for the customer and want their business.

Yeah...anyway, the word I heard was that the rampers were going to walk. Glad I'm off, regardless.
If a sick out occurs, management could subpoena user account/IP information from Usaviation to identify people promoting illegal job actions, which could be used in court against any person promoting illegal activity.

Something to think about…

Remember what happened to APA?

If history repeats itself, the company's proposals could get worse between now and December 2, before "imposition" occurs.


USA320Pilot said:
If a sick out occurs, management could subpoena user account/IP information from Usaviation to identify people promoting illegal job actions, which could be used in court against any person promoting illegal activity.

Something to think about…

Remember what happened to APA?

If history repeats itself, the company's proposals could get worse between now and December 2, before "imposition" occurs.



Here's the deal captain...they are a LOT of IF‘s...IF the user actually used his/her REAL name...if they have verizon for the ISP for one, it has been already tried and lost, verizon won and to that I say bravo for free speech and to hell with corporate tyranny.

You want so bad for employees to do your will your can taste it, trouble is most employees are your polar opposite which grates you no matter how polite you act on these boards.

Face it captain, the fat lady is on her last breathe. The employees are finished and so goes this company.
I don't think there is any kind of organized, semi-organized or even unorganized plan to sick out on Nov 28th by any group.

The fact is that probably 85% of the front-line employees at USAirways are fairly well convinced that the company will not be around much past Jan 1st. If one really feels that way, one may be inclined to have dinner at home on Thanksgiving no matter what his/her work schedule may dictate.

These decisions will be made individually by burned-out, financially- and emotionally-abused employees who are just looking for a day or two of peace and quiet with their families before the next onslaught, which may very well include job hunting.
I just returned from a trip this morning and have heard absolutely NOTHING from any f/a's about a sickout. Anything started on these boards where this is concerned is false. I feel as a f/a I would have gotten the info somehow from some other f/a and have heard nothing.

As I said earlier, I did hear of a ramper walkout that day (which for all I know is false), but no f/a sickout.

With what A320 is saying about monitoring and supeonas, I hope they see this. I just want to go on the record in saying....

Management, judge:
1. I am off on the 28th.
2. F### both of you.

Enjoy the day off, First. I will be on duty that day, working my buns off at a feverish rate, maybe even work a double shift that day, with visions of those 2 space positive passes, dancing in my head!....... 😀

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