Thanks, Gar. Fortunately what other people think of me is not really any of my business.Garfield1966 said:Hey Jimntx. You better watch out. People have been slammed for holding people accountable and the like. I got your back. 🙂
jim,jimntx said:Maybe. But, they shouldn't. I'm sorry, but when people willfully break the rules they lose their jobs. In this case, the price for non-revving while on the sick list is termination.
There are some company termination actions which the union should protect f/as from because there are extenuating circumstances. But when people use drugs or come to work drunk after having been given a second chance, , non-rev while "sick", steal from the company or their co-workers, etc., they have no right to continued employment.
In order to be considered grown-up people, each of us has to accept the fact that actions have consequences, and we can do anything we want to do as long as we are willing to pay the price.
Garf,Garfield1966 said:Hey Jimntx. You better watch out. People have been slammed for holding people accountable and the like. I got your back. 🙂
Contrary to popular belief, unions do not "get anybody's job back." All unions can do is represent a member at a series of hearings which may or may not end in arbitration. If a neutral arbitrator decides in an employee's favor, you can be damn sure there's a reason for it.whatkindoffreshhell said:--goofy union mentality that automatically defends said employees when caught w/ hand in cookie jar
Hello. This is Liz Geiss, DFW InfoRep Captain, with the APFA Hotline for Friday, February 6th, 2004.
Many Flight Attendants have contacted the APFA regarding a rumor that approximately 400 Flight Attendants have been terminated for calling in sick during the holidays. While there is no truth to the number of Flight Attendants terminated, APFA is aware that the Company launched a number of investigations into Flight Attendants and other employees that allegedly used their travel privileges while on the sick list. These investigations have resulted in several - not 400 - terminations. If you have been contact by the Company regarding this issue, please contact your Base Chairperson or Vice Chairperson for representation immediately.
It used to be that if you were out on IOD or illness-such as a broken arm or leg, extended illness like cancer--and you needed to travel--death in the family or to get to a Dr's appt in another city--your Flight Service Manager could authorize travel for you.Flyboy4u said:At AA, You cant travel at all during the time you are on the sick list....You must be cleared in order to Non Rev.....It's really a shame though with so many of us on the street that those in the company still break the rules and will probably get away with it. Although, doctors note or not, its clearly stated the you CANNOT non-rev while on the sick list.... At the very least, their flight privilidges should be revoked