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Delta Labor Relations thread.

Well this is concerning. The myth that union dues are used for political efforts, turns out not to be a myth at all. And in plain sight.

From 2010 to 2017, union officials sent more than $1.3 billion in member dues to hundreds of liberal advocacy groups aligned with the Democratic Party—without prior member approval.

Source: http://employeerightsact.com/wp-con...ERA_HowLaborUnionsFinanceTheirPolAgenda-4.pdf
No kev and you know this. Just a large, large number of the teamsters organization is and has been and will continue to be. It never ends with the teamsters. Our loc 19 teamster pres and his secretary and an old bus agent were embezzling all kinds of our union dues. Many, many other teamster officials have been locked up over the years.
Kev instead of coming on the American Airlines threads to concern yourself with the happenings at our Airlines and with our Unions I’m wondering seriously when the time will finally arrive that you put all the effort you can muster into gaining your own Union and your own CBA “Employment Agreement”

Or was this guy right all along?

Your NC’s willingness to be neutered, and your acceptance of it are in the way of me and my coworkers becoming represented again.

Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that it was my or our responsibility to live up to your expectations before you would actually pull up your own pants.

WorldTraveller was right IMO.

Edit: That’s if you really want to be a part of a Union anymore which I seriously don’t think you do. (No question mark)
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Maybe it's time for you to wake up, then.

I’m sorry. I don’t and I don’t want to subscribe to your philosophy.


Besides the fact you just may be the most economically comfortable anarchist I’ve ever interacted with?

$80,000 Wages and Profit Sharing plus $10,000 401k Match and other Benefits. I feel for you bro. Such pain you have over there. Delta treats you like absolute ****. LMFAO.

Your math is quite a bit off. Like by 1000’s. I should be so lucky.

And the truth is, as a represented employee, your total compensation package should absolutely destroy mine- that’s the value proposition of being in a union.

And yet here we are, with your NC completely okay with playing by rules no one ever agreed to, and you forever rationalizing it because you’re either scared, comfy, or both.
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Your math is quite a bit off. Like by 1000’s. I should be so lucky.

And the truth is, as a represented employee, your total compensation package should absolutely destroy mine- that’s the value proposition of being in a union.

You’re at $30 + Holliday pay so your Base pay for the year equals roughly $65,000 and you are receiving a PS Check of around $9,000 not counting if you worked any OT which I assume you would. Now I considered what you might make in a match 401k so I wouldn’t expect to be too far off the mark?

(I don’t count what your W2 would reflect in Medical Benefits paid out for you and your family which can easily fluctuate)

My total value compensation absolutely decimates yours like a 10 Ton Atomic Bomb. I have a Legally Enforceable “Labor Agreement” where you don’t even have a Tree Leaf to cover your privates when you go into work. And to me (for now) my economics aren’t too shabby either if that’s your main (only) focus.

Under that metric who has the better chance of ending up on the unemployment line as he watches his value proposition go down the drain like tears hitting the floor.

And your last comment from the Anarchists playbook didn’t entertain me so I deleted it. If you really want to “talk civilly” about it maybe you can try a different approach?

This is me being civil.

Stop being so intimidated by my views. We’re on the same team.

And yeah, your math is still off.

I’m sorry but you’re thinking WAY too highly of yourself in pure sincerity. Why in the World would anyone’s views be intimidating if they have no effect whatsoever on my life? Very strange comment Kev.

And you keep claiming that we’re on the same team? I would love to hear how you figure that one out if I’m supposedly intimidated by your views?
We’re both middle-aged, middle class dudes that load airplanes for a living.

And no, you shouldn’t be intimidated by what I write. I want what’s best for all of us on the ramp.
We’re both middle-aged, middle class dudes that load airplanes for a living.

I want what’s best for all of us on the ramp.

We are in the Middle Class, that’s absolutely true.

So how do you know that at least YOU aren’t already at the best? You focus in a lot on Economics over the protections of keeping those gifts given to you. Doesn’t seem to me at least as if you mind not having any Legal Protections.

BTW honestly if they did raise everyone’s boat at your Airline to where you are right now, I doubt you’re going to be where you are right now anymore actually.

You (And I) stand on the shoulders of others to earn what you/we get.

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