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Delta Labor Relations thread.

How badly are you being treated by Delta that would make you want to have a payroll deduction go to some 3rd party.
Really! Tell us all the inhumane treatment you have received to warrant part of "YOUR" paycheck, that "YOU" earned, to a union that can't do a damn thing for you to begin with!
Well, gave you the chance to air all your greivences and that's the best you could do?
Unions are dead and gone, where they were once needed, they've now gone the way of the Dodo and doubt, unless you hire on with a company, already unionized you'll ever see one again.
Wonder how the big wigs at the IAM are going to be able to put gas in their private jet....
Congrats to Delta employees for another 3% raise coming in Oct. I believe that puts Delta at industry leading does it not? Of coase except for UPS and FedEx.
Yep! And that without having to have a chunk taken out of my check to a bloated, self preservation first, 3rd party. Congrats to all my fellow employees!
Well, gave you the chance to air all your greivences and that's the best you could do?
Unions are dead and gone, where they were once needed, they've now gone the way of the Dodo and doubt, unless you hire on with a company, already unionized you'll ever see one again.
Wonder how the big wigs at the IAM are going to be able to put gas in their private jet....

You know, all these years I've known that trying to have an intelligent debate with a " CHALLENGED Individual" Like you, is a fruitless endeavor . Nevertheless you "know nothing" rocket scientist , try this on for size. Jetblue NOW has Union Contracts (Pilots and F/A's)ready to become effective VERY SOON, for the FIRST TIME in the companies history ! Teacher Unions around the country are walking out, AND STAYING OUT, and in Portland Oregon, a 42 store burger joint has just got a certified union, from the Donald Trump Feds no less.
Sooooo, my esteemed Village Idiot, It's time to return to your CAGE !
Gotta love the malcontents on “Delta Workers Unite - Our Voice” who smear the company constantly. The video dude who films in his basement tops all else.


Soooo, After One, or God Willing ALL of the groups ''Break Through" and get Union Representation (Something as "AMERICAN as Apple Pie and Chevrolet ") W H A T...will be your CRY BABY / BULL SHITE Response at that time, Pray Tell ?????????????
Soooo, After One, or God Willing ALL of the groups ''Break Through" and get Union Representation (Something as "AMERICAN as Apple Pie and Chevrolet ") W H A T...will be your CRY BABY / BULL SHITE Response at that time, Pray Tell ?????????????

Chevrolet is American? The Chevrolet family immigrated from Switzerland.

And most of their vehicles are made with significant foreign part content and made outside the US in places like Mexico and Korea (in addition to Canada, of course).

I thought you were a Toyota driver too besides?

Chevrolet is American? The Chevrolet family immigrated from Switzerland.

And most of their vehicles are made with significant foreign part content and made outside the US in places like Mexico and Korea (in addition to Canada, of course).

I thought you were a Toyota driver too besides?


' Nice try ' !
NOW Answer my Question !!
Soooo, After One, or God Willing ALL of the groups ''Break Through" and get Union Representation (Something as "AMERICAN as Apple Pie and Chevrolet ") W H A T...will be your CRY BABY / BULL SHITE Response at that time, Pray Tell ?????????????

Things also look like they are picking up over at JB with the representation as well. Some are quietly saying that since the F/A pulled the trigger to unionize and with an AIP for the PIlots that the maint mechanics will more than likely decide to go union after they see all the improvements coming to the Pilots. But if I were the mechanics I would do it now. Why? Because wait and see what language the Pilots will have in their new contract about any buy-outs, mergers, or take overs ect... They will make sure they are covered in any event, as will the F/A's with their contract. If the mechanics and ground workers do not do the same they will be left at the sidelines once JB finally pulls the trigger and merges with or purchase another airline. Remember guys, they did put in bids to purchase Virgin. They are now one of the last remaining that will still need to join forces with one of the other remaining or, maybe Alaska or even us may want to join up for better east coast coverage.

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