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December Will Be Bad News Month At American

Yeah, I've got news. How about you?

Has the sheep farm on Pine filled you in on the details yet?

Kansas City will be shut down soon.
<_< I think this is just another case of "Wishful Thinking!!!!" But time will tell! TWU informer--- I love you Brother!!!! NOT!!! Signed:" Just another one of aa's redheaded step children!!!"
A sad but true statement that also really calls into question the ethics of the company to blow smoke up their asses about saving jobs when reality says the place will eventually close. Regardless of W.A. or Bond, most will agree with your second paragraph from a business standpoint. What I do question is dragging these guys along day after day with this false hope of staying open as they slowly shut the place down around them.

Most furloughs have occurred directly after a horse and pony show by mangagement telling us about the great future they have planned for MCIE.

p.s., there is definate life after AA :up: ...I dread ever being recalled back to AA...have lost nothing...and can actually go to work each day and not hear bad news...can you remaining employees say the same?
<_< I think this is just another case of "Wishful Thinking!!!!" But time will tell! TWU informer--- I love you Brother!!!! NOT!!! Signed:" Just another one of aa's redheaded step children!!!"

Wait and see what shakes out of the corporate tree around December the 5th.
<_< FM----- I don't think aa's top management is dumb enough to try and take on Senitor Bond! Things could get real nasty quickly!!! He is Chairman of the
"Appropreations" sub-commitee for Transpertation, and could find all kinds of ways to make aa, "unconfortable"!

I'll take Kay Bailey Hutchison influence over Bond's any day...

Example: ORD is looking to the government for founds for a major expantion!!!If there is problems, and it is made known that it could be because of some little dispute with aa!!!???? Who knows???

Oh, spare me. Dick Durbin is on the Senate Appropriations Committe (not the subcommittee). Bond would be overrulled in a heartbeat.

MCI is larger than AFW in size! We have the space to handle more aircraft! And room to expand!

AFW has plenty of room to expand as well. IIRC, there is room to triple in size if necessary. It also has the potential to provide offsite shop support for DFW, which has the potential for doing light overhaul in the hangars on the far north side of the facility (I seem to recall Chrysler doing light overhauls on C-141's in those hangars several years back)

It has long been rumored that both UPS and FDX were interested in taking AFW over as an overhaul facility. But that's never happened, so please forgive me if I chalk up your assertions about F9 and WN's interest in MCIE to be nothing more than shoptalk myth.
I'll take Kay Bailey Hutchison influence over Bond's any day...
Oh, spare me. Dick Durbin is on the Senate Appropriations Committe (not the subcommittee). Bond would be overrulled in a heartbeat.
AFW has plenty of room to expand as well. IIRC, there is room to triple in size if necessary. It also has the potential to provide offsite shop support for DFW, which has the potential for doing light overhaul in the hangars on the far north side of the facility (I seem to recall Chrysler doing light overhauls on C-141's in those hangars several years back)

It has long been rumored that both UPS and FDX were interested in taking AFW over as an overhaul facility. But that's never happened, so please forgive me if I chalk up your assertions about F9 and WN's interest in MCIE to be nothing more than shoptalk myth.
<_< In other words, $40 million @ year is just dandy with you??? "Triple in size", triple in cost? 😉 "Bond would be overruled in a heartbeat"? If that's true, what happened with the addition to the Wright Amendment???? :unsure:
Wait and see what shakes out of the corporate tree around December the 5th.
<_< Hey! You may be right! You claim to have an inside track! Like I said before, "If it happens, it happens!" Like the man said: "there is life after aa!" In the mean time, I'll wait!
"Bond would be overruled in a heartbeat"? If that's true, what happened with the addition to the Wright Amendment???? :unsure:

Sure, Bond bypassed Commerce and the Transportation committees with his amendment to the spending bill. And I'm sure that doesn't sit well with the people on those committees who he just pissed all over. And he'll pay a price for that eventually.

I also wouldn't be shocked to hear something announced in early December, based on the future schedules I've seen for 2006. The normal build-up in May seems to be gone, as does the dropoff in August. Fewer flights, fewer people.
<_< FM----- "Shoptalk myth"? Sorry! Not so! I was here when Fronter came through looking the place over! They approched aa to sub-lease space! It seems DEN is getting a little pricey for them, and were looking to relocate some of their maintenance. aa turned them down flate, but offered to do the work for them! Probably in TUL!!! 😉

Sure, Bond bypassed Commerce and the Transportation committees with his amendment to the spending bill. And I'm sure that doesn't sit well with the people on those committees who he just pissed all over. And he'll pay a price for that eventually.

I also wouldn't be shocked to hear something announced in early December, based on the future schedules I've seen for 2006. The normal build-up in May seems to be gone, as does the dropoff in August. Fewer flights, fewer people.
<_< FM--- What Bond did is call politics!!! Bond has been arround long enough to know how to use the system when he wants too! That's exactly what I was refurring too!!!As for a RIF in the system! Wouldn't surprise me!!!
<_< FM----- "Shoptalk myth"? Sorry! Not so! I was here when Fronter came through looking the place over! They approched aa to sub-lease space! It seems DEN is getting a little pricey for them, and were looking to relocate some of their maintenance. aa turned them down flate, but offered to do the work for them! Probably in TUL!!! 😉

<_< FM--- What Bond did is call politics!!! Bond has been arround long enough to know how to use the system when he wants too! That's exactly what I was refurring too!!!As for a RIF in the system! Wouldn't surprise me!!!

Since Frontier flies A319/320 what sort of work did AA offer to do?
Since Frontier flies A319/320 what sort of work did AA offer to do?

Given the number of A320's operating in North America these days, it might be worth getting certified to do checks/overhauls, even though AA doesn't operate it. NWA probably has lots of type-specific tooling for sale...
Given the number of A320's operating in North America these days, it might be worth getting certified to do checks/overhauls, even though AA doesn't operate it. NWA probably has lots of type-specific tooling for sale...

You know just as well as I do AA is not going to invest the money into the necessary training and tooling to work on A320's. Why should they when they already have the trained AMT's and tooling for the another hot seller, the 737NG.
You know just as well as I do AA is not going to invest the money into the necessary training and tooling to work on A320's.

If AA is really serious about bringing in outside MRO business, they need to consider supporting types other than those that they currently operate in their own fleet.

The A320 is the predominant NG airframe at NW, US/HP, F9, UA, B6, MX, and dozens of charter operators.

I wouldn't have expected AMR to pick up a contract supporting F100's, but they did. Sure, some of the tooling was still on property, but if the cost of maintaining a training program for the F100 is built into the cost of that contract, it's not out of the question to be able to do the same with an A320 training program.

Tooling is definitely an expense, but it's a one-time expense, and one that can be mitigated a bit by buying at a firesale.
Your right. Since NW farmed out all their heavy maintanence, the tooling would now be collecting dust inside the Duluth hangar.
Don't think for one second that I am an advocate of closing MCIE because I'm not. However, it seems that no one has considered the possibility that AMR might close the facility, but continue to pay the rent just to prevent someone else from moving in there. Just in case, they might need the maintenance space in the future. Say, for instance, if another major like UAL, DL, NWA, or the new US Airways did not survive the near future.

I've seen UAL's flight attendant training facility at ORD. If their maintenance facilities are of the same quality then, trust me, AA does not want them.
Don't think for one second that I am an advocate of closing MCIE because I'm not. However, it seems that no one has considered the possibility that AMR might close the facility, but continue to pay the rent just to prevent someone else from moving in there. Just in case, they might need the maintenance space in the future. Say, for instance, if another major like UAL, DL, NWA, or the new US Airways did not survive the near future.

I've seen UAL's flight attendant training facility at ORD. If their maintenance facilities are of the same quality then, trust me, AA does not want them.
<_< jimtx---- Sounds good, but won't fly!!! The City has written into the lease that aa would maintain at least 700 employees here at MCI to keep the lease active!
And if aa wanted to shut this place down, they would have done it by now!!!!

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