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December Will Be Bad News Month At American

<_< So TWU informer---- What's the TWU up to now? We've heard,that the boys in TUL have told aa: "There will be no further concessionary talks until Kansas City is shut down!!!" Could all this be just the first step to more give backs??? :shock: :shock:
<_< So TWU informer---- What's the TWU up to now? We've heard,that the boys in TUL have told aa: "There will be no further concessionary talks until Kansas City is shut down!!!" Could all this be just the first step to more give backs??? :shock: :shock:
That sound very twu union like to me. :down:
Hey, if Missouri gets added to the Wright Amendment, closing MCI could be the thank-you gift AA sends to Senator Bond...

Taking the union in-fighting out of it for a moment, does it really make sense for AA to have a third overhaul base? Probably not, and neither does it make sense to abandon the investments made at TUL and AFW (most of that pre-merger, by the way), just to protect one of the last former TW strongholds.
Hey, if Missouri gets added to the Wright Amendment, closing MCI could be the thank-you gift AA sends to Senator Bond...

Taking the union in-fighting out of it for a moment, does it really make sense for AA to have a third overhaul base? Probably not, and neither does it make sense to abandon the investments made at TUL and AFW (most of that pre-merger, by the way), just to protect one of the last former TW strongholds.

Gotta agree on both points.

Hey, if Missouri gets added to the Wright Amendment, closing MCI could be the thank-you gift AA sends to Senator Bond...

Taking the union in-fighting out of it for a moment, does it really make sense for AA to have a third overhaul base? Probably not, and neither does it make sense to abandon the investments made at TUL and AFW (most of that pre-merger, by the way), just to protect one of the last former TW strongholds.
A sad but true statement that also really calls into question the ethics of the company to blow smoke up their asses about saving jobs when reality says the place will eventually close. Regardless of W.A. or Bond, most will agree with your second paragraph from a business standpoint. What I do question is dragging these guys along day after day with this false hope of staying open as they slowly shut the place down around them.
My guess is:They will shut MCI down in April of 2006 just after the TWA folks get vested in the AA retirement plan.
My guess is:They will shut MCI down in April of 2006 just after the TWA folks get vested in the AA retirement plan.
<_< Honey, We're already vested! But it's not anything to brag on!!!! :shock: As for closeing MCI, if it happens,it happens! Which was in the works all along! So no surprise here!!!!Which gets us back to the question: What's aa going to ask our "Brothers" in TUL in return for this "FAVOR"?????
Didn't they sign a lease on the MCI base not too long ago? And aren't they awarding bids to the contractors to begin the refurbishment of the base? If AA was going to close MCI "all along" as you put it, then why would they sign a new lease? They could have just gone month to month.
Didn't they sign a lease on the MCI base not too long ago? And aren't they awarding bids to the contractors to begin the refurbishment of the base? If AA was going to close MCI "all along" as you put it, then why would they sign a new lease? They could have just gone month to month.
<_< Yes aa. They signed a 25 year lease on the Super bays! And just signed a 2 year lease on our narrow body bays! But I'm sure aa has written an exit clauses into them. But normally these clauses are not painless!! They do have a cost! What that might be in this case, I have no idea!!!And there is quit a bet money involve with improvements,and agreements with the City. Frankly, aa is getting this place dirt cheap! And if they walk away, I'm sure this place wouldn't stay empty long! In fact, Fronter Airlines is just one that has shown interest in the place in the past! Southwest is another! So even if aa does pull out, we will survive!!
Hey, if Missouri gets added to the Wright Amendment, closing MCI could be the thank-you gift AA sends to Senator Bond...

Taking the union in-fighting out of it for a moment, does it really make sense for AA to have a third overhaul base? Probably not, and neither does it make sense to abandon the investments made at TUL and AFW (most of that pre-merger, by the way), just to protect one of the last former TW strongholds.
<_< FM----- I don't think aa's top management is dumb enough to try and take on Senitor Bond! Things could get real nasty quickly!!! He is Chairman of the "Appropreations" sub-commitee for Transpertation, and could find all kinds of ways to make aa, "unconfortable"!
Example: ORD is looking to the government for founds for a major expantion!!!If there is problems, and it is made known that it could be because of some little dispute with aa!!!???? Who knows??? Now I'm not trying to emply that anything like that would cross Senitor Bond's mind! But all I'm saying is that there may be more out there than the Wright Amendment!!! As for MCI being an overheal base,I must say that you really can't call it that anymore! aa has striped us of tooling, and personel to the point where that title no longer applies! As for business sence on closeing MCI, you tell me! MCI is larger than AFW in size! We have the space to handle more aircraft! And room to expand! AFW is a "state of the art facility! MCI was originaly designed for the 707's, and later L1011's, and 747s! We have 10 narrow body docks, that can handle anything up to, and including 757's! Two Super Docks that can handle anything in production today, except the Airbus 380!Plus shop space to support them! The City is putting millions $$$ in aa's hands to refurbish this place, and yes, this place needs it badly! But aa has started to do so! The cost of AFW in lease payments alone to Rose Pero, is at least $40 mill @ year! MCI I believe is only $1 mill!!!! So!!! Mr.Former ModerAAtor, which makes the most sence???? 😉 I know there are other factors to concider, but reaistically I feel it's too good a deal for aa to walk away from! And that is the bottom line! If Delta, or one of the other "Majors" goes belly up, aa will need us!! And we know it!!!! :shock:
<_< Honey, We're already vested! But it's not anything to brag on!!!! :shock: As for closeing MCI, if it happens,it happens! Which was in the works all along! So no surprise here!!!!Which gets us back to the question: What's aa going to ask our "Brothers" in TUL in return for this "FAVOR"?????

I sorry to inform you Sweetie, but your not vested in the AA retirement plan until you have at least five years of service with AA. Which of course you TWA people don't have yet. I know, your gonna sue AA for that also, so you can suck AA's pension fund dry.
Hey, if Missouri gets added to the Wright Amendment, closing MCI could be the thank-you gift AA sends to Senator Bond...

If AA Management is operating the Airline in this manner then we a doomed to fail.

Making business decisions based retaliation to politicians is dysfunctional management at best.
<_< Yes aa. They signed a 25 year lease on the Super bays! And just signed a 2 year lease on our narrow body bays! But I'm sure aa has written an exit clauses into them. But normally these clauses are not painless!! They do have a cost! What that might be in this case, I have no idea!!!And there is quit a bet money involve with improvements,and agreements with the City. Frankly, aa is getting this place dirt cheap! And if they walk away, I'm sure this place wouldn't stay empty long! In fact, Fronter Airlines is just one that has shown interest in the place in the past! Southwest is another! So even if aa does pull out, we will survive!!
Exactly, so why accept concessions in order to keep AA there? Why do what you can to keep out the likes of Frontier and SWA?
I sorry to inform you Sweetie, but your not vested in the AA retirement plan until you have at least five years of service with AA. Which of course you TWA people don't have yet.
We are in fact vested in AA's retirement plan. Of course, those of us retiring now receive much smaller checks based on our years of service at AA, but we ARE vested.

I sorry to inform you Sweetie, but your not vested in the AA retirement plan until you have at least five years of service with AA. Which of course you TWA people don't have yet. I know, your gonna sue AA for that also, so you can suck AA's pension fund dry.
<_< Princess---- We've got to stop meeting this way!!! But if you look into it, you'll find that retirements are based on "Company" seniority, which for exTWAers was rolled over into aa's! We are vested. But, for calulation of benifits,it do'es not start till one year after aa bought us. The first year we were still TWAllc!! So, as of April of next year we will have acurude four years benifits! Believe me young lady, I'm close enough to retirement myself to know, and have many of my exTWA friends that are now retired from aa! Your attitude amases me!" Suck your pension fund dry"???

Exactly, so why accept concessions in order to keep AA there? Why do what you can to keep out the likes of Frontier and SWA?
<_< Bob, Agreed! But let's just hope it don't come to that!!! 😉

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