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Axe To Fall At Aa


What happened to the Shared Sacrifice amongst Locals? Funny...all I see is TWA members affected...Hmmmmm..I smell a rat...that you Dave?
A300 wll be at AA until the end of the decade. hey are too important to Latin Americ and the Caribean. 777, 767, or 787 won't fill there roll. 757 will with more frequency or less seats to those markets. San Juan will need a wode body airplane and A300 is the only one filling the role. I suppose if AA does get 787 to fly European and deep South America then the 767-300 could fill the role temporarily, this would be an itentional mis-use. I don't see a new big airplane being made at Boeing soon. Short range 787 like those used in Japan could be the answer. AA could get 3-class 787 and 2-class domestically configured ones too, but this would happen in 2010.

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