December Will Be Bad News Month At American

Yeah, I've got news. How about you?

Has the sheep farm on Pine filled you in on the details yet?

Kansas City will be shut down soon.
<_< Hey Sleeze Bag----- I've waited, and sure enough,you were right, arround the 5th., the word has "shaken out" from management! But low and behold!!! Sorry to disapoint you! It looks like MCI will be arround a LOONNGG TTIIMMEE!!!Up Yours!!!! :p :p :p
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<_< Hey Sleeze Bag----- I've waited, and sure enough,you were right, arround the 5th., the word has "shaken out" from management! But low and behold!!! Sorry to disapoint you! It looks like MCI will be arround a LOONNGG TTIIMMEE!!!Up Yours!!!! :p :p :p

I love you too, B-R-O-T-H-E-R
I love you too, B-R-O-T-H-E-R
<_< TWU---- Why don't you climb back on your Honda, and go back and check your "inside source"! Tell him his info. sucks!! You'll find not only that Kansas City will be arround a while, but if things work out as plan we'll be recalling people by mid summer!!!! :shock:
<_< TWU---- Why don't you climb back on your Honda, and go back and check your "inside source"! Tell him his info. sucks!! You'll find not only that Kansas City will be arround a while, but if things work out as plan we'll be recalling people by mid summer!!!! :shock:
I thought that there was a vast AA/TWU conspiracy to get rid of MCI.
I thought that there was a vast AA/TWU conspiracy to get rid of MCI.
<_< aa---- You're young and haven't been arround as long as I have, so I'll overlook a little ignorance here! As long as it's "profitable" to keep us arround, that's what is going to happen!!It's that simple!!! Now! That's true of all of us! So why don't you get back to throwing a few more bags!!!! ;)
Oh, damn, it appears that Informer just got egg on his face..............AGAIN!!! What is it with you Informer? Haven't you learned by now that blowing your own whistle never works!

Bitter, bitter. Now get in there and do something productive will you??

By the way, not to change the subject but how's that new card drive going??????
<_< Today I was told aa signed a contract with Air Canada to do six 767 Heavy "C" checks here at MCI! And from what I'm hearing, aa has more than one pocker in the fire!!! Stand by in the next few weeks for further news!!! December is turning out to be just great for us here in Kansas City!!!!See TWU! There really is a Santa Claus!!!In a red suit no less! And what are those faded letters I see???? Could they be? Yes they are!!! "TWA"!!!!"Merry Christmas" Everybody!!!!! :p
<_< Today I was told aa signed a contract with Air Canada to do six 767 Heavy "C" checks here at MCI! And from what I'm hearing, aa has more than one pocker in the fire!!! Stand by in the next few weeks for further news!!! December is turning out to be just great for us here in Kansas City!!!!See TWU! There really is a Santa Claus!!! :p

If true, very good news. What do those run? About $3 to $4 million each? Not too bad.
<_< Today I was told aa signed a contract with Air Canada to do six 767 Heavy "C" checks here at MCI! And from what I'm hearing, aa has more than one pocker in the fire!!! Stand by in the next few weeks for further news!!! December is turning out to be just great for us here in Kansas City!!!!See TWU! There really is a Santa Claus!!!In a red suit no less! And what are those faded letters I see???? Could they be? Yes they are!!! "TWA"!!!!"Merry Christmas" Everybody!!!!! :p
Do you ex-TWAers still believe that AA and the TWU are trying to get rid of you? I have always said that they are keeping MCI open for a reason. And one of those reasons is for third party work. It takes time and effort to negotiate and sign contracts. Congratulations!
<_< Today I was told aa signed a contract with Air Canada to do six 767 Heavy "C" checks here at MCI! And from what I'm hearing, aa has more than one pocker in the fire!!! Stand by in the next few weeks for further news!!! December is turning out to be just great for us here in Kansas City!!!!See TWU! There really is a Santa Claus!!!In a red suit no less! And what are those faded letters I see???? Could they be? Yes they are!!! "TWA"!!!!"Merry Christmas" Everybody!!!!! :p

Hopefully all the TWAers in the NYC area can git back home
and bring back the AAers who got laid off :up:
Hopefully all the TWAers in the NYC area can git back home
and bring back the AAers who got laid off :up:
<_< Time---- Be patient! For this contract there will be no recalls! We're to do these with the people we already have!But there are things in the works that if nailed down would definitly need a recall!! They tell us they want to work two aircraft at a time! The first are supposed to show up on or about Jan.3rd. We have two lines working now, a 767"C" check which is near completion, and a 757"C" check that may have to be moved to one of our empty narrow body docks to finish up. So we'll be busy as a one armed wall paper hanger for a while.
Hey, what happened to Informer??? Maybe he's "informing" someone else some crap!!

Give him a couple of weeks, he'll come up with something else I'm sure.

Congrats MCI!!!!!
That would be impossible! TWA is DEAD! Now wake up from that dream you're in and smell the coffee. TWA is not coming back.
<_< B.O.B.--- What's your problem? Yes TWA is dead! It's religated to the same halls of U.S. Greats as Pan Am! Eastern! Brannif! Ozark! Western! and now TWA, all gone! Have you ever noticed that when I refure to aa, it's always in the lower case? Well, an Airline's Greatness is ultamitly determined by it's people! Need I say more? USC?---- Give me a break!!!! ;)