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December Will Be Bad News Month At American

I'd rather be getting a paycheck from a lowercase mediocre airline than to be holding onto the memory of a failed (several times over) corporation.
I'd rather be getting a paycheck from a lowercase mediocre airline than to be holding onto the memory of a failed (several times over) corporation.
I completely agree. They are an ungrateful lot aren't they. Some of them anyway.
I'd rather be getting a paycheck from a lowercase mediocre airline than to be holding onto the memory of a failed (several times over) corporation.
<_< Sir! As I stated, there are,and were, "Great" Airlines! I believe aa has that potental to be among them! And a "paycheck" has nothing to do with it! But I agree, TWA,the Airline, and the others, should realigated to memory, nothing more!
<_< B.O.B.--- What's your problem? Yes TWA is dead! It's religated to the same halls of U.S. Greats as Pan Am! Eastern! Brannif! Ozark! Western! and now TWA, all gone! Have you ever noticed that when I refure to aa, it's always in the lower case? Well, an Airline's Greatness is ultamitly determined by it's people! Need I say more? USC?---- Give me a break!!!! 😉

USC #1 daddyo! Want to make a side wager on the outcome against the #1 team who has the last 2 Heisman Trophy winners?

TWA, was a great airline. I non-rev'd on them many times all over the world. I also got the "crew upgrade" if you know what I mean 😉 . Its just that all of you keep bringing them up, over and over again. We need to get our airline and you noticed I said OUR airline, back to making a profit. This will allow AA to grow and add a/c. This in turn will mean RECALLS :up: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you think about this?
<_< B.O.B.--- What's your problem? Yes TWA is dead! It's religated to the same halls of U.S. Greats as Pan Am! Eastern! Brannif! Ozark! Western! and now TWA, all gone! Have you ever noticed that when I refure to aa, it's always in the lower case? Well, an Airline's Greatness is ultamitly determined by it's people! Need I say more? USC?---- Give me a break!!!! 😉

I always thought you referred to AA as aa because you didn't know how to type or to spell. Guess I was wrong. B)

<_< Today I was told aa signed a contract with Air Canada to do six 767 Heavy "C" checks here at MCI! And from what I'm hearing, aa has more than one pocker in the fire!!! Stand by in the next few weeks for further news!!! December is turning out to be just great for us here in Kansas City!!!!See TWU! There really is a Santa Claus!!!In a red suit no less! And what are those faded letters I see???? Could they be? Yes they are!!! "TWA"!!!!"Merry Christmas" Everybody!!!!! 😛

Good news, good news. :up:
I didn't get the TWA reference though.

USC #1 daddyo! Want to make a side wager on the outcome against the #1 team who has the last 2 Heisman Trophy winners?

TWA, was a great airline. I non-rev'd on them many times all over the world. I also got the "crew upgrade" if you know what I mean 😉 . Its just that all of you keep bringing them up, over and over again. We need to get our airline and you noticed I said OUR airline, back to making a profit. This will allow AA to grow and add a/c. This in turn will mean RECALLS :up: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you think about this?

There are rumors flying right now that there will be FA recalls in the spring. Anyone else hear them? It is the so-and-so spoke to so-and-so in the office type of rumors.

I've also heard we might get JFK-DEL.
I always thought you referred to AA as aa because you didn't know how to type or to spell. Guess I was wrong. B)
Good news, good news. :up:
I didn't get the TWA reference though.
There are rumors flying right now that there will be FA recalls in the spring. Anyone else hear them? It is the so-and-so spoke to so-and-so in the office type of rumors.

I've also heard we might get JFK-DEL.

Yes, Lauri Curtis kinda slipped the tongue and mentioned in October we would have recalls for the Spring of 2006. This is due to the increased growth of our International routes out of JFK. The proffer in the spring for JFK is going to be one of the largest ever seen. With Dom f/a's jumping over the Intl side it will leave Dom short.

The route you're speaking of will be JFK-BOM.
Yes, Lauri Curtis kinda slipped the tongue and mentioned in October we would have recalls for the Spring of 2006. This is due to the increased growth of our International routes out of JFK. The proffer in the spring for JFK is going to be one of the largest ever seen. With Dom f/a's jumping over the Intl side it will leave Dom short.

The route you're speaking of will be JFK-BOM.

hmm. No kidding? I was on reserve in October so I guessed I missed it. It was a pretty brutal reserve month.

Kind of funny, we were just talking about JFK seniority yesterday on my trip.

It seems that instead of getting senior every year we get more junior. As soon as domestic FA's reach a certain seniority, and whenever they make domestic duty and staffing changes, everyone senior jumps over to intl.

Where are the people who are quitting and retiring? Doesn't seem like they are at JFK. :down:
USC #1 daddyo! Want to make a side wager on the outcome against the #1 team who has the last 2 Heisman Trophy winners?

TWA, was a great airline. I non-rev'd on them many times all over the world. I also got the "crew upgrade" if you know what I mean 😉 . Its just that all of you keep bringing them up, over and over again. We need to get our airline and you noticed I said OUR airline, back to making a profit. This will allow AA to grow and add a/c. This in turn will mean RECALLS :up: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you think about this?
B.O.B---- I'de love to let the TWA issue die! But every time I'm feeling O.K. with it, some ya-ho has to make some dumb remarks about how it's all our fault for every little down turn in their comfort level!!ak:"Kansas City will be shut down"!!! As for USC, they've always fielded a great football team! Although their cross town rivels, UCLA may argue that point!!!! 😛
B.O.B---- I'de love to let the TWA issue die! But every time I'm feeling O.K. with it, some ya-ho has to make some dumb remarks about how it's all our fault for every little down turn in their comfort level!!ak:"Kansas City will be shut down"!!! As for USC, they've always fielded a great football team! Although their cross town rivels, UCLA may argue that point!!!! 😛

Yea, let the issue die while lawsuits continue!
There are rumors flying right now that there will be FA recalls in the spring. Anyone else hear them? It is the so-and-so spoke to so-and-so in the office type of rumors.

Yes, Lauri Curtis kinda slipped the tongue and mentioned in October we would have recalls for the Spring of 2006. This is due to the increased growth of our International routes out of JFK.

That rumor has been shot down by the STL Base Chair. The next APFA hotline, due this Friday, will contain the announcement that the company advised the union that there are no current plans for flight attendant recalls in 2006.
Yea, let the issue day while lawsuits continue!
<_< Hopeless--- Last time I checked, this was still a free country!!! If there's anyone out there that feels he has grounds for a suit, he has the right to persue that legal recourse!!!! 😉

Yea, let the issue day while lawsuits continue!
<_< P.S.-- Is it just me, or is everyone else starting to spell like me?????? 😛 😛 😛

That rumor has been shot down by the STL Base Chair. The next APFA hotline, due this Friday, will contain the announcement that the company advised the union that there are no current plans for flight attendant recalls in 2006.
<_< Boy! That's a kick in the head!!Just out of quriosity, have there been any former TWA F/A's recalled?
Isnt that the normal code sent out by AA just before they start a recall? That there are no plans for one. After all cannot imagine a whole year and no recalls as things are going moving and growing.
<_< Boy! That's a kick in the head!!Just out of quriosity, have there been any former TWA F/A's recalled?

None yet. The most senior of the TWA flight attendants is approximately number 100 on the recall list.

Isnt that the normal code sent out by AA just before they start a recall? That there are no plans for one. After all cannot imagine a whole year and no recalls as things are going moving and growing.

I agree with you about going a full year without any recalls, given the current attrition rate, unless management is planning to draw down capacity. On the other hand, I do not see this coming announcement as an omen of impending recalls.
That rumor has been shot down by the STL Base Chair. The next APFA hotline, due this Friday, will contain the announcement that the company advised the union that there are no current plans for flight attendant recalls in 2006.

If past history is any indication, everyone on the top of the furlough list better get their uniforms to the cleaners and find where they stored their ties and belts. :lol:

January, 2004: "There are no plans for any flight attendant recalls in 2004."
February, 2004: "We regret that due to the economic environment, there are no plans to recall any furloughed flight attendants in 2004."
And, March, 2004
and, April, 2004 "et cetera, et cetera, et cetera."
May 1, 2004: "We are pleased to announce the recall of 235 furloughees effective July 1, 2004."
June, 2004: "We plan no further recalls in 2004."
July, 2004: "We plan no further recalls in 2004."
August, 2004: "We plan no further recalls in 2004."
September, 2004: "We are pleased to announce the recall of 610 furloughees effective November 17, 2004."

In corporate-speak, there is a small, but telling difference between "There are no plans to recall..." and "There will be no recalls..." Plans change.

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