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Jim Little Response To Ken Mactiernan

High Speed Steel said:
Yeah Johnny Lunchbox, Kenny Boy wants to know your name so the next time he see's ya he can flick a booger on ya...! Kenny Boy wants you to be accountable! He must be one of the AMFA Organizing Committee members that voted not to have TWU Informer be accountable to the membership he is trying to solicit...! Remeber Accountability Lane is a ONE-WAY Street in the eyes of AMFA...!

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where barganing means YOU GO....!
Accountability is a ONE-WAY Street when you are driving an industrial union bus!

HSS, "flick a booger"? Is this what the twu international threatened AA management during negotiations? As for accountability goes, if JL comes onto this or any BB and posts lies and personal attacks behind an alias while giving the assumtion that he is an AMT he should be accountable. But since you seem to follow in the footsteps of other protwu posting alias using cowards I would not expect you to understand the meaning of accountability.
TWU informer said:

Well, when the next "without further ratification" vote is about shutting down MCI to save all the other AA employees from themselves and further financial ruin, you will surely then have a completely different opinion when you are out of work, cannot afford retirement, and have zero seniority to exercise in the system. That unyeilding TWU leadership power that you are so fond of today, will haunt you tommorrow. Take it from those of us with 20 years of TWU experience that used to be loyal also, your shafting will leave you completely speechless and looking for relief from a Federal Jusge who has already ruled that you survive today, by the same sword that will stab you in the back tomorrow.

Remember this my friend, I am just the messenger, not the decision maker. The only thing holding your asses on the payroll right now is the AMFA Drive, when this issue is over either union is going to be faced with issues that have been put off for political reasons. I am not saying AMFA will help you out in this matter, because a vote of the AA membership will not help you either, thus the AMFA Constitution is not your safety line. But I can assure, that if the TWU wins, and the 2 year bar is in place, you guys better hold on to your asses, because what management wants, mangement gets. The only thing you guys need to know now, is was it your fellow members that voted you out, or was it the TWU dictator? But either way you guy lose in the end.

The thing I hate about this, is that you heard it from me first! But you want to believe in the sword so much, someone should at least give you some truth about the sharpest edge for you to ponder.

Again, don't take this as what I favor, I am only the messenger with some bad but factual news.
So you are telling me that no matter who is in there, TWU or AMFA that MCI is history? That we don't have a fighting chance no-matter what? That the TWU is only using us to get rid of you? That Jim Little and Art Luby have been lying to us all along? That American Airlines really doesn't want MCI? Have you told that to all the people who have put in amfa cards at MCI? Or don't you want to sound like your only using them?
mojo13 said:
So you are telling me that no matter who is in there, TWU or AMFA that MCI is history? That we don't have a fighting chance no-matter what? That the TWU is only using us to get rid of you? That Jim Little and Art Luby have been lying to us all along? That American Airlines really doesn't want MCI? Have you told that to all the people who have put in amfa cards at MCI? Or don't you want to sound like your only using them?
And why wouldnt Jim Little and Art Luby lie to you? What do you think that you are special? They have been lying to us for years.

Art Luby is the one who said that we had "Iron clad language" protecting incumbant AA employees from the integration with the TWA-LLC employees.

Dont you know that Local 501, Sonny boys, are going forward with the Internationals blessing with a lawsuit challenging Kashers decision as far as TWA seniority?

I think what Informer is looking at is Arpeys statement that AA wants to cut maint costs by another 17%. Well where do you think he can cut that much? Tulsa, no way, thats their ace in the hole. AFW-no way, brand new facility, SWA will move right in, take AA's facilities and all their best mechanics out of both AFW and DFW at $36/hr. (Thats probably why they have been reluctant to abandon MCI-SWA has already said that they want to bring more work in house as they expand.) They cant cut the line much more, they already eliminated most of the overnight checks, delays & cancellations are soaring. They are having all sorts of meetings and reshuffling management all over the place to fix it. It wont work, pep rallies and new supervisors dont help pay bills. We know they are not really interested in reducing operations any more, instead they want to seize the opportunity to expand. So you tell us, where are they going to find the extra 17% to cut?
Bob, I don't accept your doom and gloom. I don't have all the answers but I refuse to throw up my hands and give up.
mojo13 said:
Bob, I don't accept your doom and gloom. I don't have all the answers but I refuse to throw up my hands and give up.
If thats the case then fill out a card and vote AMFA!

Never mind about the card, just vote AMFA.

At least then if the worst happens, and you get another job as an aircraft mechanic, chances are, you will already be a member of the union there-AMFA.

One thing you can be sure of, the TWU is not the IAM, they will not really fight the company.
Another reason why MCI seems the likely target is demographics. MCI would have the most vacation, accrued sick time, most at top pay, higher rates of sick time, health problems/costs etc because of the higher average age etc. With the 4/10/01 occ seniority date for everywhere else but NY & LAX where would they go?-So the company saves on the bump and rolls because most would retire. Sure they can try and get to NY or LAX but how well do you think they will fare there? In order to maintain their lifestyle they would need over a 100% increase in pay. If they had their house paid off they might be able to sell and qualify for a mortagage. If they clear $150,000 on their house they can get 1600 sq ft on a 60'x 100' around 30 miles away, with a mortgage of around $1800 for the next 30 years.

The fact is that if the company was going to eliminate anyplace it would be MCI because of many different factors. It doesnt matter how hard you work, or how productive you are, look at STL, best performance in the system before they got whacked. It all comes down to how the numbers look on the paper. And closing MCI, an old facility with an older workforce that can not really go anywhere with their seniority would be the cheapest, least disruptive way to cut expenses.

All is not doom and gloom however. As I said SWA is looking to do more work in house. A centrally located overhaul facility in a low cost area with a good volume of locally driven traffic would work well for them. The fact that there would already be a supply of skilled mechanics there would be another plus. With its singular fleet type it would be easy for them to route every trip in and out as a revenue trip.

Dont worry so much and always, always go for the money before the promise of security. In my career Ive worked for at least half a dozen airlines. There is always another job, often I come across the same airplanes again and again, just painted a new color. When I came into this industry twenty four years ago and I hit $12/hr I thought I had the world by the b@!!$. I was making more than most everyone I knew, and having a lot of fun doing it. Then came PATCO, Lorenzo, and the TWU-B-scale. Its never been the same. Now just about everyone else I know makes a lot more than me, and its not nearly as much fun.
mojo13 said:
Bob, I don't accept your doom and gloom. I don't have all the answers but I refuse to throw up my hands and give up.
Staying with the twu IS throwing your hands up (while the twu picks your wallet) and giving up!
Ken MacTiernan said:
Staying with the twu IS throwing your hands up (while the twu picks your wallet) and giving up!
Ken, I would say that by judging amfa's track record, voting amfa would surely be our demise. :shock:

And this quote from informer says it all;
The only thing holding your asses on the payroll right now is the AMFA Drive, when this issue is over either union is going to be faced with issues that have been put off for political reasons.

Interpretation? AMFA is not going to save you...
Mojo, I believe you should take this and give it to the few who had a ice cream party the other night and see how many will agree with these two!

The opinions of amfa, is not the norm at AA! What a great way to influence members! I think the amfa boys are so desperate they are losing it!

mojo, I believe over the next year NWA and United and others will be looking hard at sending work to AA/TWU. Especially at the rate of outsourcing amfa is allowing!
3rd party work is our only future at MCIE. AMFA does not know how to get in touch with 3rd party vendors except to get prices for the company. Ken and Bob could give a darn less also. They have proven where their loyalties lie. And I love the way they ask you mojo to sign a card on your way out to I-29.
March 31, 2003

James C. Little

Administrative Vice President, Air Transport Division

Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO

1791 Hurstview Dr.

Hurst, Texas 76054

Re: Summary of the 2003 Contract changes

This will confirm our understanding reached during the negotiations leading up to the agreement signed on (DOS), 2003. During these negotiations, we discussed many changes intended to achieve sustained long-term financial relief from the current provisions of the TWU labor agreements. This letter is intended to recap the majority of the agreed upon changes. Changes are listed by Title groups: I (Mechanics and Related), II (Facilities, Automotive, Cabin Cleaners, Utility and Building Cleaners), III (Fleet Service), IV (Fuelers), V (Stock Clerks), T/S (Technical Specials), Disp (Dispatch), Metro (Meteorologists), Sim Techs (Simulator Technicians) and Instrs (Ground School and Pilot Instructors).

Pay Related

Effective May 1, 2003:

§ Base wage pay reduction, varying percentages (all groups)

§ Elimination of all longevity pay(I & II)

§ Modified longevity pay, start after 17 years, current rates (III, IV, V,T/S)

§ Reduced Sim Tech Coordinator premium by $.75/hour

§ Reduced Sim Tech Skill pay to $.10/hour

§ Reduced Pilot Simulator Instructors premium to $10.00/month

§ Reduced Ground School/Pilot Simulator Instructors standardization coordinator pay to $150.00/month

§ Reduced Pilot/Simulator Instructors work unit experience premium

§ Modified shift differential to $.01, $.02, $.03 (I, II, III, V, T/S, Sim Techs)

§ Elimination of weekend differential (I, II, V, at AFW, TUL, MCI)

§ Elimination of midnight skill retention premium (Sim Techs)

§ Training pay at straight time for off shift and day off (I, II)

§ Elimination of penalty lunch payment (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Elimination of OT meal allowance (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S)

§ Penalty hours pay for actual time worked @ 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S)

§ Reduce OT rate from 2x to 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Work 40 hrs to reach OT rate for day off overtime (III, V)

§ Elimination of debrief pay (T/S)

§ Elimination of Stock Clerk driver premium

§ Elimination of AMT premiums when displacing OSM employee

§ Elimination of Early Call-In guarantees (I, II, III, IV)

§ Elimination of short turn penalty due to shift bids (Art 21 d) (III, IV)

§ Elimination of CC premium when not working as CC (III,V)

Work Rules/ Other changes and effective dates:

Effective April 15, 2003:

§ Combine Systems/Structures into Generals (Title I)

§ Added 7 day labor loan provision (Bases only)

§ Increased AMT productivity through multiple work assignments/training

§ Holidays reduced from 10 to 5. The five (5) observed holidays will be: New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (all groups)

o Holidays- 5 days with roll @ 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S, Sim Techs)

o Holidays- 5 days (no roll) @ 1.5x (Disp, Metro, Instrs)

Effective May 1, 2003

§ Reduce annual SK accrual to 5 days @ 100% (all except I & II)

§ Reduce annual SK accrual to 5 days, 1st two at 50% (I & II)

Effective May 3, 2003

§ 4/10s at Overhaul docks/TUL, duration of agreement

Effective within sixty (60) days of ratification:

§ Outsource RON/Ultraclean (II/III)

§ One time System protection credit for headcount reductions realized from work rule changes (all groups except Metro)

Effective thirty (30) days from ratification:

§ Reduce uniform provisioning and eliminate laundering (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Outsource stores function at HDQ (6 Stock Clerks)

§ Relocate 4 Stock Clerks at ORD/GEM to ORD/M & E hanger

Effective as soon as practicable after DOS:

§ Change work schedule to 5 on, 2 off (T/S)

§ Reduced VC accrual one week (all groups)

§ Modify Crew Chief ratios:

AMT- 1:11.5

FSC- 1:9

Fuelers- eliminated ratio

Stores- 1:12


§ Medical & Dental plan modifications (all groups) Effective 1/1/04

§ SLOA Benefit Coverage reduced from 24 to12 months (all groups)

Effective 5/01/03

§ Eliminate STD Plan (all groups) Effective 1/1/04

§ Discontinue subsidized medical benefits RIF’d employees (all groups)

Effective 4/15/03

§ Modify IOD to 10 days (all groups) Effective 5/01/03 with the following transition:

o If the injury was incurred prior to 4/15/03, remaining applicable salary continuation through the end of the month up to the current 80 days

o If the injury is incurred on 4/15/03 or before 4/30/03, salary continuation for 10 days up to the current 80 days

o If the injury is incurred after 5/01/03, salary continuation for 10 days


James B. Weel

Managing Director

Employee Relations

Agreed to this date:


James C Little

Transport Workers Union, AFL-CIO
here ya go mojo:

March 31, 2003

James C. Little

Administrative Vice President, Air Transport Division

Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO

1791 Hurstview Dr.

Hurst, Texas 76054

Re: Summary of the 2003 Contract changes

This will confirm our understanding reached during the negotiations leading up to the agreement signed on (DOS), 2003. During these negotiations, we discussed many changes intended to achieve sustained long-term financial relief from the current provisions of the TWU labor agreements. This letter is intended to recap the majority of the agreed upon changes. Changes are listed by Title groups: I (Mechanics and Related), II (Facilities, Automotive, Cabin Cleaners, Utility and Building Cleaners), III (Fleet Service), IV (Fuelers), V (Stock Clerks), T/S (Technical Specials), Disp (Dispatch), Metro (Meteorologists), Sim Techs (Simulator Technicians) and Instrs (Ground School and Pilot Instructors).

Pay Related

Effective May 1, 2003:

§ Base wage pay reduction, varying percentages (all groups)

§ Elimination of all longevity pay(I & II)

§ Modified longevity pay, start after 17 years, current rates (III, IV, V,T/S)

§ Reduced Sim Tech Coordinator premium by $.75/hour

§ Reduced Sim Tech Skill pay to $.10/hour

§ Reduced Pilot Simulator Instructors premium to $10.00/month

§ Reduced Ground School/Pilot Simulator Instructors standardization coordinator pay to $150.00/month

§ Reduced Pilot/Simulator Instructors work unit experience premium

§ Modified shift differential to $.01, $.02, $.03 (I, II, III, V, T/S, Sim Techs)

§ Elimination of weekend differential (I, II, V, at AFW, TUL, MCI)

§ Elimination of midnight skill retention premium (Sim Techs)

§ Training pay at straight time for off shift and day off (I, II)

§ Elimination of penalty lunch payment (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Elimination of OT meal allowance (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S)

§ Penalty hours pay for actual time worked @ 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S)

§ Reduce OT rate from 2x to 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Work 40 hrs to reach OT rate for day off overtime (III, V)

§ Elimination of debrief pay (T/S)

§ Elimination of Stock Clerk driver premium

§ Elimination of AMT premiums when displacing OSM employee

§ Elimination of Early Call-In guarantees (I, II, III, IV)

§ Elimination of short turn penalty due to shift bids (Art 21 d) (III, IV)

§ Elimination of CC premium when not working as CC (III,V)

Work Rules/ Other changes and effective dates:

Effective April 15, 2003:

§ Combine Systems/Structures into Generals (Title I)

§ Added 7 day labor loan provision (Bases only)

§ Increased AMT productivity through multiple work assignments/training

§ Holidays reduced from 10 to 5. The five (5) observed holidays will be: New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (all groups)

o Holidays- 5 days with roll @ 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S, Sim Techs)

o Holidays- 5 days (no roll) @ 1.5x (Disp, Metro, Instrs)

Effective May 1, 2003

§ Reduce annual SK accrual to 5 days @ 100% (all except I & II)

§ Reduce annual SK accrual to 5 days, 1st two at 50% (I & II)

Effective May 3, 2003

§ 4/10s at Overhaul docks/TUL, duration of agreement

Effective within sixty (60) days of ratification:

§ Outsource RON/Ultraclean (II/III)

§ One time System protection credit for headcount reductions realized from work rule changes (all groups except Metro)

Effective thirty (30) days from ratification:

§ Reduce uniform provisioning and eliminate laundering (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Outsource stores function at HDQ (6 Stock Clerks)

§ Relocate 4 Stock Clerks at ORD/GEM to ORD/M & E hanger

Effective as soon as practicable after DOS:

§ Change work schedule to 5 on, 2 off (T/S)

§ Reduced VC accrual one week (all groups)

§ Modify Crew Chief ratios:

AMT- 1:11.5

FSC- 1:9

Fuelers- eliminated ratio

Stores- 1:12


§ Medical & Dental plan modifications (all groups) Effective 1/1/04

§ SLOA Benefit Coverage reduced from 24 to12 months (all groups)

Effective 5/01/03

§ Eliminate STD Plan (all groups) Effective 1/1/04

§ Discontinue subsidized medical benefits RIF’d employees (all groups)

Effective 4/15/03

§ Modify IOD to 10 days (all groups) Effective 5/01/03 with the following transition:

o If the injury was incurred prior to 4/15/03, remaining applicable salary continuation through the end of the month up to the current 80 days

o If the injury is incurred on 4/15/03 or before 4/30/03, salary continuation for 10 days up to the current 80 days

o If the injury is incurred after 5/01/03, salary continuation for 10 days


James B. Weel

Managing Director

Employee Relations

Agreed to this date:


James C Little

Transport Workers Union, AFL-CIO
Bob Owens said:
Another reason why MCI seems the likely target is demographics. MCI would have the most vacation, accrued sick time, most at top pay, higher rates of sick time, health problems/costs etc because of the higher average age etc. With the 4/10/01 occ seniority date for everywhere else but NY & LAX where would they go?-So the company saves on the bump and rolls because most would retire. Sure they can try and get to NY or LAX but how well do you think they will fare there? In order to maintain their lifestyle they would need over a 100% increase in pay. If they had their house paid off they might be able to sell and qualify for a mortagage. If they clear $150,000 on their house they can get 1600 sq ft on a 60'x 100' around 30 miles away, with a mortgage of around $1800 for the next 30 years.

The fact is that if the company was going to eliminate anyplace it would be MCI because of many different factors. It doesnt matter how hard you work, or how productive you are, look at STL, best performance in the system before they got whacked. It all comes down to how the numbers look on the paper. And closing MCI, an old facility with an older workforce that can not really go anywhere with their seniority would be the cheapest, least disruptive way to cut expenses.

All is not doom and gloom however. As I said SWA is looking to do more work in house. A centrally located overhaul facility in a low cost area with a good volume of locally driven traffic would work well for them. The fact that there would already be a supply of skilled mechanics there would be another plus. With its singular fleet type it would be easy for them to route every trip in and out as a revenue trip.

Dont worry so much and always, always go for the money before the promise of security. In my career Ive worked for at least half a dozen airlines. There is always another job, often I come across the same airplanes again and again, just painted a new color. When I came into this industry twenty four years ago and I hit $12/hr I thought I had the world by the b@!!$. I was making more than most everyone I knew, and having a lot of fun doing it. Then came PATCO, Lorenzo, and the TWU-B-scale. Its never been the same. Now just about everyone else I know makes a lot more than me, and its not nearly as much fun.
Another reason why MCI seems the likely target is demographics. MCI would have the most vacation, accrued sick time, most at top pay, higher rates of sick time, health problems/costs etc because of the higher average age etc. With the 4/10/01 occ seniority date for everywhere

Bob, I disagree with your assertions about MCI. First, MCI is capable of expansion where as Tulsa Im told is landlocked and no growth?
Aliance, Perot wants it back, says there is no moneyin maintenace, wants to ter down the hanger and build apartmetn complex?
Maybe AA has wondered about lawsuits, lawsuits that if they do shutdown andlay off senior mechanics they fear will file lawsuits and win, over senority issues, like the ones pending in StLouis?
Higher rates of sick leave? check the balnace, I understand of the 3 bases MCI has the highest average of perfect attendence?
Health problems? thats news to us, you make it sound as if we are sick and handicapped

You raise the cost of living again, it is true our cost of livingis cheaper than where you are and Im sorry about that, but maybe AA looks at that also, and thinks about managements cost of living also?
Our local and the international were successful with negotiations to secure a lease here, AA received alot in return. Maybe now is not the time to add on, but with MCI there is that option, thousands of square feet available, for super state of the art hangers?
About MCI being antiquated, its a fact, that MCI is newer than Tulsa, Tulsa has been refurbished where MCI has been neglected, but still has capabilities. And 737 cleared the hanger here, the docks sent here would fit at Tulsa, even 757 fit nicely inside and able to swing gears
Bob we do in fact have options to do third party work, Another plus we are told between us and Alliance is, the ferry fees that is charged to bring aircraft toAlliance? I feel we should all try to help each other rather than tear down one base, In no way was I stating this in hopes to shut down one and keep us open, I beleive TWU has been successful in keeping all of us working
Yea,, here's how:

March 31, 2003

James C. Little

Administrative Vice President, Air Transport Division

Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO

1791 Hurstview Dr.

Hurst, Texas 76054

Re: Summary of the 2003 Contract changes

This will confirm our understanding reached during the negotiations leading up to the agreement signed on (DOS), 2003. During these negotiations, we discussed many changes intended to achieve sustained long-term financial relief from the current provisions of the TWU labor agreements. This letter is intended to recap the majority of the agreed upon changes. Changes are listed by Title groups: I (Mechanics and Related), II (Facilities, Automotive, Cabin Cleaners, Utility and Building Cleaners), III (Fleet Service), IV (Fuelers), V (Stock Clerks), T/S (Technical Specials), Disp (Dispatch), Metro (Meteorologists), Sim Techs (Simulator Technicians) and Instrs (Ground School and Pilot Instructors).

Pay Related

Effective May 1, 2003:

§ Base wage pay reduction, varying percentages (all groups)

§ Elimination of all longevity pay(I & II)

§ Modified longevity pay, start after 17 years, current rates (III, IV, V,T/S)

§ Reduced Sim Tech Coordinator premium by $.75/hour

§ Reduced Sim Tech Skill pay to $.10/hour

§ Reduced Pilot Simulator Instructors premium to $10.00/month

§ Reduced Ground School/Pilot Simulator Instructors standardization coordinator pay to $150.00/month

§ Reduced Pilot/Simulator Instructors work unit experience premium

§ Modified shift differential to $.01, $.02, $.03 (I, II, III, V, T/S, Sim Techs)

§ Elimination of weekend differential (I, II, V, at AFW, TUL, MCI)

§ Elimination of midnight skill retention premium (Sim Techs)

§ Training pay at straight time for off shift and day off (I, II)

§ Elimination of penalty lunch payment (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Elimination of OT meal allowance (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S)

§ Penalty hours pay for actual time worked @ 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S)

§ Reduce OT rate from 2x to 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Work 40 hrs to reach OT rate for day off overtime (III, V)

§ Elimination of debrief pay (T/S)

§ Elimination of Stock Clerk driver premium

§ Elimination of AMT premiums when displacing OSM employee

§ Elimination of Early Call-In guarantees (I, II, III, IV)

§ Elimination of short turn penalty due to shift bids (Art 21 d) (III, IV)

§ Elimination of CC premium when not working as CC (III,V)

Work Rules/ Other changes and effective dates:

Effective April 15, 2003:

§ Combine Systems/Structures into Generals (Title I)

§ Added 7 day labor loan provision (Bases only)

§ Increased AMT productivity through multiple work assignments/training

§ Holidays reduced from 10 to 5. The five (5) observed holidays will be: New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (all groups)

o Holidays- 5 days with roll @ 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S, Sim Techs)

o Holidays- 5 days (no roll) @ 1.5x (Disp, Metro, Instrs)

Effective May 1, 2003

§ Reduce annual SK accrual to 5 days @ 100% (all except I & II)

§ Reduce annual SK accrual to 5 days, 1st two at 50% (I & II)

Effective May 3, 2003

§ 4/10s at Overhaul docks/TUL, duration of agreement

Effective within sixty (60) days of ratification:

§ Outsource RON/Ultraclean (II/III)

§ One time System protection credit for headcount reductions realized from work rule changes (all groups except Metro)

Effective thirty (30) days from ratification:

§ Reduce uniform provisioning and eliminate laundering (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Outsource stores function at HDQ (6 Stock Clerks)

§ Relocate 4 Stock Clerks at ORD/GEM to ORD/M & E hanger

Effective as soon as practicable after DOS:

§ Change work schedule to 5 on, 2 off (T/S)

§ Reduced VC accrual one week (all groups)

§ Modify Crew Chief ratios:

AMT- 1:11.5

FSC- 1:9

Fuelers- eliminated ratio

Stores- 1:12


§ Medical & Dental plan modifications (all groups) Effective 1/1/04

§ SLOA Benefit Coverage reduced from 24 to12 months (all groups)

Effective 5/01/03

§ Eliminate STD Plan (all groups) Effective 1/1/04

§ Discontinue subsidized medical benefits RIF’d employees (all groups)

Effective 4/15/03

§ Modify IOD to 10 days (all groups) Effective 5/01/03 with the following transition:

o If the injury was incurred prior to 4/15/03, remaining applicable salary continuation through the end of the month up to the current 80 days

o If the injury is incurred on 4/15/03 or before 4/30/03, salary continuation for 10 days up to the current 80 days

o If the injury is incurred after 5/01/03, salary continuation for 10 days


James B. Weel

Managing Director

Employee Relations

Agreed to this date:


James C Little

Transport Workers Union, AFL-CIO

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