Congress woman shot along with bystanders

If the next couple election cycles go the way the last did, maybe....just maybe these clowns might start to get the idea.

Notice all the negative from the left side of the aisle over reading the document that they are to work through on the floor of Congress last week?
Most Dem's left........That in it self may make excellent fodder come next election.

Just sayin'

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I would go along with what we have. It's worked pretty well for the last 235 years and it sure beats anything else that's out there.

We have two wars going on one of which should have never taken place and the other of which should have been completed several years ago. We are $13 trillion in debt, we have a broken health care system, we are still reliant on fossil fuel, the infrastructure of this nation is falling apart and that is just a short list.

Yes I agree our basic system is good (decent might be a better word) and while you are satisfied to live with what we have, I would like to see it improved. The Model T worked pretty well, the Ford Taurus works better. There is always room for improvement.
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  • #63
If the next couple election cycles go the way the last did, maybe....just maybe these clowns might start to get the idea.

Notice all the negative from the left side of the aisle over reading the document that they are to work through on the floor of Congress last week?
Most Dem's left........That in it self may make excellent fodder come next election.

Just sayin'

Perhaps those who stayed should have paid attention to what they read. Passing a bill trying to change the 14th is not constitutionally valid. It would be struck if it ever passed. Kind of like the Shivo law passed in FL. A waste of money and time but it plays well to the ignorant populace.
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Slipery slope?

I do not see how this will pass COTUS muster. Who is to say the next ban will be 400 feet, 1000, a mile? Who is to say what will be held sacred next time?

I do like this idea though.
The Republican and Democratic parties in Pima County are asking people to gather Thursday to create a human barricade to protect Green’s family from protesters, The Arizona Republic reported.

I have my doubts that it will happen. The people like to #### and moan but when it comes time to actually make a sacrifice, people are not so motivated. I already sent my money in to the patriot guards. I have my patch and if they ever are called on here in DFW, I'll be there on foot but I'll be there.
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  • #65
They are attention whores after all.... who would have guessed.

'You put us on the radio and we will not protest a nine year old's funeral.' How benevolent of them. I know it's easy from the side lines to tell them to go pound sand but I sure as hell hope the family of the girl stand up and tell these hammer heads to go pound sand. I also hope everyone in town shows up to surround the funeral and tell the Phelps scum that the people have spoken and they are not wanted there.

blackmale of the worst kind
The fanatical right with the constant preaching of intolerance, and religious dogma, have created this hostile enviorment of hatred, that the lunatic fringe feeds off of. To post a map, with a gunsight marking congresswomen Gifford, and then blame the media for the negative backlash, makes me think Palin thinks we're as stupid as she is.
The fanatical right with the constant preaching of intolerance, and religious dogma, have created this hostile enviorment of hatred, that the lunatic fringe feeds off of. To post a map, with a gunsight marking congresswomen Gifford, and then blame the media for the negative backlash, makes me think Palin thinks we're as stupid as she is.

Yes in fact you already have confirmed that you are.
Once again, for you idiots out there, you know who you are ! No one is to blame, other than the guy who pulled the trigger !
How naive, what is the very essence of politics, but to make people think and behave the way you want them to.

That is the right wings goal, to shock and instill fear. All this hate mongering is bound to create negative reactions from the fanaticle factions. The Tea Party, Sarah Palin, is that really what you people want.

I prefer to think for myself, rather than buying into the rhetoric these people vomit out.
How naive, what is the very essence of politics, but to make people think and behave the way you want them to.

That is the right wings goal, to shock and instill fear. All this hate mongering is bound to create negative reactions from the fanaticle factions. The Tea Party, Sarah Palin, is that really what you people want.

I prefer to think for myself, rather than buying into the rhetoric these people vomit out.
You are incapable of exercising independent thought when you mirror every other left wing whacko out there.

The left wing whackos should really learn the meaning of civility before they preach it to anyone else.
The fanatical right with the constant preaching of intolerance, and religious dogma, have created this hostile enviorment of hatred, that the lunatic fringe feeds off of. To post a map, with a gunsight marking congresswomen Gifford, and then blame the media for the negative backlash, makes me think Palin thinks we're as stupid as she is.

Oh my mean ones like these:

Oh my mean ones like these:

Palin%2BBulls-eye.png !!!

But, !

"Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie"
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I do not think this is an either/or situation. Was an add like the Palin add the sole cause for his or any ones actions. No. To think so is in my opinion naive. Is is a contributing factor, I think yes. There have been studies that have shown that people exposed to violent movies/games or messages are going to be more prone to violence. I think the rhetoric on all sides has crossed way over the line. There actions alone do not put someone over the edge but they certainly do have an effect.

Violence is every where. Movies, games, news, TV you name it. I do not see how that cannot affect the world in which we live and how we view it. When someone ticks you off, kick their butt. It seems that more and more the acceptable solution to a problem is to resort to violence. What ever happened to chewing someone out and flipping them the finger or insulting their mother?
I do not think this is an either/or situation. Was an add like the Palin add the sole cause for his or any ones actions. No. To think so is in my opinion naive. Is is a contributing factor, I think yes. There have been studies that have shown that people exposed to violent movies/games or messages are going to be more prone to violence. I think the rhetoric on all sides has crossed way over the line. There actions alone do not put someone over the edge but they certainly do have an effect.

Violence is every where. Movies, games, news, TV you name it. I do not see how that cannot affect the world in which we live and how we view it. When someone ticks you off, kick their butt. It seems that more and more the acceptable solution to a problem is to resort to violence. What ever happened to chewing someone out and flipping them the finger or insulting their mother?

"We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions." - Ronald Reagan