Congress woman shot along with bystanders

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The Feds have filed two 1st degree murders and and attempted murder of Congress member. I guess the state will file separate counts for the civilian (seems like a waste of resources).

I love this statement by Cpt Obvious

"There's reason to believe this individual may have a mental issue," Dupnik told reporters Saturday night.

update on shooting
The suspected shooter Jared Lee Loughner seems to have been targeting Mrs. Gifffords since 2007, according to a Wall Street Journal article.
After the shooting, investigators searched a safe connected to the shooting suspect, Jared Lee Loughner, and found a letter apparently sent to him by Ms. Giffords’s office thanking him for previously attending a similar “Congress on your corner” event in 2007.

Investigators also found paper on which the suspect apparently wrote the word “assassination” and “I planned ahead.” The meaning or significance of that writing isn’t clear.
DAMN YOU TEABAGGERS! You must have used your time machine to plan this attack!
Remember this doozey after the Times Square Bombing, Bloomberg rushes to judgment and blames it on (thinly disguised) tea party.

Then after they find out its a muslim terrorist, he reminds everyone not to "rush to judgment". :lol:
Who can be really sure what set this guy off. Maybe some of the more extreme stuff you see on the internet added fuel to the fire. Even if the internet/mass media did not exist he would have probably found something else to latch onto. All I know is I hope he's declared competant, if you know what I mean.
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I doubt anyone like this can point to an instant where they went from nice guy next door to bat S$%t crazy. I think it is a process. They here some people talking about something, they see some adds, they see some violent shows, they get picked on, they see spousal abuse, they feel ignored. Who knows. Or maybe the brain just shorts out on some. This guy seems to have been planning it for some time so it does not seem like he shorted out.

I feel that we live in a violent society that has accepted violence as a way of life and are unwilling to do anything to take it back. Each generation seems to get worse. I am not sure we have the ability to turn back right now. May be if it gets really bad and we do not destroy each other we will be able to avoid the abyss.
I doubt anyone like this can point to an instant where they went from nice guy next door to bat S$%t crazy. I think it is a process. They here some people talking about something, they see some adds, they see some violent shows, they get picked on, they see spousal abuse, they feel ignored. Who knows. Or maybe the brain just shorts out on some. This guy seems to have been planning it for some time so it does not seem like he shorted out.

I feel that we live in a violent society that has accepted violence as a way of life and are unwilling to do anything to take it back.
Like muslim terrorists, mexican drug lords, atheist flag burners? Or maybe you are more concerned about tea partiers, Sarah Palin supporters and anyone else that doesnt fit your radical extremist left wing ideologue?

Each generation seems to get worse. I am not sure we have the ability to turn back right now. May be if it gets really bad and we do not destroy each other we will be able to avoid the abyss.
Please share whose generation you are referring to. Like muslim terrorists, mexican drug lords, atheist flag burners or just tea partiers, Sarah Palin supporters and anyone else that doesnt fit your radical extremist left wing ideologue?

Does one feel the same when Reagan was attacked? Probably not so much.
Does one feel the same when a radical religion (Islam) is doing this on a daily basis around the world? Probably not so much.
Does one feel the same when people are slaughtered barely across our southern border? Probably not so much.

But one "bat S$%t crazy" atheist flag burner suddenly send one to evaluate whole generations or the abyss..or something.

Yikes....someone really needs to up the dosage on the prozac.
The obvious cause for this tragedy cannot be blamed on the left, the right, the middle. We may never know what makes a person snap. It appears this guy was on the senators radar since 2007 before Obama, Sarah Palin, and the Tea Party was around. It also appears that there were people that were troubled by this young man over time, but that it was never enough to lead any intervention.

In life there are bad things that happen for no apparent reason. Even horrific things. But we cannot take the actions of a mad man and somehow use this as an opportunity to besmirch political foes/speech nor restrict free speech and liberties. No one nor legislation can make the world free from harm from everything at every moment.

Illinois has the most strict gun control in the USA but leads the pack in violent gun related crime. Switzerland has one of the lowest crime rate in the world and allows one Semi-Auto rifle per male adult. No one robs anyone cause that other person is armed as well.

Perfect example
Looks like he was well known local kook on the radar of the officials including Sheriff Clarence Dupnik.

Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of Pima County, where the shooting happened, told reporters the suspect had a troubled past. "All I can tell you is that this person may have a mental issue," Dupnik said.

Jared Loughner has been making death threats by phone to many people in Pima County including staff of Pima Community College, radio personalities and local bloggers. When Pima County Sheriff’s Office was informed, his deputies assured the victims that he was being well managed by the mental health system. It was also suggested that further pressing of charges would be unnecessary and probably cause more problems than it solved as Jared Loughner has a family member that works for Pima County.

So it now comes out that the Sheriff’s office was aware of the threats, and did not act on them, then Clarence Dupnik needs to stop blaming the Right for the murder of six people and start blaming himself. Because Sheriff Dupnik is not in office to, say, fight partisan battles over state immigration policy: he’s in office to keep the peace.
Mugshot released of the pos

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I think things are getting blown out of proportion.
Speaking in her annual state of the state speech, Gov. Jan Brewer said the attack was an assault not merely on individuals, but on "on our republic, on our democracy." She said despite the impact, Arizona will not be brought down.
Story link

Come on. It was a nut job who took some people out. We live in a society that seems to relish death and we are surprised when it happens. In 2006 over 17,000 people were murdered. How is this a surprise. Sure it's sad that 6 more people were added to the list but I fail to see how this is a surprise. Mean while the gun control nuts from both sides will bluster and pff their chests while nothing gets done and thousands more will die every year.
Like I said, I hope he's declared competent to stand trial. If by some miracle he escapes the death penalty I'm sure someone who killed a nine year old girl would not be very popular amongst the general population.
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It's a bad situation no matter what happens. A man who obviously needed help gets to the point where he kills people. We put him in jail or execute him but what does that solve? We still have people being murdered every day and we seem to be no closer to dealing with it.
It's a bad situation no matter what happens. A man who obviously needed help gets to the point where he kills people. We put him in jail or execute him but what does that solve? We still have people being murdered every day and we seem to be no closer to dealing with it.
So whats your solution?
Sounds strangely like something I read in accounts of the postings of a person recently in the news.

No it was pointing out the quick rise to blame the Tea Party, Palin or anything on the right. The OP was pointing out the hypocrisy of the left political establishment along with their co-conspirators in the media who continuously spew their anti-American anti-right venom with out any retribution from anybody...but my God, let it happen from the right??
Any political party who tries to gain political advantage from terrible tragedy of others needs to be disenfranchised.
Thats the part you missed DW.
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No it was pointing out the quick rise to blame the Tea Party, Palin or anything on the right. The OP was pointing out the hypocrisy of the left political establishment along with their co-conspirators in the media who continuously spew their anti-American anti-right venom with out any retribution from anybody...but my God, let it happen from the right??
Any political party who tries to gain political advantage from terrible tragedy of others needs to be disenfranchised.
Thats the part you missed DW.

I am almost certain that is not what I said. There is hypocrisy on all sides and from all aspects of the media. I do not believe the liberals are any more anti-american than the right is. There are just different opinions. Your use of of the terms 'anti american, anti right and venom' seem to be part of the problem in my opinion. I disagree with quite a few of the views of the right. I do not consider them to be anti-american. I disagree with pretty much everything Bush and Cheney did but I believe he loves his country just as I do.

If you want to disenfranchise a party for taking advantage of something then you will have nothing left. Bush and Cheney took advantage of 9/11. Hell, Giuliani used 9/11 like there was no tomorrow. I assume you are not implying that the left using the AZ incident is an isolated case or that only the left was do something this slimy.