Congress woman shot along with bystanders

Curious censorship, did you slip the monitors a twenty? That is the way of your kind though, if you don't like what someone says, shout them out, or take a shot at them.

Send me to the cornfield, when you pull that crap, this just becomes a bore.
"We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions." - Ronald Reagan

You are incapable of exercising independent thought when you mirror every other right wing whacko out there.
You are incapable of exercising independent thought when you mirror every other right wing whacko out there.

So, in essence "The Man" saying he is "NOT" personally responsible for his actions, whether they're good or bad !

So who do you blame then, The Man.................the collective hive ?
You are incapable of exercising independent thought when you mirror every other right wing whacko out there.

You ought to hear what my dog wants me to do..........

You are incapable of exercising independent thought when you mirror every other right wing whacko out there.

I'm glad its only those damn right wing wacko's that are inciting the country to riot. Paul Krugman's one them right wing wacko's isn't he?

:blink: :blink:
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So, in essence "The Man" saying he is "NOT" personally responsible for his actions, whether they're good or bad !

So who do you blame then, The Man.................the collective hive ?

I think people are responsive for their actions BUT no one is independent of their surroundings. Who knows what the trigger is for each person. A victim of a bully snaps. Yes the victim is responsible for their actions, but is the bully not responsible for anything? I think they have a hand in the action(s) as well.
I think people are responsive for their actions BUT no one is independent of their surroundings. Who knows what the trigger is for each person. A victim of a bully snaps. Yes the victim is responsible for their actions, but is the bully not responsible for anything? I think they have a hand in the action(s) as well.

So the bully here is right wing talk radio?

I get it......only the left way is American, any disagreement or dissent with their agenda should be limited under the 1st amendment and categorized as hate speech.
A victim of a bully snaps. Yes the victim is responsible for their actions, but is the bully not responsible for anything?
The bully is responsible for his own actions on being a bully. The victim is responsible for their own actions. Its called good judgment and personal responsibility.

Without that then one can place blame on anyone for anything.
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So the bully here is right wing talk radio?

I get it......only the left way is American, any disagreement or dissent with their agenda should be limited under the 1st amendment and categorized as hate speech.

You and I have been arguing for long enough to know that is not what I said nor implied. I did not even mention right or left. All sides are equally guilty.

Furthermore I never even hinted at the idea of limiting anyone's free speech. I do think that we as a nation need to reject such speech and the behavior that goes with it.

Dell, you know me far better than that to imply such garbage.
You illustrated the victim/bully takes two to tango approach.......

Can't glean the left victims of the right bullies?

MSM sure as hell is trying...uh....that's right, they too are victims......

of falling ratings because of the majority of bullies listen to Fox News.
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You illustrated the victim/bully takes two to tango approach.......

Can't glean the left victims of the right bullies?

MSM sure as hell is trying...uh....that's right, they too are victims......

of falling ratings because of the majority of bullies listen to Fox News.

You can assume what ever you choose but you and I have been exchanging barbs for quite a long time. Long enough for you to know that I do not typically blame one side or the other. If my post was ambiguous then let me clear it up for you. The bully was not a reference to any political POV. Neither was the victim. Do not read anything into the statement that is not there.

What I am saying is exactly what you initially pointed out. It takes two to tango. Gas does not explode with out an ignition source. The killer in this case is guilty as hell. There is no disputing that as far as I am concerned. How ever something built up the tinder over time and then lit the fuse. That is something we need to look at if we wish to avoid such tragedies in the future.
For all you Liberal Hacks..............."The Man" !


"As for Loughner being influenced by tea partiers, Fox News and talk radio -- oops, another dead-end. According to all available evidence, Loughner is a liberal"
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For all you Liberal Hacks..............."The Man" !


"As for Loughner being influenced by tea partiers, Fox News and talk radio -- oops, another dead-end. According to all available evidence, Loughner is a liberal"

After the monstrous shooting in Arizona last week, surely we can all agree that we've got to pass Obama's agenda immediately and stop using metaphors.

At least I think that's what the mainstream media are trying to tell me.

Just o be clear. There is not really a law being proposed to 'ban metaphors', it was just a metaphor that she was using to prove one of her 'points' I really wish you would not post stuff from her. It's like having to read crap from Mathews or Oberman or Limbaugh, I feel like I have to shower.