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Ben Carson

What about the people who only voted for Bush because of the color ofnhis skin or did not vote for Obama because of his skin color? Bigotry is all over the place. There is a school in Georgia whrich has had segregated proms for the past 30 years. The pros are privately funded because the school is not hosting a prom.

Given that Obama is the first non-white president in the history of the US I would say that racism and sexism are still quite prevalent in the US.

The SEXISM part WILL be rectified... REAAAALLLLL SOON, on 1/20/2017 !!!!!!!!!!!
How about instead of your stupid one liner response you tell us how being gay is in any way related to pedophiles or bestiality?

If homosexuality is sold as a sexual preference, then so is heterosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality and many other forms of sexual preferences. Already academia in a couple other countries are leaning that way. That is the same way homosexuality went from a clinical diagnosis to an acceptable practice, that and a whole bunch of lobbying. So now the same 'if it feels good do it ' crowd is advocating and using the same tactic that made you comfortable with homosexuals, and now with pedophiles and other perversions and you find it unpalatable......be careful what you ask for......
You always flaunt the 14th for equal protection....so tell me, where is there any difference Tree?? LOL

The SEXISM part WILL be rectified... REAAAALLLLL SOON, on 1/20/2017 !!!!!!!!!!!

Watch out Barry-O, I'll throw a dodgeball at you and we all know how much you hate dodgeballs !

If homosexuality is sold as a sexual preference, then so is heterosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality and many other forms of sexual preferences. Already academia in a couple other countries are leaning that way. That is the same way homosexuality went from a clinical diagnosis to an acceptable practice, that and a whole bunch of lobbying. So now the same 'if it feels good do it ' crowd is advocating and using the same tactic that made you comfortable with homosexuals, and now with pedophiles and other perversions and you find it unpalatable......be careful what you ask for......
You always flaunt the 14th for equal protection....so tell me, where is there any difference Tree?? LOL


Thanks Dell, for spelling it out for the Libtards ! And sometimes they need pictures too !
Watch out Barry-O, I'll throw a dodgeball at you and we all know how much you hate dodgeballs !

Thanks Dell, for spelling it out for the Libtards ! And sometimes they need pictures too !

Come on South. Explain to me how heterosexuals are different from pedophiles or beastiality. Its an easy question. There is a legal difference that separates heteros from the the others. It also applies to homosexuals as well. The difference is what makes Dells ignorant rant irrelevant.

Ill give you a hint The word starts with C and ends with a T.

You guys need to give up the fear mongering. No one buys it any more. There is no legal grounds for discriminating against gays. DOMA is dead come June in my opinion. Prop 8 will fall but it will be a narrow ruling. The falling of DOMA will open the flood gales to more suits due to a legal marriage in one state nite being recogniZed in another. I thinking the 4th or 5th that applies but I am not sure.
Come on South. Explain to me how heterosexuals are different from pedophiles or beastiality. Its an easy question. There is a legal difference that separates Heaters from the the others. It also applies to homosexuals as well. The difference is what makes Cells ignorant rant irrelevant.

Ill give you a hint The word starts with C and ends with a T.

You guys need to give up the fear lingering. No one buys it any more. There is no legal grounds for discriminating against gays. DOMA is dead come June in opinion. Prop 8 will fall but it will be a narrow ruling. The falling of DOMA will open the flood gales to more suits due to a legal marriage in one state nite being recogniZed in another. I thinking the 4th or 5th that applies but I am not sure.

LOL....homosexuality would still be a clinical psychiatric diagnosis if it wasn't for lobbying against the American Psychiatric Association.....at the time a Conservative organization......and I bet there was grant money at stake....just like climate change....so lobbying gave us an acceptance of homosexuality........not some abstract equal rights issue. And now the same tactic has been applied to pedophiles and what ever else......I hope you are queerly happy.
Come on South. Explain to me how heterosexuals are different from pedophiles or beastiality. Its an easy question. There is a legal difference that separates heteros from the the others. It also applies to homosexuals as well. The difference is what makes Dells ignorant rant irrelevant.

Ill give you a hint The word starts with C and ends with a T.

You guys need to give up the fear mongering. No one buys it any more. There is no legal grounds for discriminating against gays. DOMA is dead come June in my opinion. Prop 8 will fall but it will be a narrow ruling. The falling of DOMA will open the flood gales to more suits due to a legal marriage in one state nite being recogniZed in another. I thinking the 4th or 5th that applies but I am not sure.

There was a legal difference regarding homosexuals until lobbying pressure changed the minds of APA.....and a few grants............LOL

So now what Tree??? Feels good......I got wood.

Sodom and Gomorrah were the in places back in the day....

So maybe you can show where homosexuality was accepted with out the lobbying against the APA.
Come on South. Explain to me how heterosexuals are different from pedophiles or beastiality. Its an easy question. There is a legal difference that separates heteros from the the others. It also applies to homosexuals as well. The difference is what makes Dells ignorant rant irrelevant.

Ill give you a hint The word starts with C and ends with a T.

You guys need to give up the fear mongering. No one buys it any more. There is no legal grounds for discriminating against gays. DOMA is dead come June in my opinion. Prop 8 will fall but it will be a narrow ruling. The falling of DOMA will open the flood gales to more suits due to a legal marriage in one state nite being recogniZed in another. I thinking the 4th or 5th that applies but I am not sure.

Oh dear......the difference is as you have previously stated, a sexual preference......sexual preference for a mate of the opposite sex......just like as you stated previously, homosexuals have a sexual preference also.....same as pedophiles and whatever else......tragic reality, eh Mr Wood?

You've killed yourself with your own words.
There is a reason God made a Man and a Woman and not a Man and a Man or a Woman and Woman!
I'll give you a hint. It starts with P and ends with an N and means survival of the species !
There is a reason God made a Man and a Woman and not a Man and a Man or a Woman and Woman!
I'll give you a hint. It starts with P and ends with an N and means survival of the species !

Jesus Christ Almighty.

H O W..many times do I have to TELL YOU ??

" G E T...B A C K...in Your... C A G E " you friggin' SIMPLETON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is a reason God made a Man and a Woman and not a Man and a Man or a Woman and Woman!
I'll give you a hint. It starts with P and ends with an N and means survival of the species !

I know what procreation is and that has nothign to do with equality under the law or marriage.

Since you do not seem to know the answer I'll tell you. It is called consent. It is a legal term. It means that inorder for a relationship to be legal under the law all parties involved must give consent. A minor cannot give consent (there go the pedophiles) and animals do not have the ability to gove consent (there goes beastiality). Adults over the age of 16-18 (that seems to be the general spectrum of the minimum age of consent) can give consent and that is what makes relationships between same sex or oppposite sex legal and different from the other types of interactions that are not legal unde the eyes of the law.
I know what procreation is and that has nothign to do with equality under the law or marriage.

Since you do not seem to know the answer I'll tell you. It is called consent. It is a legal term. It means that inorder for a relationship to be legal under the law all parties involved must give consent. A minor cannot give consent (there go the pedophiles) and animals do not have the ability to gove consent (there goes beastiality). Adults over the age of 16-18 (that seems to be the general spectrum of the minimum age of consent) can give consent and that is what makes relationships between same sex or oppposite sex legal and different from the other types of interactions that are not legal unde the eyes of the law.

However, as with homosexuality.....a known clinical diagnosis and not deemed a normal activity.......active lobbying against the medical community and I use that term loosely, forced the APA to change their view....not with any break through discover mind you, but active lobbying. Now the same view regarding pedophilia is once again under attack by the same or similar minded people who claimed homosexuality was a sexual preference and not some perversion. And you bring up consent? Why then is it ok to teach school children under the age of consent that it is ok to want to get in Johhny's pants if you are a male ? And if these things are being taught in the lower levels of schooling, that in itself is a cart blanch nod of consent. So children discovering the 'if it feels good do it' mantra go home and try it under the age of consent....so much for the sexual preference called pedophilia.
Why then is it ok to teach school children under the age of consent that it is ok to want to get in Johhny's pants if you are a male ? And if these things are being taught in the lower levels of schooling

What school? What grade?

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