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Ben Carson

Hey 'southwindBAG.
I KNOW you've Never read the NY Times (they never have story's or Pictures about ..N A S C A R)....but brother, you need to read THIS article !!!

Be it Alan Keyes/Michael Steele/(uncle) Herman/Alan West/and now Dr. Carson, whenever these guys come along, I seem to always be reminded of that famous childrens book of years gone bye, written by....Harriett Beecher Stowe !

He makes issue of the exploitation of a Conservative Black man by the GOP.

I ask, what is wrong with that?
Not sure how you talk but if I am making comparisons Ill mention them in the same sentence kind of like saying snapper, talapia and salmon are all fish.

Yes he mentioned them in one sentence. Three completely unrelated things in one sentence. He was equating all three no matter how he would like to dance around it.

So I take it you've never ordered "Steak and Lobster" then !
He makes issue of the exploitation of a Conservative Black man by the GOP.

I ask, what is wrong with that?

Yeah ! Because we all know that BaRack, who is half black, wasn't exploited by the Demorats because of his half-blackness !
Not all black conservatives see it as their job to tell white racists that they embody the dreams of Martin Luther King Jr.

We been bundled here?
We all white racists?
This guy got Honk issues?

How stupid of me, this guy gets a pass...........

The only part he leaves out, are people who voted for BaRack, simply because of the color of his skin and not because they thought he could not do the job !

What about the people who only voted for Bush because of the color ofnhis skin or did not vote for Obama because of his skin color? Bigotry is all over the place. There is a school in Georgia whrich has had segregated proms for the past 30 years. The pros are privately funded because the school is not hosting a prom.

Given that Obama is the first non-white president in the history of the US I would say that racism and sexism are still quite prevalent in the US.
Sure have. They are both considered entrees, meats, and they go well together. Unlike being gay and pedophiles.

If it feels good....WTF?

Paedophiles may be wired differently. This is radical stuff. But there is a growing conviction, notably in Canada, that paedophilia should probably be classified as a distinct sexual orientation, like heterosexuality or homosexuality. Two eminent researchers testified to that effect to a Canadian parliamentary commission last year, and the Harvard Mental Health Letter of July 2010 stated baldly that paedophilia “is a sexual orientation” and therefore “unlikely to change”.

The reclassification of paedophilia as a sexual orientation would, however, play into what Goode calls “the sexual liberation discourse”, which has existed since the 1970s. “There are a lot of people,” she says, “who say: we outlawed homosexuality, and we were wrong. Perhaps we’re wrong about paedophilia.”Social perceptions do change. Child brides were once the norm; in the late 16th century the age of consent in England was 10. More recently, campaigning organisations of the 70s and 80s such as the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) and Paedophile Action for Liberation were active members of the NCCL when it made its parliamentary submission questioning the lasting damage caused by consensual paedophilic relations… A Dutch study published in 1987 found that a sample of boys in paedophilic relationships felt positively about them. And a major if still controversial 1998-2000 meta-study suggests – as J Michael Bailey of Northwestern University, Chicago, says – that such relationships, entered into voluntarily, are “nearly uncorrelated with undesirable outcomes.

For Goode, though, broader, societal change is needed. “Adult sexual attraction to children is part of the continuum of human sexuality; it’s not something we can eliminate,” she says. “If we can talk about this rationally – acknowledge that yes, men do get sexually attracted to children, but no, they don’t have to act on it – we can maybe avoid the hysteria. We won’t label paedophiles monsters; it won’t be taboo to see and name what is happening in front of us.
”We can help keep children safe, Goode argues, “by allowing paedophiles to be ordinary members of society, with moral standards like everyone else”, and by “respecting and valuing those paedophiles who choose self-restraint”. Only then will men tempted to abuse children “be able to be honest about their feelings, and perhaps find people around them who could support them and challenge their behaviour before children get harmed”.
How about instead of your stupid one liner response you tell us how being gay is in any way related to pedophiles or bestiality?
Tell me how it is not? All 3 are about sexual preference..............correct?

And Btw............why don't you ever get on Wonder dog for his one liners ?
Oh...............................it's ok if your a Libtard !
Tell me how it is not? All 3 are about sexual preference..............correct?

And Btw............why don't you ever get on Wonder dog for his one liners ?
Oh...............................it's ok if your a Libtard !

With your line of logic then heteros are also the same as gays pedophiles and beastiality. Is that what you are really trying to argue.

Because I am not arguing with him and I really do not care.
Tell me how it is not? All 3 are about sexual preference..............correct?

And Btw............why don't you ever get on Wonder dog for his one liners ?
Oh...............................it's ok if your a Libtard !

"BOOOO....HOOOOO" / "WHAAAAAAA" / "SNIFFF-SNIFFF" (G D .....WIMP) !!!!!!!!!!!!

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