Congress woman shot along with bystanders

How ever something built up the tinder over time and then lit the fuse. That is something we need to look at if we wish to avoid such tragedies in the future.

Well what do you think it is/was?

He isn't in to politics.
He isn't into TV.
He isn't into right wing.
He isn't into left wing.

He is mentally unstable.

Bunch of black ops guys in a van sending top secret electromagnetic energy and rebooted his organic computer, thus flipping his switch.
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I dont think you can ever point to a single it. You dont build a house with a piece wood. There are probably numerous things that contributed to him going off the reservation. I doubt we will ever know what was the final triger.
Point is, much to everyone's chagrin.........doesn't look like it was the way the left so quickly tried to make it be.

As usual.......why is that?
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Point is, much to everyone's chagrin.........doesn't look like it was the way the left so quickly tried to make it be.

As usual.......why is that?

For the same reason it is not the way the right portrays it either. It's politics. Both sides lie through their teeth so that the typical idiot voter will not look behind the curtain and see the guy pulling the strings.

As I have said before, we have the government we deserve.
For the same reason it is not the way the right portrays it either. It's politics. Both sides lie through their teeth so that the typical idiot voter will not look behind the curtain and see the guy pulling the strings.

As I have said before, we have the government we deserve.

The table sure as hell looks quite tilted to the left.
The table sure as hell looks quite tilted to the left.
Thats quite the understatement. Where was all this outrage when Bush was in office. The left paraded around yelling death to Bush, Cheney etc. Political discourse is allowed only when it benefits the lefty liberals.
The liberals really went off a cliff this time. Looking forward to seeing the results of their despicable behavior in 2012.
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Its two years away. What ever happened will be long forgoten. If the republicans dont start comibg up with something viable they will have a harder time than they think.

If history is any indication of the future, the republican idiots will be replaced with dm idiots and the cycle will continue.
Its two years away. What ever happened will be long forgoten. If the republicans dont start comibg up with something viable they will have a harder time than they think.

If history is any indication of the future, the republican idiots will be replaced with dm idiots and the cycle will continue.

Actually history has show the exact opposite.

You said the same thing about the 2010 election cycle. Everyone would have forgotten about Obamacare and all the rest of the marxist crap shoved down the publics throat against their will.

And look at the decimated results! The biggest landslide loss in american history.

The libtards really stepped in it big time and can't wait as well to see them go down in flames once again.
I think its going to be hard for people to forget, especially as the left seems to keep pushing the agenda and blaming everyone but themselves. The left seemed to be laying in wait for something bad to happen and pin it on the tea party and Sarah Palin. Now it has back fired for the public to see, and yet they keep pushing the agenda. Its really morbid and disgusting.
More from the party of warm and fuzzies...

Survivor Of Arizona Shooting Who Blamed Palin Arrested For Making Death Threat Against Tea Party Spokesman

Toward the end of the town hall meeting Saturday morning, one of the shooting victims, J. Eric Fuller, took exception to comments by two of the speakers: Ariz. state Rep. Terri Proud, a Dist. 26 Republican, and Tucson Tea Party spokesman Trent Humphries.

According to sheriff's deputies at the scene, Fuller took a photo of Humphries and said, "You're Dead."

Deputies immediately escorted Fuller from the room.

Pima County Sheriff's spokesman Jason Ogan said later Saturday that Fuller has been charged with threats and intimidation and he also will be charged with disorderly conduct.
Looks pretty centered from where I am standing.

Yeah, I think you're right(no pun intended)......I remember Hillary squawking about the right and the politics of personal destruction.

Know who started the birther crap?? ;)

From what I've seen, they accuse the right of all the stuff THEY do. Jesse, Al, Franke, Reid, Pelosi.

Wake up.
In her recent election in 2010, the Congresswoman ran against a Tea Party Candidate. From Yahoo...

..."n June, the campaign of Giffords' Republican opponent in this year's midterms, Jesse Kelly, placed an ad that read: "Get on target for victory in November/ Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office/ Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."

The website for Kelly, a former US Marine, depicted him with holding an automatic weapon...."

So an upset voter hears constant bickering on 24 hour news channels, both left and right, and some poor innocent 9 year old kid is gunned down. Something is terribly wrong in this country and this world when we've reverted back in to Middle Age thinking. It's gotten to the point that elections are non stop and the losing party won't accept the results. We are sacrificing our young for a political gain. Sad, very, very sad.

TUCSON, Ariz. — A Tucson mass shooting victim was taken into custody Saturday after yelling "you're dead" at a Tea Party spokesman during the taping of an ABC-TV town hall event hosted by Christianne Amanpour.
