Congress woman shot along with bystanders

What does the Ft. Hood massacre, and Saturday’s Arizona massacre have in common? Almost nothing.

With Ft. Hood, an open islamist gunned down dozens in an attack he all but said he was going to launch, and the best the Left could do was blame America’s love of guns while preaching that we cannot rush to judgment. To this day apologists on the left still will not bring themselves to conclude that Major Hasan was a Jihad terrorist animated by radical Islam.

On the other hand, the blood hasn’t even been mopped up yet in Tucson, and disgusting opportunists on the Left have already declared the Arizona massacre an official act of the Tea Party:

DISGRACEFUL: Krugman Blames GOP For “Attempted Assassination” Today (Before We Found Out He’s a Leftwinger)

Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik Blames AZ “Prejudice & Bigotry” for Shooting (Video)

Yes, that’s right. The very same people who cannot figure out what animated Major Hasan al Jihad, have swiftly concluded that the lunatic who murdered 6 people Saturday was motivated by the Tea Party.

Funny how that works. The Tea Party is afforded less benefit of the doubt than radical Islam!
Gotta love how the left is scavenging the flesh of the dead for an "opportunity" for Obama.

One veteran Democratic operative, who blames overheated rhetoric for the shooting, said President Barack Obama should carefully but forcefully do what his predecessor did.
“They need to deftly pin this on the tea partiers,” said the Democrat. “Just like the Clinton White House deftly pinned the Oklahoma City bombing on the militia and anti-government people.”
Another Democratic strategist said the similarity is that Tucson and Oklahoma City both “take place in a climate of bitter and virulent rhetoric against the government and Democrats.”

Hows that motto again? Never let a good crisis go to waste?

Still don't have an answer to my question.

I suspect a sickness no human tragedy can cut through.
I did answer it, you have a comprehension problem? You haven't been paying attention again? :blink:

It is tragic. At a time we should show respect and compassion the left is using this "opportunity" to demonize those on the right and some make a link to their deaths.
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Some folks are just not wired right from day one. All it takes is a trigger moment. I don't know if we will ever know what that trigger was for this nut.

I'm not one to believe in coincidence so the fact that she is a politician and she was shot at her event seems as good a place as any to start looking. Politics in this country has become quite nasty and needs to change. Seems the folks who like WWF are the same people running the political machines.
Some folks are just not wired right from day one. All it takes is a trigger moment. I don't know if we will ever know what that trigger was for this nut.

I'm not one to believe in coincidence so the fact that she is a politician and she was shot at her event seems as good a place as any to start looking. Politics in this country has become quite nasty and needs to change. Seems the folks who like WWF are the same people running the political machines.
Obama likes WWF? Who knew?

The rhetoric and partisanship since the shooting is more repulsive than that which preceded it. A truly disgusting exploitation of a tragedy.
More left wing rage...

This shows the evil of the left that wins all the awards for "rhetoric." Nothing on the right compares.

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I've been reading various forums and blogs and peoeples ignorance never ceases to amaze me.

There are people saying that this is the fault of the right wing and people are amazed that the right is defensive about this. Yet when Mcveigh bombed the Fed in Ok, the right was quick to lump that nut job with the left and wonder why the left was defensive?

Why can people not grasp that these people are just plain nuts? They are on the political fringe at best. None of these people are representitive of the people in general.

I hope this guy is not shown to have any political ties or beliefs. That is the last thing political discourse needs now.
I hope this guy is not shown to have any political ties or beliefs. That is the last thing political discourse needs now.
Too late, he's already been proven to be a typical left wing liberal progressive extremist. Its no coincidence that the Gabrielle Gifford was a blue dog democrat. Guess she wasn't extreme left enough for him.
Ms Tree said:
Yet when Mcveigh bombed the Fed in Ok, the right was quick to lump that nut job with the left and wonder why the left was defensive?
That's an interesting revision of history there. Except the facts don't support your version of that fairy tale you just told.