Congress woman shot along with bystanders

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There are few good things about politicians. What ever they say they will do you can pretty much count on them not doing. What they will consistently do is cover their own butts and vote for their self interest and their backers. If need be, they would sell their soul to get elected. I don't trust them any farther than I can throw one.
There are few good things about politicians. What ever they say they will do you can pretty much count on them not doing. What they will consistently do is cover their own butts and vote for their self interest and their backers. If need be, they would sell their soul to get elected. I don't trust them any farther than I can throw one.
Congress woman Giffords seems to be an exception.
There are few good things about politicians. What ever they say they will do you can pretty much count on them not doing. What they will consistently do is cover their own butts and vote for their self interest and their backers. If need be, they would sell their soul to get elected. I don't trust them any farther than I can throw one.
Congresswoman Giffords seems to be an exception.
Had campus security and his parents followed up with proper treatment and reported his actions, he, from what it sounds, would have been an easy PP and unable to buy a weapon. Had the Sheriff’s office acted upon what is suggested as their advanced knowledge of Loughner’s troubled history, they may have obtained a warrant and confiscated his firearm, or apprehended him before he bought it. Of course, this simply assumes that Loughner was only motivated to cause harm because he was in possession of a firearm and presupposes that the firearm was an accessory motivator and rules out for certain that Loughner would never have attacked anyone with, say, a knife, bat, or any other weapon.

The problem isn’t the fallacy that Arizona’s law failed, Arizona’s law, like every law, can only work if followed. Prohibited possession can only work if if troubled individuals are reported to authorities so that the existing laws can be applied to them and, in this case, prevent them from purchasing firearms.

The 31 states that have “shall issue” laws allowing private citizens to carry concealed weapons have, on average, a 24 percent lower violent crime rate, a 19 percent lower murder rate and a 39 percent lower robbery rate than states that forbid concealed weapons. In fact, the nine states with the lowest violent crime rates are all right-to-carry states. Remarkably, guns are used for self-defense more than 2 million times a year, three to five times the estimated number of violent crimes committed with guns.
More liberal elitists on a rampage killing Congressional Republicans, their wives, and children?....wheres the outrage?

Still don't have an answer to my question.

I suspect a sickness no human tragedy can cut through.

Err, the second post in this thread started the political jargon...............try reading the entire thread, before you start bashing the wrong peeps, next time !

And yes it's a shame , that in this day and age, we have tragedy's like this ! But, I'm afraid as long as there are demented people in the world , we will continue to witness events like this..............Lincoln, Kennedy, King and the like.

There is "NO ONE" to blame , other than the person that pulled the trigger !
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Why don't you look at her voting record before painting all politicians
with a broad brush as you so quaintly describe them.

Because if you look at the way this country is run it is far easier to use the brush that to look for the needle in the hay stack. There are some politicians that I agree with on a few issues. More often than not, I ave very little respect for them as a whole because what they say and what they do typically do not match. I would have no issue with every single one of them being voted out of office tomorrow.
Because if you look at the way this country is run it is far easier to use the brush that to look for the needle in the hay stack. There are some politicians that I agree with on a few issues. More often than not, I ave very little respect for them as a whole because what they say and what they do typically do not match. I would have no issue with every single one of them being voted out of office tomorrow.
That virtually happened November 4th. You're implying that this new group is no better than the old. Are you proposing anarchy?
Do you have suggestions or solutions as to how this country is run?
That virtually happened November 4th. You're implying that this new group is no better than the old. Are you proposing anarchy?
Do you have suggestions or solutions as to how this country is run?
If it ain't liberal then its bad, Hint: He holds his nose as a voting indicator :lol:
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That virtually happened November 4th. You're implying that this new group is no better than the old. Are you proposing anarchy?
Do you have suggestions or solutions as to how this country is run?

Suggesting? HE!! I'm saying that flat out. We just replaced one set of idiots with another. In few years we will replace the new idiots with the old ones and the cycle will continue. Hell, we just kicked out the other idiots a few years ago for screwing things up and we just gave it back to them because the replacement idiots screwed up too.

I do have a few ideas.

- get rid of the money. Elections POTUS, Congress and Governor) are federal funded. Candidates get a set amount of money. Incumbent get 'x%' less to compensate for name recognition.

- get various universities to do backgrounds on the candidates. There would be several debates (real ones like in school). Attendances is mandatory to receive funds. No one knows he questions so no prep time.

- reduce election cycle to one or two months.

- Get rid of the electoral college. May be that will allow us to get someone other than the idiots that we have been getting.

- all elected officials get to buy their own health care and fund their own retirement.

- salaries are to be in line with the national average with a stipend for living in DC. Raises are voted on by us not them.

- SCOTUS/Fed Court appointments are not for life. Twenty years or so max. If you are on life support or O2 then you probably do not need to be on the bench.

- I have to be at work on my scheduled days then so do you. If you're not at work you better have a dam good reason.

- no one who serves in an administration at any level may ever have any business and may never be hired by an company that has business with the government or any agency of the government.

- the budget bill only has money for the budget to run a predetermined set of agencies. All other funding must be voted on and clearly marked.

- if you are going to start war you damn well better have a way to pay for it. If you think the US people want it then let us pay for it through bonds or taxes. We did it for WWII and it worked just fine.

- if your going to start a war, your kids get to fight it with the rest of us. (not sure how this works but I would be willing to bet that if Jenna, Chelse or ... had to go on the front line a few things might have been different).

That's a start. What do you have?
Suggesting? HE!! I'm saying that flat out. We just replaced one set of idiots with another. In few years we will replace the new idiots with the old ones and the cycle will continue. Hell, we just kicked out the other idiots a few years ago for screwing things up and we just gave it back to them because the replacement idiots screwed up too.

I do have a few ideas.

- get rid of the money. Elections POTUS, Congress and Governor) are federal funded. Candidates get a set amount of money. Incumbent get 'x%' less to compensate for name recognition.

- get various universities to do backgrounds on the candidates. There would be several debates (real ones like in school). Attendances is mandatory to receive funds. No one knows he questions so no prep time.

- reduce election cycle to one or two months.

- Get rid of the electoral college. May be that will allow us to get someone other than the idiots that we have been getting.

- all elected officials get to buy their own health care and fund their own retirement.

- salaries are to be in line with the national average with a stipend for living in DC. Raises are voted on by us not them.

- SCOTUS/Fed Court appointments are not for life. Twenty years or so max. If you are on life support or O2 then you probably do not need to be on the bench.

- I have to be at work on my scheduled days then so do you. If you're not at work you better have a dam good reason.

- no one who serves in an administration at any level may ever have any business and may never be hired by an company that has business with the government or any agency of the government.

- the budget bill only has money for the budget to run a predetermined set of agencies. All other funding must be voted on and clearly marked.

- if you are going to start war you damn well better have a way to pay for it. If you think the US people want it then let us pay for it through bonds or taxes. We did it for WWII and it worked just fine.

- if your going to start a war, your kids get to fight it with the rest of us. (not sure how this works but I would be willing to bet that if Jenna, Chelse or ... had to go on the front line a few things might have been different).

That's a start. What do you have?
I would go along with what we have. It's worked pretty well for the last 235 years and it sure beats anything else that's out there.