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There is simply no other way to put it- the Reserve system is beyond horrible. There is no one who knows that more than the members of Master Executive Council. All of your Local Presidents and the MEC Officers know the havoc and difficulties the Reserve population endures. We know this because all of us deal with Reserve issues every day. We know this because we all receive emails and phone calls from angry and frustrated Reserves.

The simple fact is this- we are working under a ratified agreement. :down: The Company has no incentive to change the Reserve system outside of single agreement negotiations. :down: The MEC has worked very hard to make as many changes as the Company would agree to after the FAA 24/7 ruling. We have been successful in some areas but not in as many as you (or us) would like. I have heard from two Reserves in the last few days that both made the same comment, "you are not going to change anything because you are not a Reserve and it does not affect you".

Nothing could be farther from the truth. If the MEC could change the system tomorrow we would. There is nothing for the MEC or the JNC to gain by not changing the Reserve system.

Human nature is what it is-people often only care about what directly affects them. Leaders of any kind, political, civic or Union can't, or at least, shouldn't think that way. I can assure you that I don't think that way and I am sure no one else on the MEC thinks that way. The reason is in the first line of this paragraph-by virtue of our jobs as leaders, the Reserve system does directly affect us.

Every time a Reserve calls one of us we are directly affected.
Every time a Reserve sends one of us an email we are directly affected.
Every time a Reserve talks to one of us on a flight we are directly affected.

There is no Lineholder against Reserve mentality on either the MEC or the JNC. Both groups have concerns that we need to address. Both groups have concerns that WE WILL address

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yada, yada, yada. So what your saying here is that the usairways blockholder has suffered as much as a reserve has? A blockholder has given up and had as much taken away through concessions as a reserve? I just want to make sure I'm understanding you right. I have said it along with hundreds of others, "PLEASE bid reserve for a few months and get back to me". It is awful and we are here to PAD the blockholders schedules. That is NOT what reserves are here for. We are NOT here for Sally who can't make it in from the west coast for her int'l trip. I am so sick and tired of seeing reserves quickcalled for f'n int'l trips because of that. When it gets to me plain and simple not going. FATIGUED ! ! !
sky high states: Ok, lets STOP scheduling this airline on a "daily basis". Everyone is required to fly their lines. NO MORE BIDSHEET, LET'S END THAT FLEXIBILITY, NOW. Less trips to cover with reserves, less F/A's on the property. Lets send out those Furlough notices NOW!!!

good point, Travelpro.
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Why do you think doing away with the bid-sheet would require less flight attendents, especially as restricted as it is?

Why not enforce a pay-cap? Say, a max of 105, especially for union folks. That would increase pressure for increasing compensation, which, IMHO, is where the FA should really be.
"PLEASE bid reserve for a few months and get back to me".

This is going to be the only way that anyone can say, I understand, or I feel your pain. I bailed out in the right time. But I HAVE sat that reserve system and let me tell you, its just hell.
I like where Mike Flores states " we are working under a ratified agreement". No s**t, Sherlock, but didn't that "ratified agreement" you mention also contain Pref. Bidding, which fFlores totally endorsed when he was running for office in CLT. Again, this is total crap for a RSV f/a. You don't feel my pain, unless you live it PAL. Put in a rotating RSV system. I dare you. Come on, support it. I'm sure BH's wouldn't mind. Afterall, it would be fair to all, right.
Why do you think doing away with the bid-sheet would require less flight attendents, especially as restricted as it is?

sky high states: Trips are crewed on a daily basis, right?
who knows which F/A's will trip improve onto another day, right? Having those two variables, you need enough Reserves or blockholders to pick up the difference. If everyone is flying their lines, there would be a smaller ratio of trips to cover except sick or no show F/A's.

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It is awful and we are here to PAD the blockholders schedules. That is NOT what reserves are here for. We are NOT here for Sally who can't make it in from the west coast for her int'l trip. I am so sick and tired of seeing reserves quickcalled for f'n int'l trips because of that. When it gets to me plain and simple not going. FATIGUED ! ! !

sky high states: Please enlighten me on why you're here as a Reserve.

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Reserve at USAirways is a life long journey. It is caustic and demeaning. The Schedulers for the most part are pathetic and are at there ultimate rude alert when they talk to reserves. They push you all around and they NEVER have to look you in the face. It is just one side of this fragmented company. We are segregated by the company to fight from within and the Union does very little to aleviate the Tension.
sky high states: Trips are crewed on a daily basis, right?
who knows which F/A's will trip improve onto another day, right? Having those two variables, you need enough Reserves or blockholders to pick up the difference. If everyone is flying their lines, there would be a smaller ratio of trips to cover except sick or no show F/A's.

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You are attempting to compare amongst different criteria.

You still have X amount of block time per month to fill. Added to that are wx/mx adds as well as sick and vacation. Divide by 85 or whatever your feel-good average should be and voila, the number of F/As. Should a F/A "trip improve" all that means are they are time shifting their block, they still need to fly their "average" for the month.

Major fluctuations are handled by competent schedulers (deny drops, etc.).

BTW, preferential bidding, the only way US will implement it, sucks for all but the top 5%.
sky high states: Please enlighten me on why you're here as a Reserve.

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Maybe scheduling could better answer that for you. Maybe they could also answer why other airlines don't have reserves sitting around for as many years as we do. Maybe they can ALSO explain that they keep it this way so the blockholder has the flexibility they do today. I'm not begrudging a blockholder to have flexibilities BUT this is all kept at the expense of the reserve. I sure as hell don't understand what YOU don't get. AGAIN, do us all a favor and bid reserve since you think it's NOT that bad. I'll gladly take your block. What BS.
I'm not begrudging a blockholder to have flexibilities BUT this is all kept at the expense of the reserve.

sky high states: What flexibilities? NOT being able to trip improve off of weekend trips now, you have to touch those days. Or when the bid sheet isnt restricted? When is that?
You're NOT on reserve at the expense of blockholders, this company has downsized for the past 15 years! You get off reserve when THERE IS MOVEMENT in seniority. That's NOT happened, except for voluntary leaves. And those leaves allowed many of you to KEEP your job.

What exactly, do you want from the blockholders???????

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